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Fiserv公司(Fiserv Inc.),也譯為費哲金融服務公司

官方網站網址:http://www.fiserv.com/ (全球) http://www.signature.fiserv.com/ (亞太)



 Fiserv Inc.(納斯達克:FISV)專門為金融行業和醫保行業提供信息管理系統和服務,包括交易處理、外包服務、業務流程外包、軟體及系統解決方案。公司在全球服務的客戶超過 17000家,其中有銀行信用合作社理財規劃師投資顧問保險公司代理自籌資金的雇主、以及借貸儲蓄機構。Fiserv總部位於美國威斯康星州布魯克菲爾市,2005年報告的總營業額超過了40億美元。在《美國銀行家》(American Banker)和Financial Insights所做的2005年和 2004年FinTech 100的調查中,Fiserv都被評為美國金融服務行業最大的信息技術提供商。

 Fiserv是財富500強企業中僅有的三家及財富1000強中僅有的七家金融數據服務提供商之一。 Fiserv同時也是財富500強企業中10家及財富1000強企業中25家美國威斯康星州的公司之一。

Fiserv 亞太

 Fiserv 亞太成立於 1989 年,是 Fiserv CBS 全球(Fiserv CBS Worldwide)的分部,負責整個亞太區域 Fiserv 金融技術方案的銷售、實施以及技術支持。

 Fiserv 擁有一流的商業銀行業務專家,他們對行業知識都有很深的造詣,配合國際水準的技術方案,成為亞太區各大金融機構實力雄厚、安全可靠的業務合作伙伴,幫助他們不斷發展並實現戰略和戰術目標

 銀行業務和技術兩方面專門技能的完美結合,以及以客戶為中心的一貫理念,是 Fiserv 在亞太地區以及全世界大獲成功的秘訣。Fiserv 在亞太地區擁有超過 45 位客戶。一個頗能說明公司成功運作的衡量標準是在年度調查中,從客戶收到的可推薦評級為 100%。

 Fiserv 全套解決方案的設計方針就是增強金融機構的競爭力,業務涉及零售銀行消費金融、 信用聯盟、財富管理信用卡私人銀行以及資金管理。所有解決方案都根據客戶的需求量身打造,幫助客戶重振旗鼓,或解決單個特殊要求。

 現在,Fiserv 亞太在新加坡、澳大利亞、印尼、菲律賓、香港、中國都分別設立了辦事處


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25 Years – Built on innovation, leading transformation of industry

Since our beginning in 1984, Fiserv (NASDAQ:FISV) has grown by finding the right resources to meet clients' strategic and day-to-day technology needs – developing industry-leading solutions, establishing key business partnerships, and acquiring and integrating entrepreneurial companies.

July 1984 – Fiserv formed as First Data Processing and Sunshine State Systems merge

We began by combining two large regional providers of financial services data processing for small banks and thrifts, Sunshine State Systems of Tampa and First Data Processing of Milwaukee. These two firms joined to form the first large national financial services company.

Fiserv was the first to launch the national data processing concept and now is an international corporation. In 1986, we went public as a $70 million data processor, adding credit union services with our 1988 acquisition of Minnesota On-Line, Inc. Within four years, Fiserv was serving some of the nation’s largest financial institutions.

As financial service organizations' needs grew, so did Fiserv's array of solutions – and its pattern of strong acquisitions. The team sought out profitable, well-run companies whose managers were willing to carry on their good work with the support of Fiserv resources.

In 1990 Fiserv expanded its electronic funds capabilities through the acquisition of California-based GTE EFT Services Money Network and GTE ATM Networks. We entered the card fulfillment market in 1992 through Indianapolis-based Data Holdings, Inc.

With each step forward the Fiserv team has focused on generating the solutions that matter to clients. Today, as a Fortune 500 multi-billion dollar global corporation, we offer clients an unmatched array of innovative solutions built on a foundation of service-oriented architecture and supported by the highest-quality client service.

2007 – Fiserv acquired CheckFree, the world leader in online bill pay

In 2007, Fiserv acquired CheckFree Corporation, the world leader in online bill pay and presentment. As our largest acquisition to date, CheckFree brought Fiserv new technology, including Corillian and Carreker that sets the company apart from its competition. This combination encourages innovative thinking, anticipating the clients' needs, and developing award-winning technology.

In short, Fiserv's history and future is about connecting clients with success and helping them to achieve best-in-class status. Now we serve more than 16,000 clients worldwide, Fiserv is the world’s leading provider of innovative technology for financial services, including banks, credit unions and thrifts

2009 Fiserv launches one brand strategy, one name and one brand identity

In the future we see ever more possibilities for our partners. We transform numbers into intelligence by unlocking the power of data, enabling our clients to create an enriched experience – one that will change the way customers view money, time and opportunity.

提示 本條目僅是MBA智庫百科Fiserv公司的介紹。若您需要與Fiserv公司聯繫,請訪問Fiserv公司官方網站。












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