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FM全球公司是世界上最大的工商業保險公司之一,FM全球公司通過其所屬的FM認證(FM Approvals)機構向全球的工業及商業產品提供檢測及認證服務。FM認證的證書在全球範圍內被普遍承認,而且FM全球公司的保險客戶也更傾向於使用通過了FM認證的產品,它向消費者表明該產品或服務已經通過美國和國際最高標準的檢測。FM認證機構也是歐洲以外唯一能夠直接對消防產品頒發CE標識的機構。
FM擁有:輕危險實驗室、水系統實驗室、大型火災實驗室、電器實驗室、研究實驗室、建築材料實驗室等多個專業的實驗室。FM所提供的檢測認證服務項目包括:產品認證: FM向防火器材、電子電器設備、危險場所設施、火場勘測、信號設備、建築材料等產品的生產商頒發認證證書;標準檢測:FM向生產商提供產品單一特性的標準檢測服務;ISO 9000註冊:FM是ISO 9000的註冊機構,可以為企業進行ISO 9000體系審核。
FM Global is a U.S.-based insurance company, with offices worldwide, that specializes in loss prevention services primarily to large corporations throughout the world in the Highly Protected Risk (HPR) property insurance market sector. FM Global has been named the "Best Property Insurer in the World” by Euromoney Magazine
The company employs a non-traditional business model consisting of:
- The provision of only HPR property insurance, rather than providing other types of insurance or consulting services independently.
- The provision of services either directly to their clients, or through insurance brokers.
- Mutual ownership, allowing management to take a long term approach to strategic planning. A mutual company is owned by the companies which are insured. This form of private ownership buffers monetary performance from short term impacts (i.e., unlike publicly owned companies, which may have to react quickly to quarterly or yearly stock losses).
- The belief that all property losses can be prevented or mitigated. This leads to loss research and advice to clients emphasizing the changes to operations and facilities to mitigate the effects of specific hazards. FM Global encourages clients to make improvements to their property or work practices in an attempt to reduce risks and minimize financial impact to the customer and insurance company if a loss occurs. As such, the goal of the relationship between FM Global and each company that is insured is to agree to long term risks which are commensurate with risks taken by other similar companies insured by FM Global.
During the depression of 1835, Zachariah Allen, a prominent textile mill owner, attempted to reduce the insurance premium on his Rhode Island, USA, mill by making property improvements that he believed would minimize the damage in case of fire. At that time, insurance premium increases for losses were shared among all insureds, regardless of individual loss history. The concept of loss prevention and control was virtually unheard of at the time. To Allen, a proactive approach to preventing losses made good economic sense.
After making considerable improvements to his mill, Allen requested a reduction in his premium, but was denied. He called upon other local textile mill owners who shared his loss prevention philosophy to create a mutual insurance company that would only insure factories with lower risks. This approach should result in fewer losses and smaller premium payments. Whatever premium remained at the end of the year would be returned to policyholders in the form of dividends. The group agreed, and by year's end, formed the Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Company, the oldest predecessor of FM Global.
During the company's first 14 years, the mill owners and mutual policyholders of Manufacturers Mutual enjoyed an average 50-percent reduction in premium compared with what other insurance companies were charging. The fire prevention methods they developed, monitored by regular fire inspections for mill policyholders, resulted in fewer losses. Despite its initial success, one problem remained for the pioneer mutual insurance company: a single mutual insurance company could not withstand the financial cost of the loss of an entire plant. More insurance capacity was needed, so in 1848, Allen formed another mutual insurance company, Rhode Island Mutual.
In 1850, Boston Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Company, the third-oldest FM Global predecessor, was created when Allen convinced a Boston merchant with significant cotton-mill ownership to form his own mutual insurance company with like-minded Boston mill owners. Throughout the next 20 years, other mutual insurance companies were added to the group roster. Together, these companies and the ones that later evolved soon became known as the Associated Factory Mutual Fire Insurance Companies, or the Factory Mutuals, for short.
Loss information helped identify specific industry hazards and was used in developing loss control recommendations for policyholders in similar industries. Such information was shared among all the Factory Mutual (FM) insurance companies, and was utilized by the inspection teams. As the FM companies grew, however, the inspection workload became difficult to manage. By 1878, the FM companies formed a dedicated unit to handle the collective inspection activities for all the FM policyholders. This unique group of loss control specialists initially provided only inspection services. The group later began performing appraisals and adjustments, loss analysis and research activities associated with preventing fire and other hazards in order to benefit the mutual insurance company owners and their policyholders. Today, all of these services remain components to FM Global in the form of engineering and research.
The FM companies' main interests in the late 1800s and early 1900s remained focused on researching and developing products or techniques that would help mitigate property risks and advance the efforts of property conservation. In 1874, a revolutionary form of loss control entered the loss prevention scene: the fire sprinkler. While the invention was designed and later perfected by entities outside the FM realm, FM's support and promotion of the product aided in its eventual widespread use and acceptance.
The 20th Century
The beginning of the 20th century brought significant change to the FM companies. Where once the mutual insurance companies focused primarily on the familiar business of textiles primarily within the Northeast region of the United States, new companies began to form that sought business beyond the traditional geographical boundaries. These mutuals began branching out into other industries, such as shoe and rubber manufacturers, foundries and light, gas and power companies, while still maintaining their preference for low-risk properties.
During the next 75 to 80 years, the need for more comprehensive policyholder coverage grew, forcing a series of consolidations among the FM companies. By 1987, 42 separate mutual insurance companies had become three: Allendale Mutual Insurance Company, Johnston, R.I., USA; Arkwright Mutual Insurance Company, Waltham, Mass., USA; and Protection Mutual Insurance Company, Park Ridge, Ill., USA. The three separate organizations found it difficult to deliver competitively priced, value-added engineering services in a marketplace full of increasing competition and a demand for more challenging property protection programs. The three companies were sharing the resources of an inspection group, yet were competing with one another for customers. In order to reduce competition and costs, in 1998 the CEOs announced their intent to merge the three companies to create FM Global. The merger was completed in 1999.
FM Global Today
FM Global is an international property insurance and loss prevention engineering company with US$4.3 billion of in-force premium (FY2006), US$5.2 billion in policyholders' surplus (FY2006), with clients in more than 100 countries.
Current FM Global clients do not necessarily receive lower premiums upon completion of loss prevention recommendations. Although a mutual company, FM Global charges some clients the market driven rate resulting from competitive pressures comparable to private insurance companies. However, other positive aspects may result from risk reduction, such as better insurance terms for limits or capacity, and avoidance of loss of market share, loss of workforce, and reduced production down time.
FM Global Research
FM Global’s 1,600 acre (648 ha) Research Campus[3] in West Glocester, R.I., USA, conducts testing in fire and explosion hazards, hazards detection and protection technology, natural disasters (flooding, wind damage, etc.), electrical hazards, and automatic sprinkler hydraulics. These tests range from witnessing the difference in how products burn to how construction components perform in hurricane conditions.
商家選擇FM認證,就等於進入了FM全球保險項目的市場,進入全球市場,同時使自己的產品有別於沒有經過認證的產品,即增加了產品的實力,又節省了進入市場的時間。FM認證為商家減少了認證成本,減少了內部成本,減少了審核次數,把審核結合起來(FM Approvals,CPD,ATEX,IECEx,ISO),容易修改產品設計;減少產品生產周期的成本。
我公司比較特殊 業務僅僅專註於自身研究多年的火災等保險領域。我們是世界上最大的工業(而非工商業)保險公司,目前在世界大型(工程金額大於3000萬美金)工業保險市場中占27% 排名第一。公司本身資產在財富1000中排名565(07年的 06年是575好像), 但1000強中超過1/3是FM的保險客戶。 更多信息 歡迎聯繫。
1: FM Global 專業是商業財產保險。在這個領域它是全美國最大的商業財產保險公司。 但是由於完全並不涉足人壽,車輛,家庭財產等其他所有保險業務,所以其營業規模無法與綜合性的保險公司進行排名比較。
2:FM Global的企業結構是互助性保險公司,此公司所有者是保險客戶,而不是投資股東。所以這家公司的市值也無法與其他上市企業進行比較。在2008-2009年,該公司持有的現金盈餘在50億美元左右,遠超過許多股市價值數百億美元的公司。 也因為是客戶持有公司,這家公司目前主要業務仍在北美,其次是歐洲。
3:FM Global的認證標準,是舉世公認的消防標準。其北美火災與自然災害研究園占地6.48平方公裡,是全世界同類實驗室中規模最大的。
請問貴公司 所做出的 FM WORDING 保單內容 是否有參考美國的 ABI FORM 或是 ISR FORM 期WORDING之內容 有含 颱風嗎 突然性的豪大雨 是否也能算 COVER範圍呢
此公司是否不參加一般保險公司的排名? 為何作為世界上最大的工商業保險公司之一,卻不能在全球保險公司排名里占有一席之地? 是否當今世界500強的企業中有一半以上在此公司辦理了保險? 不清楚的還有好多,請專業人士翻譯多一點好嗎。謝謝!