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Robert Half International(紐約證券交易所代碼:RHI)成立於1948年,總部位於美國加利福尼亞州,向客戶提供有關人力資源配給和風險管理方面的咨詢服務,通過Accountemps, Robert Half Finance & Accounting以及Robert Half Management Resources部門,該公司已成為在會計和財務領域中提供臨時工及全日制員工的專業服務供應商。Robert Half在世界各地設有超過345個的辦事機構。
除此之外,OfficeTeam部門專門提供臨時行政管理人員。Robert Half Technology部門專門提供信息技術方面的專業人員。Robert Half Legal部門提供臨時的、專項的和全日制的律師專業人員,併為律師事務所和公司的法律事務部門提供專業的支持人員。Creative Group則在廣告推廣、市場營銷和網頁設計領域,提供專業的項目管理人員。而Protiviti是一個全球性的業務咨詢和內部審計公司。
旗下部門主要以招聘為主的Accountemps, Robert Half Finance & Accounting, OfficeTeam, Robert Half Technology, Robert Half Management Resources, Robert Half Legal, The Creative Group;以及提供企業咨詢與審計服務的Protiviti (甫瀚公司),該公司合伙人來自原安達信美國內部審計和商業風險咨詢部門(該部門獨立於外部審計和鑒證服務部運作 )。
2012年3月,羅致恆富國際公司獲評《財富Fortune》®雜誌的“全球最受贊賞公司(World's Most Admired Companies)”榜。2014年,Robert Half再次入選《財富》雜誌全球最受尊敬公司榜。
Robert Half對於“道德第一”的堅定承諾為其與員工、候選人、客戶、股東和供應商的關係提供了行為框架。誠實、正直和專業是Robert Half的核心原則,半個世紀以來一直都沒有改變。Robert Half期望員工在日常工作中達到這些標準。正直是Robert Half所雇佣人員共有的特性,它將在未來繼續決定我們公司的本質。
Robert Half的理念建立於60多年的招聘經驗,業務理念的核心是Robert Half的招聘顧問僅接受其專業領域內的工作。每一個專業事業部僅專註於一個特定的行業,從而讓Robert Half能夠提供無與倫比的專業服務和客戶支持。
Founded in 1948, Robert Half is the first business to provide specialized staffing services for accounting and finance professionals. The company's CEO, Harold M. "Max" Messmer, has led Robert Half's expansion from $7 million in annual revenues in 1986 to $4.11 billion in 2012.
Back in 1986, the idea of the professional-level temporary was still untested, as the industry was primarily made up of generalist staffing firms placing clerical and light industrial workers. Believing that companies would be open to temporary workers at higher skill levels, Robert Half launched a series of new professional staffing divisions, each of which have grown into highly successful businesses. In later years, other companies saw the value in this approach, and professional-level staffing is now the fastest-growing segment of the staffing industry.
In 2008, Robert Half celebrated its 60th anniversary in business. In those six decades, the company has built a stellar reputation for high ethical standards, a specialized focus and unparalleled service. As one of the only truly global specialized staffing firms focusing exclusively in professional positions, Robert Half continues to help businesses worldwide find the skills they need, while assisting untold numbers of job seekers in finding meaningful employment.
Robert Half once again was listed on FORTUNE magazine's list of "World's Most Admired Companies." (March 18, 2013)
Ethisphere, an international think-tank dedicated to best practices in business ethics, named Robert Half to its "2013 World's Most Ethical Companies" list.
Robert Half again appeared in the Newsweek list of the greenest big companies in the United States (Oct. 22, 2012).
In 2012, Robert Half was named the 2011 Tier-Two Corporation of the Year winner by the Northern California Minority Supplier Development Council for its commitment to minority business development and inclusion.
In 2012, Robert Half again was named to Human Resource Executive's Most Admired for HR list, based on four categories of HR-related attributes: people management, innovation, product/service quality and management quality.
Chairman and CEO Max Messmer was named the Bay Area’s Most Admired CEO in the large public company category by the San Francisco Business Times in November 2011.
In 2011, Chairman and CEO Max Messmer received the Staffing Innovator Award from Staffing Industry Analysts, which recognizes an individual who has had a significant and positive impact on the staffing industry.
In 2010, Robert Half was inducted into the Junior Achievement Boston Business Hall of Fame, which recognizes companies that have demonstrated outstanding leadership skills in business and have shared those skills to the betterment of the local community.
Robert Half is the official career partner of The Wall Street Journal.
Robert Half frequently appears on "Best Places to Work" lists around the world.
Robert half在中國設有兩個事業部:
- 羅致恆富財務與會計事業部——針對經驗豐富的財會正式員工
- 羅致恆富管理資源事業部——針對經驗豐富的財務、IT和業務系統方面的固定期限員工和項目人員。