財務英語英漢對照表 (W-Z)
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目錄[隱藏] |
- wage工資
- wage and salary account工資和薪金帳戶
- wage and salary administration工資和薪金管理
- wage bracket工資等級
- wage cost工資成本
- wage criteria工資確定基準
- wage cut削減工資
- wage deduction工資扣款
- wage escalation工資自動調整
- wage freeze工資凍結
- wage garnishment工資扣發
- wage rate工資率
- wage rate variance工資率差異
- wages sheet工資表
- wages tax工資稅
- waiting line theory等候線論
- walk-through test貫穿抽查
- wall street華爾街
- wall streeter華爾街人
- wall street journal華爾街日報
- wall street research net華爾街研究互聯網
- warehouse倉庫,貨棧
- warehouseman’s certificate倉庫收據,棧單
- warehouse price貨棧價格
- warehouse receipt倉庫收據,棧單
- warehouse receipt loan棧單貸款
- warehouse to warehouse clause倉至倉條款
- warehouse warrant保稅倉庫棧單
- warehousing倉庫業務經營,股票積存
- warning sign警惕信號
- warrant棧單,保稅棧單;購股權證;保函,保證信函
- warrantee被保證人
- warrantee被保證人
- warranter保證人
- warranty保單,保修單
- warranty cost保修成本
- wash sale虛拋,虛售
- waste損耗,廢料
- waste disposal廢物處理
- wasting assets遞耗資產
- wasting assets corporation遞耗資產公司
- wasting trust遞耗式信托
- watered capital摻水資本
- watered stock摻水股本
- way bill或有單
- weak currency疲軟貨幣,弱勢貨幣
- weak market疲軟市場
- wealth財富
- wealth maximization財富最大化
- wealth tax財富稅
- wear and tear實物磨損
- web萬維網,互聯網
- web-based accounting互聯網會計
- web-based accounting software互聯網會計軟體
- web-based auditing互聯網審計
- web-based courses互聯網課程
- web browser互聯網瀏覽器
- webmaster網頁製作
- web page網頁
- web site網站
- web site design網站設計
- web site design service網站設計服務
- webtrust網路安全信托
- weighted average contribution margin加權平均單位貢獻毛利
- weighted-average cost of capital加權平均資本成本
- weighted-average exchange rate 加權平均匯率
- weighted-average inventory method加權平均存貨法
- weighted index加權指數
- weighted sampling加權抽樣
- welfare expense職工福利費
- welfare fund福利基金
- western hemisphere trade corporation西半球貿易公司
- wharfinger receipt碼頭管理人收據
- wharfage碼頭使用費
- what-if analysis假設經營方案分析
- what if scenarios未來經營狀況預測
- whispsawed遭受雙重損失
- white-collar crimes白領犯罪
- white elephant白象
- white knight白衣騎士
- whole-dollar accounting整元會計
- whole life insurance終身人壽保險
- wholesale批發
- wholesale banking批發銀行業務
- wholesale cost批發成本
- wholesale price批發價格
- wholesale price index批發價格指數
- wholesaler批發商
- wholly-owned subsidiary全部控股子公司
- wide area network廣闊地區網路,廣域網路
- wide area telephone service廣域電話服務
- widening investment廣度投資
- wider-range investment廣範圍投資
- wildcat banking投機性銀行業務
- wiley company威利公司
- windfall loss意外損失
- windfall profit意外利潤,暴利
- windfall profit tax暴利稅
- winding up清算
- window視窗
- window dressing粉飾財務狀況
- window of opportunity機會視窗,機遇視窗
- withdrawal提款,退股
- withholding扣款,代扣稅款
- withholding tax扣繳稅款
- without dividend除股利
- without engagement不受約束
- without interest除利息
- without prejudice不受損害
- without recourse無追索權
- word processing文字處理
- words and figures differ支票金額與數字不符
- worker’s compensation工人賠償金
- worker’s director職工董事
- worker’s participation工人參與管理
- working assets營運資產
- working balance sheet資產負債表工作底稿
- working capital 流動資本,流動資金
- working capital adjustment流動資金調整
- working capital cycle流動資金迴圈,流動資金周期
- working capital management流動資金管理
- working capital policy流動資金政策
- working capital ratio流動資金比率
- working capital requirement流動資金需要量
- working capital turnover流動資金周轉率
- working fund周轉金
- working hours method工時折舊法
- working income statement損益表工作底稿
- working interest經營權益,開采權益
- working paper工作底稿,審計工作底稿
- working sheet結帳計算表,決算計算表;工作底稿,審計工作底稿
- working trial balance試算表工作底稿
- work in process在產品,在製品
- work-in-process control在製品控制,在產品控制
- work-in-process control account在製品控制帳戶,在產品控制帳戶
- work-in-process inventory在製品存貨,在產品存貨
- work in process percentage method施工百分率法
- work-in-process turnover在製品周轉率,在產品周轉率
- world accounting世界會計
- world bank世界銀行
- work in progress在產品,在製品
- work measurement工作計量,工作時間測定
- work premium工作津貼
- work sheet工作底稿
- work ticket工作通知單,工票
- world bank group世界銀行集團
- world-class company世界級公司
- world congress of accountants會計師世界會議
- world exposition世界博覽會
- world intellectual property organization世界知識產權組織
- world market世界市場
- world money世界貨幣
- world trade世界貿易
- world trade center世界貿易中心
- world trade centers association世界貿易中心聯合會
- world trade organization世界貿易組織
- worldwide information and trade system全球貿易信息系統
- world wide web萬維網
- worth價值,凈值
- worth to debt ratio凈值對債務比率
- wraparound lease重疊租賃
- wraparound loan重疊貸款
- wraparound mortgage重疊抵押
- writ書面命令
- write down減記價值,減值
- write off沖銷,註銷
- writer期權合同賣方
- write up增記價值,增值
- writ of execution執行命令
- writ of possession占有命令
- written contract書面合同
- written evidence書面證據
- written law成文法
- W-2 w2表格,所得稅申報表格
- x-axis x軸
- xerography靜電覆印
- yankee bnd楊基債券
- ynkee certificate of deposit楊基存款單
- yard 10億
- y-axis y軸
- year-end audit年末審計
- year-end bonus年末獎金
- year-end dividend年末股利
- year-end inventory年末盤存
- yearling bond一年期債券
- yield收益,收益率
- yield curve收益率曲線
- yield gap收益率差距
- yield rate收益率
- yield risk收益率風險
- yield to call提前兌回收益率
- yield to maturity到期收益率,全期收益率
- your account來帳
- yo-yo stocks悠蕩股票
- zero balance零數餘額
- zero base budgeting零基預算
- zero bracket amount零稅級金額,免稅收益額
- zero coupon bond無息票債券,無利息債券
- zero-one programming0-1規劃
- zero proof零數驗證
- zero salvage value零殘值,不計殘值
- Z score破產預測記分法
- zero suppression消零
- zero tax haven零稅額避稅港
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點擊字母索引瀏覽相應的術語... __NOKEYWORD__
Thank you very for providing such a good and useful dictionary.
糾個小錯,write dowm應為write down