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阿布扎比穆巴達拉發展公司(Mubadala Development Company)阿布扎比穆巴達拉發展公司網站網址:http://www.mubadala.ae/
目錄 |
阿布扎比穆巴達拉發展公司計劃購入FORD集團PAG事業部門的JAGUAR與LAND ROVER兩大英國汽車品牌的股權,先前該公司已經購入義大利FERRARI跑車廠約5%的股權,該公司所出資成立在科威特的投資集團,也曾經參與ASTON MARTIN汽車品牌的競標。
1、 阿布扎比穆巴達拉發展公司投資開發第一個海灣國家跨國界天然氣項目“海豚能源計劃”,占其51%的股份。海豚能源計劃是阿聯酋海豚能源有限公司(DEL)和卡達天然氣總公司於2000年簽訂一項引進卡天然氣的合作協議,該項目造價達35億美元。“DEL”首先投資25億美元在卡達進行氣田開采、存儲、裝卸、設計和管理等,然後再投資15億美元鋪設350公裡長,直徑48英寸的海底輸氣管道(自卡達的Laffan到阿布扎比的Taweelah)。最初階段氣田產量達25億立方米/日,第二階段氣田開采量提高50%。卡達天然氣總公司將在項目建成後擁有從富氣中提取的冷凝物、硫、液化天然氣和液化石油氣。並征收“DEL”公司出口乾氣稅1.3美元/百萬英國熱量單位。今年7月份,海豚能源計劃已正式開始向阿聯酋用戶供氣,形成了包括卡達、阿聯酋和阿曼的地區天然氣網路。
2、2004年,阿布扎比穆巴達拉發展公司與阿布扎比投資公司、阿布扎比國際酒店等5家公司共同投資成立了Aldar房地產公司,占有5%的股份。2007年上半年,Aldar公司項目投資達到5億美元。主要開發項目Al Raha海灘,Al Raha花園,Yas島,Al Gurm度假村,Central Market等。
5、2007年2月6日,阿布扎比穆巴達拉發展公司與西門子醫葯部門在阿布扎比共同投資2107萬美元建立專業分子圖像中心,包括西門子的PET CT診斷系統和迴旋加速放射傳送系統。該項目共包括設計、建設和運營三個階段,計劃2008年上半年正式對外營業。
4、2007年3月,阿布扎比穆巴達拉發展公司、迪拜鋁廠以及阿爾及利亞國有石油天然氣公司 Sonatrach簽訂合作協議,投資50億美元在阿爾及利亞建立鋁製品煅融廠,這是迄今為止阿聯酋最大的海外直接投資。煅融廠位於阿爾及利亞西海岸的Beni Saf,占地400畝,預計高規格年產達到70萬噸,大部分用於出口。
1、2005年12月17日,阿布扎比穆巴達拉發展公司與法國SNC-Lavalin集團聯合中標在阿爾及利亞北部Hadjret Ennous建立經營12億瓦的發電廠,項目總投資9億美元。雙方各占22.5%的股份,阿爾及利亞政府占49%。
1、2004年12月7日,阿布扎比穆巴達拉發展公司與世界500強排名第87位的美國電子數據系統(EDS)合資成立了Injazat Data Systems公司,主要從事信息技術和商業服務。從而實現了與美國EDS公司在美國、亞太地區、歐洲、中東以及非洲地區60多個國家,3.5萬政府和商業客戶的鏈接。
2、2007年5月21日,阿布扎比穆巴達拉發展公司全資子公司Al Yah衛星通訊公司宣佈將在EADS Astrium, Thales and Alenia Space中選擇,共同開發價值13億美元的雙向衛星通訊系統。
2、2006年12月11日,阿布扎比穆巴達拉發展公司投資3000萬歐元,收購了義大利航空企業Piaggio Aero Industries 35%的股權。
1、2004年5月9日,阿布扎比穆巴達拉發展公司與德國大眾、沙特 Olayan集團共同拆資20億歐元購買荷蘭車隊管理公司LeasePlan,成立LeasePlan合資公司。其中阿布扎比穆巴達拉發展公司和沙特 Olayan集團各占25%股份,德國大眾占50%股份。2006年12月LeasePlan Emirates開始投產運營。
2、2007年4月,阿布扎比穆巴達拉發展公司與MGM MIRAGE簽署了一份最終協議,投資建立一家新公司在全球開發豪華型非博彩酒店和度假村,初步目標鎖定阿布扎比和拉斯維加斯。
- Acquisitions Unit
- Aerospace & Technology Unit
- Abu Dhabi Aircraft Technologies (100%) - Formely Gulf Aircraft Maintenance Company(GAMCO) [1]
- Piaggio Aero (35%)
- Ferrari (5%)
- du (telco) (20%)
- Injazat Data Systems - which is a joint venture between EDS and Mubadala. Its purpose is to provide IT and business process outsourcing (BPO) services in the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Oman to the government, oil and gas, utilities, financial services, transportation, telecom and healthcare sectors. (60%)
- SR Technics MRO supplier based in Switzerland. (40%)
- Horizon International Flight Academy
- YahSat (Satellite providing clients in MENA, Europe and South East Asia with telecommunication services) - 100%
- Energy & Industry Unit
- Liwa Energy - Oil exploration in Libya and Oman
- Emirates Aluminium
- Abu Dhabi Future Energy or Masdar - Development and research of new technologies that will support the use of future alternative energy and also preserving environmental sustainability (100%)
- Healthcare Unit
- Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi (100%)
- Abu Dhabi Knee and Sports Medicine Center (100%)
- Imperial College London Diabetic Centre (100%)
- Infrastructures Unit
- Abu Dhabi Terminals (100%) - Operation of Port Zayed in Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi Terminals is managed by DP World through an agreement
- UAE University Management & Development - a concession with UAE university in which Mubadala and other investors will own UAE university by providing the funds to construct their new campus in Al Ain, fitting it and expanding it. The new campus will be 280,000 square meters.
- Properties Development
- Abu Dhabi Financial Center
- Zayed Sport City
The Finances & Corporate Affairs Group
Handling the internal affairs of Mubadala by providing it with financial, legal and professional services.
The Investment Management Group
Managing the various investment portfolios of Mubadala:
- Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) - 8%, bought for $622 million.
- ALDAR properties - Property and real estate development in Abu Dhabi. (7%)
- Abu Dhabi Ship Building - Construction and repair of military and commercials vessels.
- Carlyle Group - 7.5%, a private equity firm that invests in aerospace and high-tech businesses.
- Dolphin Energy - 51%
- Emirates Ship Investment Company or Eships - Previously known as the Combined Cargo UAE. It operates 9 cargo vessels which are used for dry bulk shipping, transportation of aggregates and transporting iron ore. (32.89%)
- Ferrari - In July 2005, Mubadala purchased a 5% stake in the world famous sport car manufacturer from Mediobanca. The deal costs €114 million.[4]
- LeasePlan Corporation - Purchased a 25% stake in the Dutch car rental company for €2 billion from ABN Amro.
- National Central Cooling Company or Tabreed - This company provides district cooling to the entire UAE, with 13 cooling plants in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Al Ain, Fujairah and Ras Al Khaimah. Total capacity is 87,000 of chilled cooling water. (5%)
- Oasis Leasing - A leasing company which provides aircraft leasing primarily and also ship leasing. Currently it owns 19 aircraft.
- Spyker Cars - Purchased a 17% stake in this Dutch sport car manufacturer.
- Tanqia - A company which provides waste water treatment and gathering in the Emirate of Fujairah.