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波士頓咨詢公司本土50強企業(The BCG 50 Local Dynamos Are a Diverse Group)
目錄[隱藏] |
BCG新德里辦公室合伙人Arindam Bhattacharya表示:“中國和印度是當今全球公司關註的熱點增長市場,但西方公司正在錯失這些市場迅猛增長的機遇。實際上,這些市場正被生機勃勃的本土企業占領。”
Company Industry Business China 百度/Baidu.com Internet/high tech Search engine 中國招商銀行/China Merchants Bank Financial services Retail and commercial banking 萬科/China Vanke Company Property Property development 攜程網/Ctrip.com International Internet/high tech Online travel 分眾傳媒/Focus Media Holding Entertainment/media Out-of-home advertising 金風科技/Goldwind Science and Technology Company Industrial goods Windmill manufacture 國美/Gome Electrical Appliances Holdings Retail Home appliance retail 好孩子/Goodbaby Consumer goods Baby products 新東方教育集團/New Oriental Education & Technology Group Education English training 盛大/Shanda Entertainment Internet/high tech Online gaming 晨訊科技集團/SIM Technology Group IT equipment Communications hardware 騰訊/Tencent Internet/high tech Communications services 藥明康德/WuXi PharmaTech Health care Pharma outsourcing 新奧燃氣控股有限公司/XinAo Gas Holdings Energy/utilities Clean energy 信義玻璃控股有限公司/Xinyi Glass Holdings Industrial goods Glass making India Amul Consumer goods Food-and-beverage products Apollo Hospitals Health care Hospitals Bharti Airtel Internet/high tech Telecom services CavinKare Group Consumer goods Personal-care goods ICICI Bank Financial services Retail and commercial banking The Indian Hotels Company Travel Hotels ITC Limited Consumer goods Diversified NIIT Education IT training SKS Microfinance Financial services Microfinance Subhiksha Retail No-frills supermarket Titan Industries Consumer goods Watch manufacture Brazil B2W Internet/high tech Online retail Casas Bahia Retail Nonfood retail Cosan Group Energy/utilities Ethanol and sugar production Gol Transportes Aéreos Travel Airline Grupo Positivo IT equipment Computer manufacture O Boticário Consumer goods Cosmetics TOTVS Internet/high tech Soware TV Globo Entertainment/media Television network Votorantim Financas Financial services Consumer credit service Mexico CIE Entertainment/media Out-of-home entertainment Controladora Milano Retail Clothing retail Desarrolladora Homex Property Low-cost housing Farmacias Guadalajara Retail Pharmacy chain Grupo Elektra Retail Multicategory retail and financial services Sigma Alimentos Consumer goods Refrigerated and frozen foods Russia Euroset Retail Mobile phone retail MegaFon Internet/high tech Mobile network Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods Consumer goods Food-and-beverage products Poland Atlas Group Industrial goods Construction products Grupa Maspex Wadowice Consumer goods Food-and-beverage products Slovakia SkyEurope Airlines Travel Airline Malaysia AirAsia Berhad Travel Airline Indonesia ASTRA International Industrial goods Automotive and heavy equipment Thailand The Siam Cement Public Company Industrial goods Cement, paper, and chemicals