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Goldcorp公司(Goldcorp Inc.)常稱之為“加拿大黃金公司”目錄 |
Goldcorp公司(Goldcorp Inc.,TSX: G, NYSE: GG) 成立於1954年,其總部在加拿大溫哥華,現擁有6052名員工,連同其附屬公司,在加拿大,美國,墨西哥,中美洲和南美洲從事貴金屬的收購,勘探,開發和運營。
當時Goldcorp在多倫多子公司的總裁是Rob McEwen,他曾經是一個互惠基金經理,是一個有活力、有衝勁、敢冒險的年輕人,雖然他沒有很多採礦冶煉業的工作經驗,但他很想把基金業積極進取風格帶到保守穩健的採礦業來。
Rob McEwen當時確信在紅湖地區能夠找到更多的金礦資源,而公司資深專家們的意見正好相反,認為資源已經枯竭、沒有什麼潛力了。他把專家們關在會議室,想不出辦法、制定不出計劃不讓下班回家。會議後他決定了一個讓員工覺得他瘋了的1000萬美元勘探計劃,在紅湖礦區最遠的、最深的地方勘探。幾周後地質人員有了重大發現:試鑽結果推算黃金儲量是當時估計的三十倍。
儘管試鑽結果令人興奮,但接下來的幾年卻讓Rob McEwen充滿挫折感,因為公司內的地質學家始終不能準確估計儲量和確定准確礦點位置。1999年Rob McEwen到麻省理工學院(MIT)參加青年總裁會議,被Linux Torvalds這種世界級電腦操作系統是利用志願者開源式的開發模式完成所喚醒。他突然認識到:如果公司內部員工不能發現金礦,也許其他外界人士能行,也許要象Linux那樣開放勘探過程才能找到這些人。回到多倫多便開始策劃“Goldcorp挑戰賽”。
2000年3月正式啟動了這次競賽,Goldcorp公司提供了57.5萬美元獎金獎勵那些有最好找礦方法和最準估計的參與者,公開了公司過去52年來積累的紅湖地區55000英畝礦區內部機密地質數據(大約400M),競賽問題是:“在紅湖地區的哪些地點可以為公司找到6百萬盎司黃金?”,Rob McEwen希望引入採礦行業的智能資本、象激光那樣精准定位礦點,從而加速探礦過程。
Rob McEwen認識到:從來沒有看到使用這麼多學科知識解決問題,這些獲獎者能夠在極短的時間內分析大型的、複雜的資料庫,即使不親臨現場也能標示出勘測目標,這種方法將是未來的一部分。
Goldcorp is a leading gold producer engaged in gold mining and related activities including exploration, extraction, processing and reclamation. The Company’s operating assets include the Red Lake, Porcupine and Musselwhite gold mines in Canada, the El Sauzal, Los Filos and San Dimas gold/silver mines in Mexico, the Marlin mine in Guatemala, the Marigold mine (67% interest) and Wharf mine in the United States and the Alumbrera mine (37.5%) in Argentina. Over 70% of Goldcorp’s reserves are in low political risk NAFTA countries.
Goldcorp has a solid pipeline of projects including the Eleonore gold project in Quebec, Canada, Peñasquito project in Zacatecas, Mexico and the Pueblo Viejo project (40% interest) in the Dominican Republic. These valuable assets, along with several others, will allow for growth in production for years to come.
Over a short period, Goldcorp has grown from a strong intermediate player to one of the top senior gold producers in the world. Our growth profile is unmatched in the mining industry with a 50% increase in gold production over the next five years.
The Board, management and employees of Goldcorp continually work together to deliver results to our shareholders and to have a positive impact within our host communities. We are committed to delivering responsible, sustainable growth to all stakeholders.
Goldcorp is focused on delivering long-term value and superior returns to its shareholders. Our goal is to be a low cost gold producer with geographic diversification and low political risk operating in a responsible manner with our neighbors and the environment.
- On March 31, 2006, Goldcorp acquired the Eleonore gold project in Quebec from Virginia Gold Mines Ltd.
- On May 12, 2006, Goldcorp completed the purchase of a number of Placer Dome assets from Barrick Gold for approximately $1.6 billion.
- In August 2006, Goldcorp acquired Glamis Gold to create one of the world’s largest gold companies.
- On February 14, 2008, Goldcorp completed the disposition of 108 million common shares of Silver Wheaton to a syndicate of underwriters, at a price of Cdn $14.50 per share, for aggregate gross proceeds to Goldcorp of $1.571 billion which represents the sale of all of Goldcorp's remaining interest in Silver Wheaton.
- On September 25, 2008, Goldcorp acquired Gold Eagle Mines Ltd. Gold Eagle's principal asset is the Bruce Channel gold discovery which is situated adjacent to Goldcorp's Red Lake Gold mine.
- In October 2008, Goldcorp was named one of BC's Top Employers by Mediacorp Canada Inc., which was announced by The Vancouver Sun, The Province and the Victoria Times-Colonist.
Goldcorp has established a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics intended to document the principles of conduct and ethics to be followed by Goldcorp Inc., its employees, officers and directors.
Its purpose is to:
- Promote honest and ethical conduct, including the ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships;
- Promote avoidance of conflicts of interest, including disclosure to an appropriate person of any material transaction or relationship that reasonably could be expected to give rise to such a conflict;
- Promote full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in reports and documents that Goldcorp files with, or submits to, the securities regulators and in other public communications made by Goldcorp;
- Promote compliance with applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations;
- Promote the prompt internal reporting to an appropriate person of violations of this Code;
- Promote accountability for adherence to this Code;
- Provide guidance to employees, officers and directors to help them recognize and deal with ethical issues;
- Provide mechanisms to report unethical conduct; and
- Help foster Goldcorp’s culture of honesty and accountability.
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