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佩羅系統(Perot Systems)
目錄[隱藏] |
佩羅系統(Perot Systems Corporation) (NYSE: PER)是信息技術服務和企業解決方案領域的全球供應商。通過其靈活的協作方式,佩羅系統將整個公司的專長進行整合,以便提供使客戶能夠加快發展、簡化經營以及創造更高客戶價值的定製解決方案。佩羅系統總部位於得克薩斯州普萊諾,其2008年的營收為28億美元。該公司在美洲、歐洲、中東和亞太地區共擁有 23000多名員工。
在佩羅系統,我們的成功始終建立在為客戶提供卓越的服務和解決方案上。在每件事上追求卓越正是公司文化的基石。從前線的技術人員到客戶經理,佩羅系統的每一位員工都要參加培訓,我們 23,000名員工做出承諾:為了向客戶提供最佳服務而做出決策和採取行動。
- 2009年9月22日,世界第二大個人電腦製造商戴爾(Dell)昨日宣佈,出資39億美元現金,協議收購同在得克薩斯州的佩羅系統(Perot Systems)。此舉標志著戴爾邁出外界期待已久的進軍IT服務業的第一步。[1]
- 2009年10月12日佩羅系統公司 Perot Systems Corporation (NYSE: PER) 今天宣佈,該公司將收購畢博管理咨詢(上海)有限公司(簡稱“畢博管理咨詢”)。畢博管理咨詢是一家的領先管理與技術咨詢公司,在上海和北京設有公司。[2]
在佩羅系統,我們的成功始終建立在為客戶提供卓越的服務和解決方案上。在每件事上追求卓越正是公司文化的基石。從前線的技術人員到客戶經理,佩羅系統的每一位員工都要參加培訓,我們 23,000名員工做出承諾:為了向客戶提供最佳服務而做出決策和採取行動。
1. 誠實正直:“誠實正直”,是佩羅系統價值觀和指導思想的基石,也是公司希望每位員工身體力行的核心行為準則。與員工、客戶建立彼此信賴、遵循道德規範、開誠佈公的關係,是做生意不可或缺的要素。公司所有員工必須在與工作相關的業務活動和業務關係中遵循社會規範、公司規範和道德規範。
2. 個人擔當:“個人擔當”指的是勇於承擔責任,願意在行動、交付和完成等階段為自己的行為負責。一個有擔當的員工能為個人、團隊伙伴和公司帶來榮譽,也會在穿著、行為舉止和溝通中表現出專業風範。
3. 團隊合作:“團隊合作”肇始於為實現共同的目標而致力於與他人、與其他團隊精誠合作。無論是在小組,還是業務部門,乃至整個公司組織內,團隊合作都是不可或缺的。擁有團隊精神的人願意為實現個人、團隊以及公司目標協同合作。他們平衡了個人需求和團隊目標,將團隊利益置於個人利益至上。在所有的團隊中,佩羅系統的團隊始終都是第一位的,也是最重要的;無論是個人、團隊、業務部還是支持組織無出其右。
4. 追求卓越的熱忱:“追求卓越的熱忱”是一種渴求超越平凡的激情。個人、團隊和公司應當在每件事情中追求卓越。具有工作熱情的員工執著於行動和質量,他們總是在尋求改善流程、解決問題和捕捉機遇的新方法,並且證明瞭服務中追求品質和卓越的重要性。這一點也體現在他們個人或是與團隊伙伴合作為滿足最高標準而採取的行動中。
- 客戶不僅僅是客戶,而是與公司建立長期關係的合作伙伴;
- 不滿足於達成客戶的目標,還要超越目標;
- 尋求新的想法,以實現價值增加、成本降低以及提升效率和有效性;
- 在客戶服務和項目的規劃實施中,始終保持追求品質和追求卓越的熱忱。
- 招募最好、最聰明的領導者,作為團隊的伙伴和同事;
- 為員工提供最好的工具、應用和培訓,使其能夠實現各自的目標,獲得職業發展;
- 嘉獎表現優異的員工
- 公司和員工將通過慈善活動和志願服務回饋社區。
- 實施有利於環保的經營政策和程式。
On June 1, 1988, Ross Perot—son of cotton broker Gabriel Ross Perot, U.S. Naval Academy graduate and veteran, one-time top IBM salesman, widely acknowledged as the founder of the IT services industry—met with eight associates at the breakfast table of the Perot home to take the first step in what many would later describe as a great adventure: the founding of Perot Systems Corporation.
The founders brought diverse industry, technical, and management expertise to the table—but even more so, they brought a common desire to build a company dedicated to delivering results for customers, based on the core values of personal and professional integrity.
First Steps
Later that same day, the associates flew to Washington, D.C., where they had established operations at the L’Enfant Hotel, eager to begin work on a proposed long-term contract to improve efficiencies at the U.S. Postal Service. However, when the USPS withdrew from the proposal under competitive and political pressures, the founders set their sights on other potential customers, using their extensive industry contacts to solicit business.
In those start-up days, small task orders and business process engagements helped pay expenses and meet payroll. One early customer was McGraw-Hill, Inc., which contracted digital printing and letter handling to the fledgling corporation. Shortly afterward, MCI signed on as Perot Systems’ first major long-term commercial customer.
Within the first year, Perot Systems established headquarters in Dallas, and the founders not only continued to recruit new customers, but also aggressively recruited individuals with exemplary technical skills and customer-service talent to join the team. Soon the new venture grew to more than 100 associates.
In 1989, a breakthrough contract created Perot Systems’ first outsourcing agreement. The deal with insurance holding company ICH presented daunting challenges, as the contract specified that a data center be operational within 90 days. Working long hours, the Perot Systems team not only met the deadline but established a site, installed equipment, and had processes up and running in just 56 days—a full 34 days ahead of schedule.
That data center experience proved beneficial a year later, when NationsBank hired Perot Systems to consolidate part of a complex three-bank merger by supervising the migration of separate information systems into a single new data center in Dallas.
In 1991, Perot Systems established a niche in the manufacturing industry through a Detroit-area company that later merged into TRW Automotive. Thus began a continuing relationship with automotive and manufacturing customers.
Global Expansion and Public Offering
In 1992, Perot Systems opened a London office, beginning an expansion into Europe and, eventually, into Asia and the Pacific Rim. The first significant European customer was Europcar, a leading global rental car company. Since then, Perot Systems has transformed the vehicle rental industry in both Europe and the United States with technology that includes curbside check-in and centralized fleet tracking.
In 1995, the Perot Systems Healthcare Group was established when Tenet Healthcare Corporation, formed through the acquisition of Perot Systems customer American Medical International by National Medical Enterprises, contracted Perot Systems to merge the two companies' IT systems and business processes and create an integrated technology environment. And in 1996, an IT outsourcing contract with global securities and investment banking firm UBS brought Perot Systems its first marquee financial services customer, along with substantial growth in both revenue and human resources.
On February 1, 1999, Perot Systems priced its initial public offering of stock at $16 per share, and on February 2, the stock began trading on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “PER.” The company achieved another milestone that year, as revenues exceeded $1 billion.
New Opportunities
In 2000, company co-founder Ross Perot, Jr. was named President and Chief Executive Officer of Perot Systems, and the company consolidated offices and established world headquarters in Plano, Texas. In July 2002, Perot Systems Government Services, Inc. was established with the acquisition of ADI Technology Corporation, a consulting and IT services provider to the federal government. In February 2003, the acquisition of Soza & Company, Ltd., was completed, broadening Government Services’ business base.
In August 2003, Perot Systems infused additional payment-processing capabilities into an already vibrant healthcare business by acquiring Vision Healthsource, India's leading provider of billing and claims solutions to the U.S. healthcare industry. In December, the company strengthened its applications development and management capabilities with the purchase of HCL Technologies’ shares of HPS, a joint venture formed with HCL in 1996, also in India.
In September 2004, several key executive appointments were announced. Ross Perot was named Chairman Emeritus of the Board of Directors, while Ross Perot, Jr. was named Chairman, and former Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary Peter Altabef was named President and Chief Executive Officer.