出自 MBA智库百科(
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智庫執行編輯 |
- B2C(Business to consumer)
- 撥備覆蓋率(Provision coverage)
- 本幣升值(Currency appreciation)
- 保本型基金(Capital guarantee fund)
- BB值(Book-to-bill ratio)
- 板材(Flat steel)
- 彼得.林奇(Peter Lynch)
- 變動成本(Variable cost)
- 波動性(Volatility)
- 被動型投資(Passive investing)
- 巴菲特(Warren Buffett)
- 併購(M&A)
- 本金(Principal)
- 白酒板塊(Distilled spirit sector)
- 板塊(Sector)
- 剝離(Divestiture)
- 不良貸款(Non-performing loans, NPLs)
- 布萊克.舒爾茨模型(Black-Scholes model)
- 布萊克-舒爾茨模型(Black-Scholes model)
- 波浪理論(Elliott wave principle)
- 不良債權(Non-performing credit)
- 百慕大期權(Bermuda option)
- 扁平化(Flat structure)
- 博傻(Greater fool)
- B-to-B(B2B Business to business)
- B-to-C(B2C Business to consumer)
- 波特五力分析(Porter’s 5 forces)
- 貝塔值(Beta, β)
- 包銷(Bought deal)
- 保有量(Penetration)
- 博弈理論(Game theory)
- 白衣騎士(White knight)
- 貶值(Devaluation)
- 保證金(Margin account)
- 保證金交易(Margin trading)
- ARPU值(Average Revenue Per User)
- B2C(Business to consumer)
- 剝離(Divestiture)
- B-to-B(B2B Business to business)
- B-to-C(B2C Business to consumer)
- 處方藥(Prescription drug)
- 產能過剩(Excess capacity)
- 長期趨勢(Secular trend)
- 承銷業務(Underwriting)
- 單店銷售額(Sales per store)
- 代工,OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer)
- 代理人問題(Agency problem)
- 董事會(Board of director)
- 毒丸計劃(Poison pill)
- 彈性(Elasticity)
- 彈性需求(Elastic demand)
- 多元化控股公司(Conglomerate)
- 敵意收購(Hostile takeover)
- 電子製造服務商(Electronics Manufacturing Servic...)
- EMS,電子製造服務商(Electronics Manufacturing Servic...)
- 分拆(Spin-off, demerger)
- 非處方藥(OTC drug)
- 反壟斷法(Anti-trust law)
- 非利息收入(Non-interest income)
- 反收購(Anti-takeover)
- 防守型行業(Defensive sector)
- 範圍經濟(Economies of scope)
- 副業收入(Ancillary revenue)
- 關聯企業(Affiliated companies)
- 關聯人士(Affiliated person)
- 規模經濟遞減(Diseconomies of scale)
- 股權結構(Shareholding structure)
- 股權激勵(Stock incentive compensation)
- 過橋融資(Bridge financing)
- 供應鏈(Supply chain)
- 公眾公司([[]])
- 橫向整合(Horizontal integration)
- 擠兌(Bank run)
- 接單出貨比,BB值(Book-to-bill ratio)
- 經濟利潤(Economic profit)
- 借殼上市(Going public by shell)
- 景氣(Prosperity)
- 景氣指數(Prosperity index)
- 進入壁壘(Barriers to entry)
- 金融超市(Finance supermarket)
- 集體訴訟(Class action)
- 經營杠桿(Operational gearing,Operating levera...)
- 控股公司(Holding company)
- 殼公司(Shell company)
- 客戶流失率(Churn rate)
- 快速消費品(Fast moving congsuming goods, FMCG)
- 卡特爾(Cartel)
- 可用座位公裡數(Average seat kilometer, ASK)
- 客座率(Seat kilometer utilization)
- 擴張期(Expansion phase)
- 殼資源([[]])
- 勞動密集型(行業)(Labour intensive)
- 臨時股東大會(Extraordinary general meeting,EGM)
- 買方市場(Buyer’s market)
- 母公司(Parent company)
- 每新增用戶成本(Cost per gross addition, CPGA)
- 內生增長(Organic growth)
- 耐用消費品行業(Durables sector)
- 普及率(Penetration)
- 平均售價,ASP(Average selling price)
- 評級體系(CAMELS)
- 平均座位公裡數價格(Average seat kilometer price)
- 品牌(Brand)
- 品牌認知度(Brand awareness)
- 品牌溢價(Brand equity)
- 雙寡頭壟斷(Duopoly)
- 上市(Going public)
- 上市公司(Listed company)
- 衰退行業(Declining industry)
- 上游(Upstream)
- 商業物業(Commercial real estate)
- 商業銀行(Commercial bank)
- 商業銀行次級債(Subordinated debt,junior debt)
- 商業周期(Business cycle)
- 收支平衡點(Break-even point)
- 貼牌,ODM(Original Design Manufacturer)
- 同業拆借(Interbank loan)
- 同業拆借利率(Interbank rate)
- 外包(Outsourcing)
- 無晶圓廠模式公司(Fabless semiconductor company)
- 消費品行業(Consumer staples)
- 先發優勢(First-mover advantage)
- 現金牛(Cash cow)
- 銷售構成(Sales mix)
- 協同效應(Synergy)
- 新興產業(Emerging industry)
- 下游(Downstream)
- 行業整合(Consolidation)
- 原材料(Raw materials)
- 研發(Research & development,R&D)
- 員工持股計劃(Employee stock ownership plan,ESOP)
- 用戶獲取成本(Subscriber acquisition cost,SAC)
- 藥監局(State Food and Drug Administration)
- 資本性商品(Capital goods)
- 資產重組(Reconstructuring)
- 子公司(Subsidiary)
- 增利型併購(Accretive acquisition)
- 債務融資(Debt financing)
- 債務重組(Debt restructuring)
- 執行風險(Execution risk)
- 縱向整合(Vertical integration)
- 轉移定價(Transfer pricing)
- 主營業務(Core business((股市)總市值(Equity market capitalization)
- 阿爾法值(Alpha, α)
- 阿司匹林理論(Aspirin count theory)
- 保本型基金(Capital guarantee fund)
- 本金(Principal)
- 板塊(Sector)
- 布萊克-舒爾茨模型(Black-Scholes model)
- 百慕大期權(Bermuda option)
- 貝塔值(Beta, β)
- 包銷(Bought deal)
- 白衣騎士(White knight)
- 超常回報(Abnormal return)
- 成長型投資(Growth investing)
- 除權(Ex-rights,XR)
- 除日本外亞洲市場(Asia ex-Japan market)
- 存托憑證(Depositary receipt)
- 財務顧問(Financial advisor)
- 除息(Ex-dividend,XD)
- 創業板(Growth enterprise market)
- 對沖基金(Hedge fund)
- 大股東(Majority shareholder)
- 電話會議(Conference call)
- 等價/平價(期權)(At-the-money)
- 到期收益率(Yield to maturity,YTM)
- 動態市盈率([[]])
- 第一大股東([[]])
- 多元化投資(Diversified investment)
- 大宗商品(Commodities)
- 二級市場(Secondary market)
- EV/銷售收入(EV/sales)
- 複合年均增長率,CAGR(Compound annual growth rate)
- 防火牆(Chinese wall)
- 複利(Compound interest)
- 分類加總估值法(Sum of the parts valuation, SOTP)
- 防守型股票(Defensive stock)
- 防守型投資策略(Defensive investment strategy)
- 分析師(Research analyst)
- 封轉開(Close-end fund transforming to open-...)
- 股東大會(Annual shareholder meeting)
- 股東激進主義(Shareholder activism)
- 股利(Dividend)
- 管理層收購(Management buyout,MBO)
- 股利調整後總回報(Dividend adjusted return)
- 股利發放率(Dividend pay-out ratio)
- 股利發放政策(Dividend policy)
- 股利收益率(Dividend yield)
- 股利無關理論(Dividend irrelevance)
- 股利折現模型, DDM(Dividend discount model)
- 股票風險溢價(回報率)(Equity risk premium)
- 股票回購(Stock buyback)
- 股票經紀人(Stock broker)
- 股票市場(Stock market, equity market)
- 股權(票)融資(Equity financing)
- 國企股([[]])
- 股權資本市場, ECM(Equity capital market)
- 公司理財(Corporate finance)
- 公司債(Corporate bond)
- 公司治理(Corporate governance)
- 共同基金(Mutual funds)
- 公允價值(Fair value)
- 估值(Valuation)
- 估值溢價(Premium valuation)
- 貨幣市場(Money market)
- 貨幣市場基金(Money market fund)
- 紅籌股(Red chip)
- 後端收費(Back-end load)
- 紅股(Bonus issue, capitalization issue, s...)
- H股(H share)
- 混合型基金(Blend fund, hybrid fund)
- 黑色星期一(Black Monday)
- 黑天鵝事件(Black swan event)
- 黑衣騎士(Black knight)
- 基本面(Fundamentals)
- 基本面分析(Fundamental analysis)
- 兼併收購(Acquisition, Takeover)
- 交叉持股(Cross holding)
- 幾何平均(Geometric mean)
- 激進成長型基金(Aggressive growth fund)
- 基金費率, MER(Management expense ratio)
- 基金凈值(AV of fund)
- 基金家族(Family of funds)
- 基金效績評估指標(Appraisal ratio)
- 激進型投資策略(Aggressive investment strategy)
- 基金中的基金(Fund of funds,FOF)
- 經濟增加值,EVA(Economic value added)
- 基期(Base period)
- 久期(Duration)
- 加權平均資本成本,WACC(Weighted average cost of capital)
- 金融工具(Financial instrument)
- 金融機構(Financial insitution)
- 金融市場(Financial market)
- 金融學(Financial economics)
- 交易所交易基金,ETF(Exchange-traded fund)
- 交易佣金(Commission)
- 集中持股基金(Focused fund)
- 盡職調查,DD(Due diligence)
- 價值型投資(Value investing)
- 基準指數(Benchmark index)
- 可擴展商業報告語言,XBRL(eXtensible Business Reporting Langua...)
- 可贖回債券(Callable bond)
- 可轉債(Convertible bond)
- 藍籌股(Blue chip stock)
- 理財規劃師(Financial planner)
- 兩地上市(Dual listing)
- 零和游戲(市場)(Zero sum game)
- 利率風險(Interest rate risk)
- 歷史市盈率(Historical PE)
- 流通股(Free float)
- 流通市值([[]])
- 利益衝突(Conflicts of interest)
- MBO([[]])
- 買方(Buy side)
- 賣方(Sell side)
- 賣方分析師(Sell-side analyst)
- 美國存托憑證, ADR(American depositary receipt)
- 每股收益, EPS(Earnings per share)
- 敏感性分析(Sensitivity analysis)
- MSCI中國指數(MSCI China Index)
- 美式期權(American option)
- 面值(Face value)
- 內涵價值(Embedded value)
- 年金(Annuity)
- 內幕交易(Insider trading)
- 內幕消息([[]])
- 牛市(Bull market)
- 逆向投資(Contrarian investing)
- 內在價值(Intrinsic value)
- 彭博社(Bloomberg)
- PEG(PE-to-growth ratio)
- 平衡型基金(Balanced fund)
- 平衡型投資策略(Balanced investment strategy)
- 泡沫(Bubble)
- 普通股(Common share)
- 渠道調查(Channel check)
- 期貨(Futures)
- 全球基金(Global Fund)
- 全天候基金(All weather fund)
- 企業公民(Corporate citizenship)
- 企業價值倍數(EV/EBITDA)
- 潛在價值(Hidden value)
- 前瞻性陳述(Forward statement)
- 認購期權(Call option)
- 十倍股(Teb bagger)
- 市場(平均)市盈率(Market PE)
- 市場風險(Market risk)
- 市場平均預測(Consensus estimate)
- 事件風險(Event risk)
- 時間價值(Time value of money)
- 市凈率,PB(Priceto book value ratio)
- 實際年利率(Effective annual interest rate)
- 事件驅動型投資策略(Even-driven strategy)
- 私募基金(Private fund)
- 商品期貨合約(Commodities futures contract)
- 商品期貨交易所(Commodities futures exchange)
- 私人股權投資,PE(Private equity)
- 算術平均(Arithmetic mean)
- 市銷率(Price-to-sales,PS)
- 失血物業(Alligator property)
- 私有化(Privatization)
- 市盈率,PE(Price to earnings ratio)
- 收益率差價(Yield spread)
- 商業票據(Commercial paper)
- 收益型投資(Income investing)
- 市值(Market cap)
- 市值計價,MTM(Mark to market)
- 攤薄後每股收益(Diluted EPS)
- 攤薄效應(Dilution)
- 替代型資產(Alternative asset)
- 托管行(Custodian)
- 套利定價模型, APT(Arbitrage pricing theory)
- 退市(Delisting)
- 天使投資人(Angle investor)
- 同業覆核(Double check)
- 投資策略(Investment strategy)
- 投資風格([[]])
- 投資評級(Stock rating)
- 投資人關係(Investor relations)
- 投資者保護基金(Fair fund of investor)
- 投資組合理論(Modern portfolio theory,MPT)
- 外匯(Foreign exchange)
- 外匯風險(Currency risk)
- 外匯市場(Forex market)
- 外匯遠期(Currency forward)
- 下調評級(Downgrade)
- 協方差(Covariance)
- 新股發行(New issue)
- 相關係數(Correlation coefficient)
- 現貨價(Spot price)
- 現金流折現估值模型, DCF(Discounted cash flow)
- 夏普比率(Sharpe ratio)
- 小盤股(Small-cap)
- 行權(Exercise, strike)
- 行權價(Exercise price, strike price)
- 熊市(Bear market)
- 限售期(Restricted stock trade period)
- 系統風險(Systematic risk)
- 信托責任(Fiduciary)
- 行為金融學(Behavioral finance)
- 信息披露(Disclosure)
- 信用風險(Credit risk)
- 信用評級(Credit rating)
- 行業平均市盈率(Sector PE)
- 現值,PV(Present value)
- 預測(Forecast)
- 印花稅(Stamp duty)
- 一級市場(Primary market)
- 業績預測(Earnings estimate)
- 預虧,預減(Downside earnings warning)
- 盈利預測(Expected earnings,forward earnings)
- 預期(Expectation)
- 預期回報(收益)率(Expected return)
- 預期市盈率(Forward PE)
- 衍生產品(交易)(Derivative)
- 由上之下法(Top-down investment)
- 有效邊界(Efficient frontier)
- 優先認購權(Pre-emption rights)
- 有效市場理論, EMH(Efficient market hypothesis)
- 由下之上法(Bottom-up investment)
- 預增,預盈(Upside earnings warning)
- 亞洲期權(Asian option)
- 賬簿管理人(Book runner)
- 資本利得(Capital gains)
- 資本市場(Capital market)
- 資本資產定價模型,CAPM(Capital asset pricing model)
- 資本增值(Capital appreciation)
- 資本增值型基金(Capital appreciation fund)
- 資產管理(Asset management)
- 資產管理規模,AUM(Asset under management)
- 註冊金融分析師,CFA(Charted Financial Analyst)
- 資產配置(Asset allocation)
- 資產支持證券,ABS(Asset-backed securities)
- 增發(Secondary offering)
- 重估(Re-rating)
- 招股說明書(Prospectus)
- 總回報(Total return)
- 綜合指數(Composite index)
- 折扣經紀商(Discount broker)
- 中盤股(Mid-cap)
- 債券(Bonds)
- 債券評級(Bond rating)
- 債權人(Creditor)
- 債券市場(Bond market)
- 周期性股票(Cyclical stock)
- 債券型基金(Bond fund)
- 再融資(Refinancing)
- 指數(Index)
- 折現(Discount)
- 折現率(Discount rate)
- 摘櫻桃(Cherry picking)
- 50%準則(50% Principle)
- 阿姆士指標(Arms index)
- 波浪理論(Elliott wave principle)
- 博傻(Greater fool)
- 博弈理論(Game theory)
- 保證金(Margin account)
- 保證金交易(Margin trading)
- 抄底(Bottom fishing)
- 催化劑事件(Catalyst)
- 程式化交易(Mechanical trading)
- 動量投資(Momentum investing)
- 道氏理論(Dow theory)
- 多頭(方)(Bull)
- 多頭陷阱(Bull trap)
- 打新股(Flipping,Stagging)
- 調整(Correction)
- 二八現象(20/80 situation)
- 逢低買入(Buy on weakness)
- 混沌理論(Chaos theory)
- 含權(Cum-rights)
- 含息(Cum-dividends)
- 建倉(Accumulation)
- 交割(Delivery)
- 積極性投資(Active investing)
- 技術分析(Technical analysis)
- 空頭(方)(Bear)
- 空頭陷阱(Bear trap)
- 菱形頂形態(Diamond top formation)
- 賣空(Shorting,Short selling)
- 買入並持有策略(Buy-and-hold strategy)
- 牛皮市(Choppy market)
- 頻繁交易(Day trading)
- 盤後交易(After-hour trading)
- 皮球市(Ball market)
- 齊漲齊跌(Up and down across the board)
- 雙底(Double bottom)
- 市價委托(Market order)
- 上升三角形(Ascending triangle)
- 上升通道(Ascending channel)
- 雙頭頂(Double top)
- 跳空缺口(Breakaway gap)
- 套利(Arbitrage)
- 套利交易者(Arbitrageur)
- 騰落指標(Advance/decline index)
- 停牌(Trade suspension)
- 尾盤(End of trading day)
- 下降三角形(Descending triangle)
- 下降通道(Descending channel)
- 箱體(Channel)
- 系統下單(Algorithmic trading)
- 墜落的刀子(Falling knife)
- 追漲殺跌)
- 貶值(Devaluation)
- 成本推動型通脹(Cost-push inflation)
- 財政赤字(Fiscal deficit)
- 財政政策(Fiscal policy)
- 浮動匯率(Floating exchange rate)
- 負利率(Negative real interest rate)
- 放鬆管制(Deregulation)
- 費雪假設(Fisher hypothesis)
- 負債占GDP比重(Debt-to-GDP ratio)
- 固定匯率(Fixed interest rate)
- GDP(Gross Domestic Production)
- GDP平減指數(GDP deflater)
- 國家風險(Country risk)
- 國際收支(Balance of payment)
- 公開市場操作(Open market operation)
- 國內生產總值([[]])
- 廣義貨幣供應量([[]])
- 貨幣(Currency)
- 貨幣供應量(Money supply)
- 匯率(Foreign exchange rate)
- 核心 CPI(Core CPI)
- 核心通貨膨脹(Core inflation)
- 基礎貨幣([[]])
- 經常項目赤字(逆差)(Current account deficit)
- 絕對優勢(Absolute advantage)
- 經濟過熱(Overheated economy)
- 經濟數據(Economic data)
- 經濟學(Economics)
- 經濟增長(Economic growth)
- 計量經濟學(Econometrics)
- 居民消費價格指數(Consumer Price Index, CPI)
- 加速原理(Accelerator theory)
- 加息(Rate hike)
- 可支配收入(Disposable income)
- 喇叭口([[]])
- 流動性(經濟)(Broad liquidity)
- 利率(Interest rate)
- 利息稅(Interest tax)
- M0([[]])
- M1([[]])
- M2([[]])
- 美聯儲(Federal reserve of United State, Fed)
- 名義GDP([[]])
- 名義利率(Nominal interest rate)
- 貿易摩擦(Conflicts of international trade)
- 貿易收支(Balance of trade)
- 傾銷(Dumping)
- 市場經濟地位(Market economy status)
- 實際GDP(Real GDP)
- 實際利率(Real interest rate)
- 通貨緊縮(Deflation)
- 通貨膨脹(Inflation)
- 外匯管制(Foreign exchange control)
- 外商直接投資(Foreign direct investment,FDI)
- 消費者信心指數(Consumer confidence index, CCI)
- 需求拉動型通脹(Demand-pull inflation)
- 蕭條(Depression)
- 新興市場(Emerging market)
- 狹義貨幣供應量([[]])
- 一籃子貨幣(Currency basket)
- 硬通貨(Hard currency)
- 央行(Central bank)
- 資本(Capital)
- 資本外逃(Capital flight)
- 資本項目(下)(Capital account)
- 總供給(Aggregated supply)
- 周期性失業(Cyclical unemployment)
- 總需求(Aggregated demand