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里斯伙伴咨询公司(Ries & Ries Focusing Consultants)LOGO标志
裡斯伙伴咨詢公司(Ries & Ries Focusing Consultants)——國際領先的營銷戰略咨詢公司之一




  阿爾·裡斯(Al Ries)和女兒勞拉·裡斯(Laura Ries)在紐約建立了裡斯伙伴咨詢公司(Ries & Ries Focusing Consultants)。為《財富》500強中的許多公司提供咨詢服務。

  阿爾·裡斯(Al Ries)是美國營銷大師,是世界最著名的營銷戰略家之一,是暢銷書《22條商規》和《定位》的作者之一。目前是裡斯和裡斯(Ries&Ries)咨詢公司的主席,該公司主要業務是為眾多知名企業提供戰略選擇服務。



Ries & Ries was founded in 1994 by Al Ries and his daughter Laura Ries in Great Neck, New York.

Prior to 1994, Al was with his former partner Jack Trout in Greenwich, Connecticut. And Laura was working as an account executive at TBWA Advertising in New York City. Al decided he wanted to work with his daughter and Laura decided to fulfill a lifelong dream of working with her mentor.

In 1997, Ries & Ries relocated to Atlanta, Georgia. In Atlanta, they have found a warm climate, friendly people and the world's busiest airport, Hartsfield International.

The dynamic duo have been profiled in Business Week, Marketing News, Advertising Age, The Wall Street Journal, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Brandweek and countless other domestic and international magazines and newspapers.

Ries & Ries consults with top companies across the globe. In addition, Al and Laura travel the world doing seminars on the principles of marketing strategy.

Al Ries

Al Ries is chairman of Ries & Ries, an Atlanta-based marketing strategy firm that he runs with his daughter Laura Ries.

Al is a legendary marketing strategist and the bestselling author (or co-author) of 11 books on marketing including Positioning, Marketing Warfare, Focus, The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding, The Fall of Advertising & the Rise of PR and his latest The Origin of Brands.

After graduating from DePauw University, Al worked in the advertising department of General Electric before founding his own advertising agency in New York City, Ries Cappiello Colwell in 1963. The agency later changed to a marketing strategy firm, Trout & Ries.

In 1972, Al co-authored the now infamous three-part series of articles declaring the arrival of the Positioning era in Advertising Age magazine. The concept of positioning revolutionized how people viewed advertising and marketing. Marketing was traditionally thought of as communications, but successful brands are those that find an open hole in the mind and then become the first to fill the hole with their brand name. Kleenex in tissue. Hertz in rent-a-cars. Red Bull in energy drinks.

Last year, Advertising Age magazine choose the 75 most important ad moments of the last 75 years celebrating the publication's 75th anniversary. The emergence of positioning came in at number #56. Ad Age commented on how the concept remains just as relevant in today's environment, "The positioning era doesn't end. What became a part of the marketing lexicon in the early '70's holds its own in the textbooks of today."

In 1994, Al started Ries & Ries with his daughter Laura a recent graduate of Northwestern University and TBWA advertising account executive. Al & Laura continue to work together today consulting with Fortune 500 companies, writing books and giving seminars around the world. Al was president of the Association of Industrial Advertisers (now the Business Marketing Association) and the Advertising Club of New York. He was also chairman of the Club's Andy Awards. In 1989, Sales & Marketing Executives International gave him its "Tops in Marketing" award. In 1999, PR Week magazine named him one of the 100 most influential PR people of the 20th century.

Always one for controversy, Al's book, The Fall of Advertising & the Rise of PR, has generated enormous interest in the marketing community. The book made both the Business Week and The Wall Street Journal bestseller lists. In addition to being reviewed by these publications, it was also reviewed by USA Today, Harvard Business Review, Boston Globe, Chicago Sun-Times and many other publications.

Al's latest book, The Origin of Brands explores "divergence," the best way to create a new brand. And creates controversy of its own by debunking the myth of convergence. What works today in marketing is creating a new category by divergence, a concept which is analogous to the creation of a new species, as pioneered by Charles Darwin in his classic book on the subject.

Al currently writes a monthly marketing column for AdAge.com and is an often quoted expert in many publications.

Al's favorite activities include snorkeling, horseback riding and driving with the top down. He resides in Atlanta, Georgia, with his wife, Mary Lou.

laura ries

Laura Ries is president of Ries & Ries, an Atlanta-based marketing strategy firm that she runs with her father and partner Al Ries.

Laura attended Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois where she graduated "with highest distinction" from Northwestern's School of Speech in 1993, finishing in the top 2% of her class.

After graduation, Laura worked at TBWA Advertising in New York City as an account executive on the Woolite and Evian brands.

In 1994, Laura partnered with her father to form Ries & Ries. Together they have consulted with many Fortune 500 companies. They have also co-authored four books together:

The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding (1998)

The 11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding (2000)

The Fall of Advertising & the Rise of PR (2002)

The Origin of Brands (2004)

The Fall of Advertising & the Rise of PR has generated enormous interest in the marketing community. The book made both the Business Week and The Wall Street Journal bestseller lists. In addition to being reviewed by these publications, it was also reviewed by USA Today, Harvard Business Review, Boston Globe, Chicago Sun-Times and many other publications.

Laura's latest book, The Origin of Brands explores "divergence," the best way to create a new brand. Like her father, Laura is one for controversy and this book does it by debunking the myth of convergence. What works today in marketing is creating a new category by divergence, a concept which is analogous to the creation of a new species, as pioneered by Charles Darwin in his classic book on the subject. In 2002, Business 2.0 named Laura a "management guru" and issued trading cards with her picture and statistics on them.

Laura has appeared on the Fox News Channel, CNBC, ABC World News Tonight and CNN. She is a frequently quoted marketing expert in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Associated Press, Advertising Age and other publications. In addition to her consulting, speaking and writing, Laura enjoys many activities such as horseback riding, tennis, weight lifting, snow skiing and photography. Laura resides in Roswell, Georgia with her husband, two sons, two poodles and one show horse.











  評估並指出了產品滯銷的原因併進一步提出了 “不含咖啡因的汽水”的定位,直指可樂的強勢中的弱勢,這個戰略使七喜汽水大放光彩,不僅牢牢占據了飲料業第三的地位,最終還逼迫可口和百事推出了不含咖啡因的可樂,並因此產生混亂和受到重創。


  紐西蘭在全球宣傳的幾年中,從未對他們的國家給出一個簡單而富有競爭力的定位。 為它制定了戰略定位——“世界上最美麗的兩個島嶼。” 藉助澳大利亞的旅游熱,在無爭的新地帶分走了來澳大利亞旅游者其中的一段時間,而且因為“世界上最美麗的兩個島嶼”給澳大利亞之行擴充了一個強有力的新景點,還會增加人們對澳大利亞游的興趣,因此總的市場也將擴大。



  在美國,現在公認最成功的比薩連鎖店是棒!約翰(Papa John’s), 裡斯伙伴接手棒!約翰時,它不但規模小,還有更大的問題:產品線長,產品複雜。從它製作比薩的獨特方法中看到了未來——棒!約翰的比薩不像必勝客那樣用濃縮的沙司,而是直接採用自然成熟和新鮮包裝的番茄現制沙司;它不用混合乾酪而完全用義大利乾酪;不用冷凍麵粉而用新鮮麵粉;不用自來水而用純凈水……在這樣一個複雜而奢侈的製作流程中,實際上可以用一個戰略定位來統領戰略,那就是:最高級的比薩。 “最高級的比薩”能使棒!約翰的以上運營活動得到一個戰略核心。

  約翰把最高級的比薩戰略執行得很棒,現在“更好的原料,更好的比薩”幾乎成了流行語。 《華爾街日報》有一篇文章談論他們的數字,棒!約翰的銷售增長兩倍於行業速度,利潤上升了66%,股票的價格已經是上市時的四倍。











里斯伙伴咨询公司(Ries&Chuang&Wong Consulting)




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