出自 MBA智库百科(https://wiki.mbalib.com/)
市場營銷學核心辭彙(Keywords in marketing)
- 市場(market)
- 需求(demand)
- 市場營銷(Marketing)
- 商品(goods)
- 服務(service)
- 顧客滿意(customer satisfaction)
- 交易(transaction)
- 營銷者(marketer)
- 生產觀念(production concept)
- 產品觀念(product concept)
- 推銷觀念(selling concept)
- 市場營銷觀念(marketing concept)
- 顧客(customer)
- 顧客讓渡價值(customer delivered value)
- 顧客總價值(total customer value)
- 顧客總成本(total customer cost)
- 顧客滿意(customer satisfaction)
- 關係營銷(relationship marketing)
- 全面質量營銷(total quality marketing)
- 市場營銷環境(marketing environment)
- 微觀環境(micro environment)
- 巨集觀環境(macro environment)
- 市場機會(market opportunity)
- 願望競爭者(desired competitors)
- 屬類競爭者(generic competitors)
- 產品形式競爭者(product competitors)
- 品牌競爭者(brand competitors)
- 公眾(publics)
- 目標市場(target market)
- 市場營銷組合(marketing mix)
- 情緒(moods)
- 消費者行為(customer behavior)
- 文化(culture)
- 人口統計因素(demographics)
- 社會階層(social class)
- 亞文化(subculture)
- 參照群體(reference group)
- 角色模型(role stereotype)
- 知覺(perception)
- 認知學習(cognitive learning)
- 動機(motive)
- 個性(personality)
- 情緒(emotion)
- 態度(attitude)
- 自我概念(self-concept)
- 生活方式(life style)
- 組織市場(organizational market)
- 企業市場(business market)
- 非營利組織(non-profit organization)
- 非營利組織市場(non-profit organization market)
- 政府市場(government market)
- 直接再購(straight rebuy)
- 修正再購(modify rebuy)
- 新任務採購(new task)
- 購買中心(buying center)
- 倡議者(initiators)
- 使用者(users)
- 影響者(influencers)
- 決定者(deciders)
- 購買者(buyers)
- 控制者(gatekeepers)
- 營銷信息(marketing information)
- 營銷信息系統(marketing information system)
- 市場調研(marketing research)
- 描述性調研(descriptive research)
- 解釋性調研(interpretive research)
- 預測性調研(predictive research)
- 市場需求量(market demand)
- 企業需求量(market demand potential)
- 定性預測(qualitative forecasting)
- 定量預測(quantitative forecasting)
- 企業戰略(enterprise strategy)
- 企業使命說明書(mission statement)
- 戰略經營單位(strategic business units , SBU)
- 波士頓矩陣(Boston matrix)
- 市場吸引力(marketing attractiveness)
- 業務實力(business attractiveness)
- 密集型增長戰略(intensive growth strategies)
- 市場滲透(market penetration strategy)
- 市場開發(market development strategy)
- 產品開發(product development strategy)
- 一體化增長戰略(integrative growth strategies)
- 前向一體化(forward integration)
- 後向一體化(backward integration)
- 水平一體化(horizontal integration)
- 多角化增長戰略(diversification growth strategies)
- 同心多角化(concentric diversification)
- 水平多角化(horizontal diversification)
- 複合多角化(conglomeration diversification)
- 市場營銷戰略(marketing strategy)
- 市場營銷組合(marketing mix)
- 市場營銷組織(marketing organization)
- 職能型組織(functional organization)
- 地區型組織(regional organization)
- 產品管理型組織(managerial organization of product)
- 市場管理型組織(managerial organization of market)
- 公司與事業部型組織(organization of corporation and business unit)
- 市場營銷管理(marketing management)
- 市場營銷計劃(marketing planning)
- 市場營銷方案(marketing program)
- 市場營銷控制(marketing controlling)
- 市場競爭(market competition)
- 完全競爭(market leader)
- 非完全競爭(imprecate competition)
- 壟斷競爭(monopolistic competition)
- 市場領導者(market leader)
- 市場挑戰者(market challenger)
- 市場追隨者(market follower)
- 市場補缺者(market niche)
- 市場細分(market segmentation)
- 目標市場(target market)
- 市場定位(market positioning)
- 無差異性市場戰略(undifferentiated marketing tactics)
- 差異性市場戰略(differentiated marketing tactics)
- 集中性市場策略(concentrated marketing tactics)
- 產品(product)
- 核心產品(core product)
- 形式產品(actual product)
- 期望產品(expected product)
- 延伸產品(augmented product)
- 潛在產品(potential product)
- 耐用品(durable goods)
- 非耐用品(nondurable goods)
- 產品線(product line)
- 產品項目(product item)
- 產品組合(product mix or product assortment)
- 產品組合的長度(product mix length)
- 產品組合的深度(product mix depth)
- 產品組合的關聯度(product mix consistency)
- 產品生命周期(product life cycle)
- 開發期(development stage)
- 引進期(introduction stage)
- 成長期(growth stage)
- 成熟期(maturity stage)
- 衰退期(decline stage)
- 新產品開發(new product development)
- 產品概念(product concept)
- 商業化(commercialization)
- 包裝(package)
- 包裝策略(packaging strategy)
- 品牌(brand)
- 品牌命名(brand naming)
- 品牌決策(branding decision)
- 統一品牌(blanket family brand)
- 品牌使用者決策(brand-sponsor decision)
- 個別品牌(individual brand)
- 多品牌(multi-brands)
- 個別品牌(individual brand)
- 合作品牌(co-branding)
- 品牌資產(brand equity)
- 品牌設計(brand designing)
- 品牌延伸(brand extension)
- 內涵不變式延伸(gradual changing meaning extension)
- 品牌管理(brand management)
- 成本導向定價(cost-driven pricing)
- 需求導向定價(demand-driven pricing)
- 競爭導向定價(competition-driven pricing)
- 折扣定價(discount pricing)
- 地區定價(region pricing)
- 差別定價(discrimination pricing)
- 撇脂定價(skim pricing)
- 滲透定價(penetration pricing)
- 滿意定價(neutral pricing)
- 尾數定價(mantissa pricing)
- 整數定價(integer pricing)
- 招來定價(fetch-in pricing)
- 聲望定價(prestige pricing)
- 目標收益定價法(target-return pricing)
- 認知價值定價法(perceived-value pricing)
- 價值定價法(value pricing)
- 通行價格定價法(going-rate pricing)
- 分銷渠道(distribution channel)
- 中間商(intermediate)
- 分銷渠道設計(distribution channel design)
- 實體分配(physical distribution)
- 渠道衝突(channel conflict)
- 促銷(promotion)
- 促銷策略(promotion policies)
- 情感訴求(emotional appeals)
- 理性訴求(rational appeals)
- 道德訴求(moral appeals)
- 大眾傳播媒體(mass media)
- 氣氛(atmosphere)
- 事件(events)
- 量力支出法(affordable method)
- 銷售額百分比法(percentage-of-sales method)
- 競爭對等法(competitive-parity method)
- 目標任務法(objective-task method)
- 廣告(advertising)
- 公共關係(public relations)
- 營業推廣(sales promotion)
- 促銷組合(promotion mix)
- 推動策略(push strategy)
- 拉引策略(pull strategy)
- 廣告目標(Advertising Objective)
- 告知性廣告(information advertising)
- 勸說性廣告(persuasive advertising)
- 提示性廣告(reminder advertising)
- 整合營銷傳播(integrated marketing communication)
- 接觸管理(contact management)
- 人員推銷(personal selling)
- 核心產品(core product)
- 附加產品(supplementary product)
- 整合服務營銷(integrated service marketing)
- 服務的無形性(intangibility of service)
- 體驗屬性(experience attributes)
- 信任度屬性(credence attributes)
- 有形展示(physical evidence)
- 關係營銷(relationship marketing)
- 體育營銷(sports marketing)
- 綠色營銷(green marketing)
- 城市營銷(city marketing)
- 網路營銷(network marketing)
- 會展營銷(exhibition marketing)
- 文化營銷(cultural marketing)