標準普爾100指數(S&P 100 index)
標普100指數是一百種範圍廣泛的工業股的,資本加權的指數。其構成股根據它們未成交的股份之總的市場價值而加權。每一發行股票的總的市場價值是每股的價格乘以未成交的股份數,每一構成股的價格變動,其影響同其總的市場價值成正比。所有一百種股票的這些因素加在一起,再除以一個事先決定的基準價值 (base value)。標普100指數的基準是根據由合併,收買,認股權,替代等原因而產生的資本化的變化而調整的。
據Apple Insider報道,由於原標普100公司、生物科技公司MedImmune被藥廠阿斯利康收購,蘋果實時成為標準普爾100指數成份股。
S&P 100 Index Trading Defined and Explained
As the name implies, the S&P 100 consists of 100 companies from a wide range of industries. The index is a sub-set of the S&P 500. The Standard & Poor's 100 Index is usually considered the benchmark for U.S. equity performance and liquidity. The S&P 100 is not just a list of the largest 100 companies. It is an index of 100 of the most widely held U.S.-based common stocks, chosen by the S&P Index Committee for market size, liquidity, and sector representation. According to the Index Committee, "Leading companies in leading industries" is the guiding principal for S&P 100 inclusion. While widely traded international companies are included, the Index Committee recently announced that only U.S.-based companies will be added in the future.