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阿莫斯·特沃斯基(Amos Tversky,1937年3月16號- 1996年6月2日),美國行為科學家,因對決策過程的研究而著名。他的工作不僅對心理學,而且對經濟、法律等需要面對不確定性進行決策的領域都產生了很大影響,1982年獲美國心理學會頒發的傑出科學貢獻獎,1985年當選為國家科學院院士。而他的合作者Kahneman獲得了2002年諾貝爾經濟學獎。
擁有雙重國籍的心理學家克赫曼(Daniel Kahneman) 和他的伙伴Amos Tversky親密得就象一個人一樣,他們共同奮鬥,向有關人們是如何形成判斷及如何選擇的傳統觀念 進行了挑戰。
2002年,普林斯頓的教授克赫曼博士與喬治大學的Smith教授一起獲得了諾貝爾獎。但Kahneman教授說:因為這個獎不頒給已去世的人,要不然於 1996年去世的Tversky 博士也應該分享這一榮譽。68歲的克赫曼博士說:我覺得這個獎是我倆一起得的,我們像兄弟一樣共同工作已有一個世紀了。
他們於 1969年在以色列耶路撒冷就開始了合作,那時他們形影不離,或漫步在希伯來大學的草地上,或坐在某個小咖啡館里,或在他倆共有的辦公室里喝著速溶咖啡,他們總是在交談,談論他們共同研究的問題。後來Tversky 博士到美國斯坦福任教,克赫曼博士到美國哥倫比亞大學任教,他們每天都要通幾次電話。
他們對著作中的每句話字斟句酌,直到形成一個完美的結論,現在這部書已成了研究心理學與經濟學的經典專著。出書時不知將誰的名字放在前面,他們只好拋硬幣決定。Tversky 博士長得瘦長結實,充滿魅力,要年輕幾歲。克赫曼博士則睿智無比,溫和一些,多點直覺,看起來顯得笨拙些。他們兩個心理學家在一起共同建立了一套理論解釋了人們在危險及不確定的情況下如何做出判斷及決定。
比如說,一種相同的選擇機會如果以不同的方式表現出來的話就會引起人們作出不同的決定,傳統的經濟學就不能解釋這個。在一個實驗中,心理學家召集一群人讓他們想像一種情況,如果一種可怕的疾病暴發,可能有600人會因此死亡。現在有兩種治療方案可供選擇,A方案的結果是200人肯定可以得救。B方案的結果是1/3的機會 600全都可以得救,2/3的機會連1個人也救不了。大部分受實驗者都選方案A,也就是偏向於肯定的方案。
前景理論(Prospect Theory,PT)首先由國外學者Kahneman和Tversky(1979)(用KT代表兩個作者)明確的提出,他們認為個人在風險情形下的選擇所展示出的特性和VonNeumann—Morgenstem的效用理論的基本原理是不相符的。
一是他們發現和確定性的結果相比個人會低估概率性結果,他們稱之為確定性效應(Certainty Effect)。KT還指出確定性效應導致了當選擇中包含確定性收益時的風險厭惡以及當選擇中包含確定性損失的風險尋求。
二是他們還發現了孤立效應(Isolation Effect),即當個人面對在不同前景的選項中進行選擇的問題時,他們會忽視所有前景所共有的部分。孤立效應會導致當一個前景的描述方法會改變個人決策者決策的變化。
三是KT發現了反射效應(Reflection Effect),當正負前景的前景絕對值相等時,在負前景之間的選擇和在正前景之間的選擇呈現鏡像關係。為了補償這些VMUT所不能解釋的關於個人行為的特征,KT提出了新模型PT。
Amos Tversky, (Hebrew: עמוס טברסקי; March 16, 1937 - June 2, 1996) was a cognitive and mathematical psychologist, and a pioneer of cognitive science, a longtime collaborator of Daniel Kahneman, and a key figure in the discovery of systematic human cognitive bias and handling of risk. Much of his early work concerned the foundations of measurement. He was co-author of a three-volume treatise, Foundations of Measurement (recently reprinted). His early work with Kahneman focused on the psychology of prediction and probability judgment. Later, he and Kahneman originated prospect theory to explain irrational human economic choices. Daniel Kahneman's autobiography for the Nobel Prize webpage contains a rich account of Tversky's personal and professional qualities and a eulogy, starting with the section "Collaboration with Amos Tversky." Daniel Kahneman received the Nobel Prize for the work he did in collaboration with Amos Tversky, who would have no doubt shared in the prize had he been alive.
Tversky received his doctorate from the University of Michigan in 1964, and later taught at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, before moving to Stanford University. In 1984 he was a recipient of the MacArthur Fellowship. Amos Tversky was married to Barbara Tversky, now a professor in the human development department at Teachers College, Columbia University. He died of a metastatic melanoma.
He also collaborated with Thomas Gilovich, Paul Slovic and Richard Thaler in several key papers.
Tversky and Fox (1995) addressed ambiguity aversion, the idea that people do not like ambiguous gambles or choices with ambiguity, with the comparative ignorance framework. Their idea was that people are only ambiguity averse when their attention is specifically brought to the ambiguity by comparing an ambiguous option to an unambiguous option. For instance, people are willing to bet more on choosing a correct colored ball from an urn containing equal proportions of black and red balls than an urn with unknown proportions of balls when evaluating both of these urns at the same time. However, when evaluating them separately, people are willing to bet approximately the same amount on either urn. Thus, when it is possible to compare the ambiguous gamble to an unambiguous gamble people are averse, but not when one is ignorant of this comparison.
- foundations of measurement
- anchoring and adjustment
- base rate fallacy
- conjunction fallacy
- framing
- clustering illusion
- prospect theory
- cumulative prospect theory
- representativeness heuristic
- support theory