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2017年《金融時報》全球EMBA排名(FT Global EMBA 2017)
目錄[隱藏] |
2017年10月16日,英國《金融時報》(FT)擁有10多年曆史的全球高管工商管理碩士項目百強排行榜(Global Executive MBA Ranking)披露。此次EMBA全球排名榜單中,前三均被中國項目包攬。
其中,香港科技大學的凱洛格-香港科大(Kellogg-HKUST)EMBA排名第一,香港大學的EMBA-Global Asia排名第二,清華大學的清華-英士(Tsinghua-Insead)雙學位EMBA排名第三。
香港大學的EMBA-Global Asia項目由哥倫比亞大學商學院、香港大學及倫敦商學院三校合作,此次第一年進入榜單,就一舉奪得了全球第二名。
另一方面,大陸7家中外合作辦學項目上榜。在中國高校和國外商學院合作項目中,清華-Insead雙學位EMBA項目(英語授課)、復旦大學-華盛頓大學EMBA項目(英語授課)、復旦大學-挪威BI在職MBA項目(英語授課)、交大-kedge 全球MBA項目(英語授課)、上海國家會計學院與美國亞利桑那州立大學合作EMBA項目(中文、英語授課)、復旦大學-香港大學在職MBA項目(中英文授課),分別位列榜單的第3位、第7位、第37位、第38位、第39位、第43位。另外,同濟大學-德國曼海姆商學院雙學位EMBA項目首次上榜,名列第46位。
本身持中外合作辦學資質的獨立商學院——中歐國際工商學院的Global EMBA在中國最早闖入《金融時報》全球EMBA排行榜,自2001年首次參評位列全球第29位以來,已經連續8年在FT榜單上穩居全球前20。
我國港臺地區高校在高級管理人員MBA教育領域處於世界一流。香港科技大學與美國西北大學kelloge商學院合作的EMBA項目名列全球第1,芝加哥商學院EMBA(含香港校區EMBA項目)為15位,香港中文大學EMBA則是32位。 我國臺灣地區也有兩所院校榜上有名,分別是78位的Aalto EMBA(總校位於芬蘭)以及69位的中山大學EMBA項目。
2017 | 2016 | 院校名 | 國家 | 課程項目 | 薪資 ($) | 薪資增長率 |
1 | 1 | Kellogg / HKUST Business School | China | Kellogg-HKUST EMBA | 478,379 | 62 |
2 | - | EMBA-Global Asia: Columbia/HKU/LBS | China / UK / US | EMBA-Global Asia | 319,032 | 78 |
3 | 2 | Tsinghua University / Insead | China / Singapore / France / UAE | Tsinghua-Insead Dual Degree EMBA | 316,057 | 58 |
4 | 8 | EMBA-Global: Columbia/LBS | US / UK | EMBA-Global Americas & Europe | 254,208 | 86 |
5 | 3 | Trium: HEC Paris / LSE / NYU: Stern | France / UK / US | Trium Global EMBA | 328,277 | 52 |
6 | 7 | Shanghai Jiao Tong University: Antai | China | SJTU Antai EMBA | 364,591 | 107 |
7 | 5 | Washington University: Olin | China | Washington-Fudan EMBA | 360,250 | 58 |
8 | 4 | Insead | France / Singapore / UAE | Insead Global EMBA | 281,892 | 48 |
9 | 9 | University of Oxford: Saïd | UK | University of Oxford EMBA | 242,985 | 75 |
10 | 12 | ESCP Europe | FR / GB / DE / ES / IT / LB | ESCP Europe EMBA | 234,080 | 62 |
11 | - | MIT: Sloan | US | MIT EMBA | 308,292 | 49 |
12 | 11 | Iese Business School | Spain / US | Global EMBA | 261,150 | 72 |
13 | 10 | IE Business School | Spain | Global EMBA | 243,273 | 52 |
14 | 13 | Ceibs | China / Switzerland | Ceibs Global EMBA | 330,980 | 54 |
15 | 14 | University of Chicago: Booth | US / UK / China | EMBA | 261,188 | 58 |
15 | 16 | University of Pennsylvania: Wharton | US | Wharton MBA for Executives | 238,926 | 59 |
15 | 15 | University of Cambridge: Judge | UK | Cambridge EMBA | 217,072 | 78 |
18 | 19 | London Business School | UK / UAE | EMBA | 222,466 | 55 |
18 | 17 | National University of Singapore Business School | Singapore | NUS EMBA | 262,596 | 59 |
20 | 24 | Korea University Business School | South Korea | EMBA | 283,982 | 95 |
21 | 20 | Duke University: Fuqua | US | Duke MBA - Global Executive | 239,290 | 40 |
22 | 6 | UCLA: Anderson / National University of Singapore | US / Singapore | UCLA-NUS EMBA | 264,132 | 46 |
23 | 26 | Kellogg / WHU Beisheim | Germany | Kellogg-WHU EMBA | 211,075 | 58 |
24 | 32 | Singapore Management University: Lee Kong Chian | Singapore | EMBA | 338,725 | 43 |
25 | 23 | Warwick Business School | UK | EMBA | 159,464 | 92 |
26 | 24 | Northwestern University: Kellogg | US | Kellogg EMBA | 254,250 | 60 |
27 | 20 | Kellogg / York University: Schulich | Canada | Kellogg-Schulich EMBA | 178,560 | 64 |
28 | 31 | City University: Cass | UK / UAE | EMBA | 179,463 | 75 |
29 | 27 | IMD | Switzerland | IMD EMBA | 273,151 | 49 |
30 | 18 | Nanyang Business School | Singapore | Nanyang EMBA | 256,201 | 35 |
31 | 34 | ESMT Berlin | Germany | EMBA | 189,046 | 53 |
32 | 37 | CUHK Business School | China | EMBA | 252,950 | 51 |
33 | 40 | Fudan University School of Management | China | Fudan EMBA | 263,578 | 78 |
33 | 38 | New York University: Stern | US | NYU Stern EMBA | 249,055 | 51 |
35 | 29 | OneMBA | Brazil / China / Mexico / Netherlands / US | OneMBA:FGV S?o Paulo / Xiamen / Egade / RSM / UNC | 209,717 | 69 |
36 | - | University of Michigan: Ross | US | EMBA | 239,211 | 53 |
37 | 22 | Kedge Business School | France / China | Global MBA | 195,447 | 94 |
38 | 39 | BI Norwegian Business School / Fudan University School of Management | China | BI-Fudan MBA | 203,381 | 90 |
39 | 30 | Arizona State University: Carey | China | Carey-SNAI EMBA | 209,704 | 79 |
40 | 28 | Columbia Business School | US | EMBA | 213,790 | 55 |
41 | 33 | Georgetown University / Esade Business School | US / Spain | Global EMBA | 208,950 | 34 |
42 | 34 | Imperial College Business School | UK | EMBA | 144,411 | 58 |
43 | - | Yonsei University School of Business | South Korea | EMBA | 281,568 | 65 |
43 | 42 | University of Hong Kong | China | HKU-Fudan International MBA | 181,982 | 104 |
45 | 46 | University of St Gallen | Switzerland | EMBA | 182,226 | 47 |
46 | - | Tongji University/Mannheim Business School | Germany / China | Mannheim-Tongji EMBA | 189,172 | 48 |
47 | 45 | Essec / Mannheim | France / Germany / Singapore | Essec-Mannheim EMBA | 161,120 | 49 |
48 | 49 | UCLA: Anderson | US | EMBA | 197,584 | 44 |
49 | 50 | Cornell University: Johnson | US | Cornell EMBA | 210,164 | 51 |
50 | 47 | Cornell University: Johnson/Queen's University: Smith | Canada / US | EMBA Americas | 182,407 | 51 |
51 | 54 | Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University | The Netherlands | EMBA | 134,538 | 61 |
52 | 54 | University of Maryland: Smith | US | Smith EMBA | 192,254 | 46 |
52 | 47 | Henley Business School | UK | Henley EMBA | 158,879 | 58 |
54 | 67 | Grenoble Ecole de Management | Georgia / Russia | Part-time EMBA | 141,696 | 69 |
55 | 41 | University of Strathclyde Business School | SG / MY / AE / BH / OM / CH / GR | Strathclyde EMBA | 166,970 | 66 |
56 | 73 | Temple University: Fox | US | Fox EMBA | 168,090 | 46 |
57 | 69 | University of Washington: Foster | US | EMBA | 192,236 | 32 |
58 | 44 | WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)/University of Minnesota: Carlson | Austria | Global EMBA | 171,240 | 33 |
58 | 66 | University of Zurich | Switzerland | EMBA University of Zurich | 146,918 | 38 |
60 | - | Melbourne Business School | Australia | EMBA | 161,725 | 49 |
60 | 58 | Western University: Ivey | Canada | Ivey EMBA | 161,786 | 42 |
62 | 52 | Incae Business School | Nicaragua | EMBA | 164,458 | 49 |
62 | 56 | University of Pittsburgh: Katz | US / Brazil | EMBA Worldwide | 203,896 | 46 |
64 | 57 | University of Minnesota: Carlson | US | Carlson EMBA | 179,816 | 62 |
65 | 59 | Stockholm School of Economics | Sweden | SSE MBA for Executives | 130,153 | 50 |
66 | 74 | SDA Bocconi | Italy | EMBA | 163,053 | 44 |
67 | 53 | University of Toronto: Rotman | Canada | EMBA | 138,330 | 27 |
68 | 72 | Kozminski University | Poland | EMBA | 167,100 | 60 |
69 | 85 | National Sun Yat-sen University | Taiwan,China | EMBA | 178,896 | 56 |
70 | 96 | HEC Lausanne | Switzerland | EMBA | 132,716 | 29 |
71 | 83 | Georgia Institute of Technology: Scheller | US | EMBA | 168,075 | 48 |
72 | 78 | University of Texas at Austin: McCombs | US | Texas EMBA | 165,714 | 37 |
73 | 63 | SMU: Cox | US | SMU Cox EMBA | 175,925 | 47 |
74 | 89 | University College Dublin: Smurfit | Ireland | EMBA | 128,552 | 51 |
75 | 65 | Emory University: Goizueta | US | MBA for Executives | 180,352 | 37 |
76 | 64 | Koç University Graduate School of Business | Turkey | EMBA | 179,444 | 51 |
76 | 80 | Queen's University: Smith | Canada | Queen's EMBA | 142,551 | 42 |
78 | 61 | Aalto University | FI / SG / KR / PL / TW | Aalto EMBA | 137,471 | 40 |
78 | 70 | Vlerick Business School | Belgium | EMBA | 124,769 | 59 |
80 | 89 | Antwerp Management School | Belgium / Russia | EMBA | 160,318 | 35 |
81 | - | Neoma Business School | France | EMBA | 136,556 | 54 |
81 | 83 | Michigan State University: Broad | US | EMBA | 140,907 | 58 |
83 | 87 | EMLyon Business School | France / Morroco | EMBA | 137,433 | 33 |
84 | 61 | Vanderbilt University: Owen | US | Vanderbilt EMBA | 148,271 | 63 |
85 | - | The Lisbon MBA | Portugal | Lisbon Part-time EMBA | 136,687 | 60 |
86 | - | Edhec Business School | France | EDHEC EMBA | 122,408 | 39 |
87 | 74 | Gordon Institute of Business Science at UP | South Africa | Modular / Part-time EMBA | 206,982 | 48 |
88 | - | NHH | Norway | EMBA | 127,132 | 41 |
89 | 95 | Baylor University: Hankamer | US | Hankamer EMBA | 152,103 | 64 |
90 | 76 | Texas A & M University: Mays | US | Mays EMBA | 192,374 | 35 |
91 | 67 | Rutgers Business School | US | Rutgers EMBA | 185,965 | 46 |
92 | 81 | Frankfurt School of Finance and Management | Germany | EMBA | 143,778 | 34 |
93 | 94 | Fordham University: Gabelli | US | Gabelli EMBA | 145,967 | 48 |
93 | 92 | University of Rochester: Simon | US / Switzerland | Simon EMBA | 144,972 | 43 |
95 | 96 | Sabanci University School of Management | Turkey | Sabanci EMBA | 153,338 | 37 |
96 | 82 | Toulouse Business School | France / Morocco | TBS EMBA | 116,696 | 47 |
97 | 79 | University of Utah: Eccles | US | EMBA | 146,852 | 43 |
98 | - | ESC Rennes | France | EMBA | 121,843 | 22 |
99 | 93 | BI Norwegian Business School | Norway | BI EMBA | 142,261 | 25 |
100 | 88 | Tias Business School | The Netherlands | EMBA | 120,579 | 38 |
- 2016年《金融時報》全球EMBA排名
- 2015年《金融時報》全球EMBA排名
- 2014年《金融時報》全球EMBA排名
- 2013年《金融時報》全球EMBA排名
- 2012年《金融時報》全球EMBA排名
- 2011年《金融時報》全球EMBA排名