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羅素·艾可夫(Russell L. Ackoff)1919年出生於費城。他進入賓州大學專修建築,本科畢業後,他的興趣轉向科學哲學,獲哲學博士學位。對於這種轉變,他自己的解釋是對人本系統的興趣超越了對建築物的興趣”,正是這種興趣導致了艾可夫日後對營運學的研究。
在1964年回到母校賓州大學之前,艾可夫執教於俄亥俄州克裡夫蘭市的Case Institute of Technology。儘管現已退休,但他依然是沃頓管理學院的榮譽教授,此外還承接大量的咨詢工作,並兼任由他創立的互動管理學會(The Institute for Interactive Management Inc.)董事長。
羅素·艾可夫興趣廣泛,從人類行為到城鎮規劃,無不涉獵。他對系統研究的興趣由來已久,在解析公司的成敗因緣方面有獨到之處,這就是他與人合著《運籌學》(Operations Research,1957)的起因。自二戰期間起運籌學及其研究已成為人們關註的對象,然而這本著作的問世將營運學引入了商業領域,尤其是在工業製造方面。任何一種系統,無論有多麼錯綜複雜,千頭萬緒,總是基於對輸入數據的組織和運用,期望達到理想的結果。而越是複雜的系統,就會有更多的輸入和可能的變數。
最近以來,艾可夫把註意力投向了社會的其他方面,比如教育方面,他倡議大學應該減少教學工作,因為教師的灌輸會妨礙學生的認知。在《交響樂組織》(Re-Creating the Corporation,1999,這是臺灣譯本的書名)一書中,他對企業年限的縮減做出評論,他主張企業應該忽略各部門的分管職能,註重各部門的協調運籌,加入到企業整體這支交響樂中來。企業必須有效地進行規劃和設計,同時在企業內部真正達到民主化。
企業必須懂得活學活用並能不斷地自我調節,適者生存是亘古不變的道理。在《社會再設計》(Redesigning Society,2003)一書中,艾可夫試圖用營運研究的方法來解決美國的社會問題,他堅稱:“我們社會的改革有賴於創意和創新……”
艾可夫的新近作品還包括《擊敗系統:憑藉創造力來取勝官僚主義》(Beating the System: Using Creativity to Outsmart Bureaucracies, 2005),書中收集了一系列如何招架毀謗及干涉行為的奇聞軼事。艾可夫最具生命力和獨特風格的作品收集在《艾可夫精選集》(Ackoff’s Best,1998)中。
這樣,阿科夫強調瞭解析思維方式的“知道”(konwing)功效和綜合思維方式的“理解”(understanding)功效。他進一步解釋說:“知識是通過描述傳遞的,回答了“如何”(how to)的問題;而理解是通過解釋傳遞的;回答了“為什麼”(why)的問題。這是兩者最基本的區別。很多企業的經理人不理解這種區別的重要性,他們追求掌握有關他們所在企業和環境的知識而不努力去理解這些複雜系統。他們試圖將事情做好,而不去考慮所做的事情是否是正確的事情。如果他們所做的事在方向上是不正確的,那麼,他們越做得好,犯的錯誤也就越大。”
Russell L. Ackoff was born in 1919 in Philadelphia to Jack and Fannie (Weitz) Ackoff.[1] He received his bachelor degree in Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania in 1941. He stayed at this university for one year as assistant instructor in philosophy. From 1942 to 1946 he joined the U.S. Army. He returned to study at the University of Pennsylvania, where he received his doctorate in philosophy of science in 1947 as C. West Churchman’s first doctoral student.[2] He also received a doctorate of science from the University of Lancaster in 1967.
From 1947 to 1951 Ackoff was assistant professor in philosophy and mathematics at the Wayne State University. He was associate professor and professor operations research at Case Institute of Technology from 1951 to 1964. 1961 and 1962 he was also visiting professor of operational research at the University of Birmingham. From 1964 to 1986 he was professor of systems sciences and professor of management science at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
In the 1970s and 1980s the Social Systems Sciences Program at the Wharton School was noted for combining theory and practice, escaping disciplinary bounds, and driving students toward independent thought and action. The learning environment was fostered by distinguished standing and visiting faculty such as Eric Trist, C. West Churchman, Hasan Ozbekhan, Thomas A. Cowan, and Fred Emery.
Since 1979 Ackoff and John Pourdehnad worked as consultants in a broad range of industries including aerospace, chemicals, computer equipment, data services and software, electronics, energy, food and beverages, healthcare, hospitality, industrial equipment, automotive, insurance, metals, mining, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, utilities, and transportation.
Since 1986 Ackoff is professor emeritus of the Wharton School, and chairman of Interact, the Institute for Interactive Management. From 1989 to 1995 he was visiting professor of marketing at Washington University in St. Louis.
Ackoff was president of Operations Research Society of America (ORSA) in 1956–1957, and he was president of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) in 1987.
Ackoff was awarded an honorary Doctor of Science at the University of Lancaster, UK in 1967. He got a Silver Medal from the Operational Research Society in 1971. Other honors came from the Washington University in St. Louis in 1993, the University of New Haven in 1997, the Pontificia Universidad Catholica Del Peru, Lima in 1999 and the University of Lincolnshire & Humberside, UK in 1999. That year from the UK Systems Society he got an Award for outstanding achievement in Systems Thinking and Practice.
Ackoff married Alexandra Makar on July 17, 1949.[1] This union produced three children: Alan W., Karen B., and Karla S.[1]After the death of Alexandra in February, 1987, Ackoff married Helen Wald on December 20, 1987.[1]
Throughout the years Ackoff's work in research, consulting and education has involved more than 250 corporations and 50 governmental agencies in the U.S. and abroad.
Operations research
Russell Ackoff has had a distinguished career in Operations Research both as an academic and as a practitioner. His book Introduction to Operations Research, co-authored with C. West Churchman and Leonard Arnoff from 1957 appeared as a pioneering text that helped define the field. His influence on the early development of the discipline in the USA and in Britain in the 1950s and 1960s is hard to over-estimate.[2] However, by the 1970s he had become trenchant in his criticisms of technique-dominated Operations Research, and powerfully advocated more participative approaches. These criticisms have had limited resonance within the USA, but were picked up in Britain, where they helped to stimulate the growth of problem structuring methods, such as Soft systems methodology from Peter Checkland.
The nature of science
Ackoff believed that the need to synthesize findings in the many disciplines of science arises because these disciplines have been developed with relatively unrelated conceptual systems. Scientific development has resulted in the grouping of phenomena into smaller and smaller classes, and in the creation of disciplines specializing in each. As disciplines multiply, each increases in depth and decreases in breadth. Collectively, however, they extend the breadth of scientific knowledge.
Nature does not come to us in disciplinary form. Phenomena are not physical, chemical, biological, and so on. The disciplines are the ways we study phenomena; they emerge from points of view, not from what is viewed. Hence the disciplinary nature of science is a filing system of knowledge. Its organization is not to be confused with the organization of nature itself.
Purposeful systems
In 1972 Ackoff wrote a book with Frederick Edmund Emery about purposeful systems,[3] which focused on the question how systems thinking relates to human behaviour. Individual systems are purposive, they said, knowledge and understanding of their aims can only be gained by taking into account the mechanisms of social, cultural, and psychological systems.[2]
They characterize human systems as purposeful systems whose members are also purposeful individuals who intentionally and collectively formulate objectives and are parts of larger purposeful systems:
- A purposeful system or individual is ideal-seeking if it chooses another objective that more closely approximates its ideal.
- An ideal-seeking system or individual is necessarily one that is purposeful, but not all purposeful entities seek ideals.
- The capability of seeking ideals may well be a characteristic that distinguishes man from anything he can make, including computers.
The fact that these systems were experiencing profound change could be attributed to the end of the "Machine Age" and the onset of the "Systems Age". The Machine Age, bequeathed by the Industrial Revolution, was underpinned by two concepts of reductionism and mechanism whereby "all phenomena were believed to be explained by using only one ultimately simple relationship, cause-effect", which in the Systems Age are replaced by expansionism and teleology with producer-product replacing cause-effect. "Expansionism is a doctrine maintaining that all objects and events, and all experiences of them, are parts of larger wholes." According to Ackoff, the beginning of the end of the Machine Age and the beginning of the Systems Age could be dated to the 1940s, a decade when philosophers, mathematicians, and biologists, building on developments in the interwar period, defined a new intellectual framework.[2]
In 2006, Ackoff worked with Herbert J. Addison and Sally Bibb. They developed the term f-Law to describe each in a collection of subversive epigrams, co-authored with Herbert J. Addison. The f-Laws expose the common flaws in both the practice of leadership and in the established beliefs that surround it. According to Ackoff f-Laws are truths about organizations that we might wish to deny or ignore - simple and more reliable guides to managers' everyday behaviour than the complex truths proposed by scientists, economists, sociologists, politicians and philosophers.
Ackoff has authored or co-authored 31 books and published over 150 articles in a variety of journals. Books:
- 1946, Psychologistics, with C. West Churchman.
- 1947, Measurement of Consumer Interest, with C. W. Churchman and M. Wax (ed.).
- 1950, Methods of Inquiry: an introduction to philosophy and scientific method, with C. W. Churchman. Educational Publishers: St. Louis.
- 1953, The Design of Social Research.
- 1957, Introduction to Operations Research, with C. W. Churchman and E. L. Arnoff. John Wiley & Sons: New York.
- 1961, Progress in Operations Research, I. Wiley: New York.
- 1962, Scientific Method: optimizing applied research decisions, Wiley: New York.
- 1963, A Manager's Guide to Operations Research, with P. Rivett. Wiley: New York.
- 1968, Fundamentals of Operations Research, with M. Sasieni. John Wiley & Sons: New York.
- 1970, A Concept of Corporate Planning. Wiley-Interscience: New York.
- 1972, On Purposeful Systems: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Individual and Social Behavior as a System of Purposeful Events, with Frederick Edmund Emery, Aldine-Atherton: Chicago.
- 1974, Redesigning the Future: A Systems Approach to Societal Problems. John Wiley & Sons: New York.
- 1974, Systems and Management Annual, (ed.).
- 1976, The SCATT Report, with T. A. Cowan, Peter Davis (Ed.).
- 1976, Some Observations and Reflections on Mexican Development.
- 1978, The Art of Problem Solving: accompanied by Ackoff's Fables. John Wiley & Sons: New York. Illustrations by Karen B. Ackoff.
- 1981, Creating the Corporate Future: plan or be planned for. John Wiley & Sons: New York.
- 1984, A Guide to Controlling Your Corporation's Future, with E.V. Finnel and J. Gharajedaghi.
- 1984, Revitalizing Western Economies, with P. Broholm and R. Snow.
- 1986, Management in Small Doses. John Wiley & Sons: New York.
- 1991, Ackoff's Fables: Irreverent Reflections on Business and Bureaucracy. John Wiley & Sons: New York.
- 1994, The Democratic Corporation: a radical prescription for recreating corporate America and rediscovering success. Oxford Univ. Press: New York.
- 1998, Exploring Personality: an intellectual odyssey. CQM: Cambridge, MA.
- 1999, Ackoff's Best: his classic writings on management. John Wiley & Sons: New York.
- 1999, Re-Creating the Corporation: a design of organizations for the 21st century. Oxford Univ. Press: New York.
- 2000, "A Theory of a System for Educators and Managers", with W. Edwards Deming[4]
- 2003, Redesigning Society, with Sheldon Rovin. Stanford Univ. Press: Stanford, Calif.
- 2006, A Little Book of f-Laws, with Herbert J. Addison and Sally Bibb.
- 2007, Management f-Laws, with Herbert J. Addison and Sally Bibb.
- 2008, Turning Learning Right Side Up: Putting Education Back on Track (pdf) with Daniel Greenberg.
- 1967. "Management Misinformation Systems". In: Management Science, 14(4), 1967, 147-156.
- 1968, "General Systems Theory and Systems Research Contrasting Conceptions of Systems Science." in: Views on a General Systems Theory: Proceedings from the Second System Symposium, Mihajlo D. Mesarovic (Ed.).
- 1971, Towards A System of Systems Concepts.
- 1973, "Science in the Systems Age: Beyond IE, OR, and MS", Operations Research 21(3), pp. 661-671. Reprinted as "Science in the Systems Age" in Wharton Quarterly 1973. 7 (2); pp. 8-13.
- 1974, "The Social Responsibility of Operational Research" Operational Research Quarterly 25 (3), pp. 361-371.
- 1975, "Advertising Research at Anheuser-Busch, Inc. (1963-68)", with James R. Emshoff, Sloan Management Review, 16 (2), pp. 1-15.
- 1975, "A Reply to the Comments of Yvan Allaire", with James R. Emshoff, Sloan Management Review, 16 (3), pp. 95-98.
- 1977, "The Corporate Rain Dance", The Wharton Magazine, Winter, pp. 36-41.
- 1996, On Learning and Systems That Facilitate it, in: Center for Quality of Management Journal Vol. 5, No.2.
- 1998, A Systemic View of Transformational Leadership
- 2003, Terrorism: A Systemic View, with Johan P. Strumpfer, in: Systems Research and Behavioral Science 20, pp. 287-294.
- 2004, Transforming The Systems Movement
- 2006, A major mistake that managers make
Some Ackoff center blogs:
- 2006, Thinking about the future
- 2006, Why few organizations adopt systems thinking in: Systems Research and Behavioral Science. 23, pp. 705-708.
- 2005, Doing the Wrong Thing Right by Russell Ackoff, October 2005.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Who's Who in America, 61st ed. (2007), p. 17.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Maurice Kirby and Jonathan Rosenhead (2005). "IFORS Operational Research Hall of Fame: Russell L. Ackoff". In: Intl. Trans. in Op. Res. Vol 12 pp. 129–134.
- ↑ Ackoff, Russell, and Emery, F. E. On Purposeful Systems. Aldine-Atherton: Chicago 1972.
- ↑ This is really a video; part of _The Deming Library_ series, produced by Clare Crawford Mason) Real publication date is 1993.