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印度塔塔咨詢服務公司(Tata Consultancy Service)塔塔咨詢服務公司網站網址:http://www.tcs.com
目錄[隱藏] |
印度塔塔咨詢服務公司(Tata Consultancy Service,簡稱TCS)是印度著名的企業集團—塔塔集團的控股子公司。成立於1968年,成立目的是為了通過信息技術來有效解決印度工業中的管理問題。經過近35年的發展,該公司已經成為印度軟體業的旗艦。該公司的投資重點為軟體工程實踐和標準、軟體質量保證、軟體項目管理、軟體處理、軟體工程技術研發等。TCS將其成功的原因歸結於與學術界的緊密聯繫、工作場所專業化、註重內部培訓和研究等。TCS的主要業務包括為各類大中小型企業(如金融銀行業、保險業、電信業、交通、零售業、製造業和醫葯業等)提供相應的軟體和咨詢服務。
在過去的幾年裡,TCS發展很快,幾乎每兩年收入就翻一番。2001-2002財年(即 2001.4.1-2002.3.31)收入為418.7億盧比(約合8.8億美元),它確定的目標是不久的將來收入超過10億美元。TCS目前是印度最大的IT企業,是印度最大的單一軟體服務出口商,也是亞洲最大的獨立的軟體和服務業公司。TCS目前在全球有100多個分支機構,向55個國家提供軟體服務。目前TCS雇員超過2萬名,客戶數有近千名,向海內外政府、企業和其它機構提供IT和商業咨詢服務。
TCS understands that clients need to do more with less, respond quickly to the needs of their markets and get more strategic advantage from IT. We are uniquely able to help clients solve these business challenges. Whether it's IT services, business solutions, or outsourcing, we can assure a level of certainty that others can't match.
TCS serves large and fast growing organizations who share a common set of objectives:
- Increase profitability and efficiency by doing more with less
- Rapidly and effectively respond to changing market demands, thereby improving organizational agility
- Leverage IT as a strategic driver for competitive advantage, not just as a business utility
TCS' success and reputation is built on ensuring certainty of outcome for these client objectives. TCS is uniquely able to deliver on this promise, primarily due to four strategic enablers:
- Our Broad Portfolio of Offerings provides clients with the right set of capabilities for the right problems at the right time. We apply deep industry experience to provide a wide range of IT Solutions, Consulting, Business Process Outsourcing, Engineering Services and IT Infrastructure Services. Visit the Offerings channel to learn more.
- We deliver those offerings through the Global Network Delivery Model™ , our unique business model for how we consistently deliver high-quality cost effective services all over the world. This model has enabled us to achieve client satisfaction ratings of 89% for meeting quality expectations and an average budget variation on projects of just 3% --both figures far better than industry norms.
- We then leverage our investment in Solution Accelerators - essentially the re-use of assets from prior engagements - to develop products, tools, and methodologies for bringing solutions to market more quickly and with higher quality. These tools, along with our Global Network Deliver Model, have helped us drive client satisfaction ratings of 87% for on-time project delivery (again - much higher than the industry norm).
- Finally, we help clients achieve and maintain competitive advantage through the use of our TCS Innovation Labs and Co-Innovation Network, our collaborative R&D and innovation engine which works to successfully exploit and commercialize new ideas, technologies and best practices.
Established in 1968, Tata Consultancy Services has grown to its current position as the largest IT services firm in Asia based on its record of outstanding service, collaborative partnerships, innovation, and corporate responsibility.
We are proud of our heritage as part of the Tata Group, founded by Jamsetji Tata in 1848 and one of India’s most respected institutions today. Our mission reflects the Tata Group's longstanding commitment to providing excellence:
To help customers achieve their business objectives by providing innovative, best-in-class consulting, IT solutions and services, and to actively engage all stakeholders in a productive, collaborative, and mutually beneficial relationship.
Our vision is to be one of the top 10 global companies by the year 2010.
Our values – integrity, leading change, excellence, respect for the individual, and fostering an environment of learning and sharing – will get us there.
TCS' ability to deliver high-quality services and solutions is unmatched. We are the world’s first organization to achieve an enterprise-wide Maturity Level 5 on both CMMI® and P-CMM®, using the most rigorous assessment methodology - SCAMPISM. Additionally, TCS’ Integrated Quality Management System (iQMS™) integrates process, people and technology maturity through various established frameworks and practices including IEEE, ISO 9001:2000, CMMI, SW-CMM, P-CMM and 6-Sigma.
To learn more about the Tata Group’s 150+ years of history, please click the link below.