Frost & Sullivan公司
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全球增長咨詢公司Frost & Sullivan公司是一家國際著名的市場研究、出版和培訓公司,1961年成立於紐約,總部位於美國加州矽谷的心臟聖何塞市,以自己獨創的“市場工程體系”服務於大量世界頂尖的高科技公司。Frost & Sullivan每年完成大量單客戶市場及策略咨詢項目並出版50多個行業領域的上千份報告。40多年來,Frost & Sullivan已經為世界50多個國家和地區的公司提供了可靠的市場及戰略咨詢訊服務。其高質量的服務已為自己在300多個關鍵工業領域內贏得了世界性的聲譽。
Frost & Sullivan現有員工1000餘人,已在全球40多個國家和地區設立了分公司或辦公室,亞太辦公室包括:北京、上海、東京、孟買、新德里、新加坡、吉隆坡、悉尼、馬尼拉、漢城。全球研究機構依然在不斷擴展之中。
Frost & Sullivan公司對 300多個細分行業領域進行追蹤、分析和預測,每年出版多達 500 份市場研究報告。這些報告對激發業者新思想、協助企業規劃、支持投資分析,及為企業的戰略決策提供了必不可少的數據和資料。
Frost & Sullivan擁有遍佈六大洲的30多個辦事處,在與全球1000強企業、新興企業和投資界合作方面,擁有超過48年的經驗。
Frost & Sullivan, a global growth consulting company, has been partnering with clients to support the development of innovative strategies for more than 40 years. the company's industry expertise integrates growth consulting, growth partnership services and corporate management training to identify and develop opportunities. Frost & Sullivan serves an extensive clientele that includes Global 1000 companies, emerging companies, and the investment community, by providing comprehensive industry coverage that reflects a unique global perspective and combines ongoing analysis of markets, technologies, economoetrics, and demographics.
Frost & Sullivan works interactively with clients to develop innovative growth strategies.
Frost & Sullivan was founded in 1961 in New York City with a specific mission: To publish world-class market consulting information and intelligence on emerging high-technology and industrial markets. The company soon developed a reputation as one of the world's leading companies in growth consulting and corporate training. Now well into its fourth decade, Frost & Sullivan has won a worldwide reputation for publishing high-quality growth consulting and training reports in more than 20 major industries.
Through the 1960s, Frost & Sullivan pioneered market consulting, monitoring new technologies, tracking changes in distribution channels, forecasting market trends, and performing strategic analysis of competitors. Frost & Sullivan was always at the forefront - just as new markets and technologies appeared - with up-to-date research on potential markets. Frost & Sullivan was the first company to offer its services on electronic tape media, delivering world military equipment market data in 1962.
In the 1970s, Frost & Sullivan established a European headquarters in London and developed the first pan-European growth consulting reports. The company founded its Corporate Training division in 1972. Today it is one of Europe's premier corporate training centers. The training focuses on corporate management, leadership skills, sales and marketing, data communications, and information technology.
Frost & Sullivan's Executive Summits division was also launched in the 1970s. Frost & Sullivan Executive Summits are uniquely designed to integrate training, research, and strategic growth consulting skills with communication among the players in the industry. The events provide senior-level management executives with insights into market opportunities, competitive threats, technical trends, emerging markets, and competitive strategies. Frost & Sullivan continues to provide participants with unique strategic content, competitive benchmarking, industry focus, and the opportunity to network with other key industry executives.
Our one-of-a-kind Executive Summit format leverages the mass of brainpower of all of our participants. Jam-packed with dynamic networking activities and hands-on content, our programs are over 80% interactive. Brainstorm with your peers and validate solutions to your personal needs and challenges through workshops, ThinkTanks, panels, roundtables, and mindshares.
In the 1980s, Frost & Sullivan developed the "Market Engineering" Consulting system and began working directly with clients struggling to address key industry challenges, opportunities, and problems. The "Market Engineering" system has proven to be very effective in addressing our clients' business challenges and has developed into a strong and thriving Frost & Sullivan consulting business. The Market Engineering Consulting program also drove the development of a series of Executive Tutorial manuals, which help our clients develop their own strategies and solutions to their business challenges.
In the 1990s, client demand supported Frost & Sullivan's expansion into Asia with research and consulting offices in Singapore, China, India, and Japan. The continuing economic growth and potential of these markets will not be overlooked by Frost & Sullivan or its clients.
Frost & Sullivan also developed several worldwide "Customer Engineering Centers" in the early 1990s to fulfill our clients' requests for more customer surveys and analysis on new product launches and product development ideas. These centers have world-class survey instrument-development and analysis skills as well as covering virtually every language in the world. They play a major role in helping our clients become more "customer-focused".
The year 1998 witnessed the successful launch of a new division called Stratecast Partners. This division delivers actionable, conclusive and insightful strategic analysis utilized by telecommunications industry senior executives in making critical business strategy, technology strategy and tactical strategy decisions. Stratecast Partners offers a three part solution made up of: Access to its strategy staff; Access to the "fruits" of its sustaining research and analysis practice; and, Access to its incomparable strategic assessments of communications companies and technology sectors. Please visit for more information on the division.
The Decision Support Database service (DSD) was developed in 2000 to provide clients with baseline market measurements standardized and unified by country and by year. These have become an indispensable tool for client's business planning and forecasting projects.
In 2001 Frost & Sullivan successfully launched the Country Industry Forecast (CIF) service which provides economic analysis and forecasting by industry rather than by country. Also, launched in 2001 was a program of comprehensive industry newsletters provided to our clients to keep them abreast of market trends and news. Market Insights are written by our global analyst and consulting team to provide value to each issue.
In March 2001, Frost & Sullivan acquired Technical Insights (TI) adding a superior technology research capability to its suite of services. Technical Insights offers several technology subscription services as well as high-end technology analysis reports. TI's mission is to provide intelligence to executives and technology managers worldwide on technical developments that seem poised for the fastest growth.
Expanding on Frost & Sullivan's success of our popular Analyst Briefings and Executive Summits, Frost & Sullivan's eBroadcast Division delivers cutting-edge business strategies and solutions to its executive clients through interactive forums on the Internet. By combining the immediacy of the Web with the impact of streaming audio and video, Frost & Sullivan's eBroadcasts are one-hour topic-specific seminars packed with the information and insights needed to address real-world business needs.
2002 was a big vision year for Frost & Sullivan as we completely restructured and focused our client value proposition and vision based on a growth and partnership with our clients. In this year we developed our Growth Partnership Services which describes our new integrated service approach to our client relationships and our new Growth Consulting Model and methodologies.
In 2004 we expanded our global coverage into Asia and Latin America with new offices in Brazil, Mexico, Japan and Korea.
For 2005 and beyond the future looks bright for Frost & Sullivan and its client partners.
rost & Sullivan公司的業務涵蓋以下市場領域:
航空和國防 國防與安全
自主系統汽車和交通 汽車整車與零件市場
智能交通化工材料和食品 塑料與高分子
油墨與媒介能源和電力系統 能源與動力
電力供應與電池環保和樓宇智能 水與廢水處理
環境衛生與安全醫療保健 醫葯與生物科技 醫學與生命科學 IT
藥物研發&臨床診斷工業自動化和電子 工業自動化與過程式控制制
智能卡信息和通訊技術 電信服務與運營研究
空間通信專業服務 成長咨詢
Frost & Sullivan(中國)公司――中國電信市場的運營研究機構
在中國,FROST & SULLIVAN公司專註於電信企業的運營研究,主要進行運營戰略與管理決策研究、運營能力與IT架構研究、電信業務模式研究、運營營銷與客戶服務研究。以雄厚的市場研究實力為基礎,為世界領先的運營商、設備商、軟體商、增值業務提供商及集成商提供中國市場戰略、專業管理咨詢及市場營銷咨詢等服務。
Frost & Sullivan(中國)公司擁有龐大的研究資料庫、資深的業內專家,註重對產業鏈的整體研究,市場咨詢、運營咨詢與設備技術咨詢並重。熟悉中國與世界電信市場的需求與運作,引用國外先進的運營管理思想和方法並與中國實踐相結合,註重對未來的分析和策略的前瞻性,業務模式分析與實踐操作並重。是OSS、現代化運營管理、電信業務模式研發等國際先進電信經營理念的引進者和倡導者。是中國唯一的專業的電信運營研究機構。