出自 MBA智库百科(https://wiki.mbalib.com/)
- 態度(attitude)
- 品牌興趣(brand interest)
- 品牌忠誠(brand loyalty)
- 企業市場(business markets)
- 影響中心(centers of influence)
- 有意勸服路徑(central route to persuation)
- 認知(cognition)
- 消費行為(consumer behavior)
- 消費者決策過程(consumer decision making process)
- 消費者市場(consumer markets)
- 文化(culture)
- 現有顧客(current customers)
- 詳儘可能性模型(Elaboration Likelihood Model)
- 環境因素(environment)
- 選擇評估(evaluation of alternatives)
- 評估標準(evaluative criteria)
- 參考組(evoked set)
- 交換(exchange)
- 政府市場(government markets)
- 習慣(habit)
- 需要層次(hierachy of needs)
- 工業市場(industrial markets)
- 信息性動機(informational motives)
- 人際影響(interpersonal influences)
- 認知(learning)
- 市場(market)
- 賣主(marketers)
- 營銷(marketing)
- 大腦檔案(mental files)
- 動機(motivation)
- 需要(needs)
- 被動生成動機(negatively originated motives)
- 非人員影響(nonpersonal influences)
- 輿論領袖(opinion leader)
- 集團買主(organizational buyers)
- 感知(perception)
- 感知過濾(perceptual screens)
- 無意勸服路徑(periphial route to persuasion)
- 個人過程(personal processes)
- 勸服(persuasion)
- 生理過濾(physiological screens)
- 主動生成動機(positively originated motives)
- 購後失調學說(postpurchase dissonance)
- 購後評估(postpurchase evaluation)
- 潛在顧客(prospective customers)
- 心理過濾(psychological screens)
- 參照人群(reference groups)
- 經銷商市場(reseller markets)
- 選擇性感知(selective perception)
- 自我意識(self-concept)
- 社會階層(social classes)
- 刺激(stimulus)
- 亞文化(subculture)
- 認知失調學說(theory of cognitive dissonance)
- 轉換性動機(transformational motives)
- 國際市場(transnational markets)
- 效用(utility)
- 欲望(wants)
- 地理人口細分(geodemographic segmentation)
- 地理細分(geographic segmentation)
- 成長期(growth stage)
- 隱性差異(hidden differenees)
- 獨立品牌(individual brand)
- 誘導性差異(induced differences)
- 密集分銷(intensive distribution)
- 引入期(introductory phase)
- 特許品牌(licensed brand)
- 市場細分(market segmentation)
- 營銷組合(marketing mix)
- 成熟期(maturity stage)
- 全國性品牌(national brand)
- 網路營銷(network marketing)
- 非人員傳播(nonpersonal communication)
- 人員型服務(people-based service)
- 顯性差異(perceptible differences)
- 人員傳播(personal communication)
- 定位(position)
- 價格因素(price element)
- 初級需求(primary demand)
- 首要需求趨勢(primary demand trend)
- 私家品牌(private label)
- 產品概念(product concept)
- 產品因素(product element)
- 產品生命周期(product life cycle)
- 消費心態細分(psychographic segmentation)
- 消費心態(psychographic)
- 宣傳(publicity)
- 拉(pull)
- 拉式戰略(pull strategy)
- 購買時機(purchase occasion)
- 推入(push)
- 推式戰略(push strategy)
- 轉銷商(reseller)
- 銷售推廣(sales promotion)
- 選擇性需求(selective demand)
- 選擇性分銷(selective distribution)
- 服務(service)
- 特別事件(special events)
- 標準工業分類代碼(Standard Industrial Classification Codes)
- 目標市場(target market)
- 目標營銷過程(target marketing process)
- 電話營銷(telemarketing)
- 使用率(usage rates)
- 用戶身份(user status)
- 垂直營銷體系(vertical marketing system)
- 用量細分(volume segmentation)