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波蘭儲蓄銀行(PKO Bank Polski;PKO BP)
目錄[隱藏] |
波蘭PKO銀行(PKO Bank Polski, PKO BP)是波蘭最大的銀行。它為個人和企業客戶提供服務。波蘭PKO銀行核心業務活動是零售銀行。全稱Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności,大概的意思是“一般的儲蓄銀行”,Bank Polski意思是“波蘭銀行”。一般只使用縮寫。
由於其規模和作為第一銀行的位置,波蘭PKO銀行仍然是波蘭具有最佳認知度和最有價值的品牌。《銀行家》雜誌的專家估計,該銀行的品牌價值為10億美元,在波蘭“2010年波蘭品牌” 排名榜價值設定在36億茲羅提。2011年版由英國公司BrandFinance準備的“BrandFinance®銀行500” 排行榜,其中包括世界上最有價值的銀行品牌,PKO銀行品牌價值為14.8億美元。波蘭PKO銀行在波蘭和中東歐排第一位和世界第一百一十四位。
雖然在華沙證券交易所發行上市,但在2011年國家仍然直接和間接持有51.24%的股份(40.99%屬於國家財政,10.25%屬於國有銀行Gospodarstwa Krajowego)。然而,國有股東最近通告他們有意出售部分股份。波蘭財政部部長亞歷山大•梯度說,Gospodarstwa Krajowego銀行將出售10%,財政部將根據市場需求出售更多的股票。政府在波蘭PKO銀行的總股份,這次轉讓後將下降到25%。
PKO BP股票在股市出售後,波蘭僅有的國有銀行是Gospodarstwa Krajowego銀行(中央銀行之外)。
波蘭PKO銀行不應與另一個相同縮寫,龐大而古老的波蘭銀行Pekao S.A.銀行混淆。
2013年波蘭儲蓄銀行和Alior銀行、Bank Zachodni WBK(BZ)、BRE Bank、ING Bank Slaski參與移動支付和手機銀行標準的制定的。幾家銀行將共同在波蘭儲蓄銀行的手機銀行平臺基礎上,共建移動支付系統,屆時消費者可以通過該平臺進行線上和線下的支付,甚至ATM提款和隨時隨地的轉賬。業務覆蓋了波蘭1600萬消費者,囊括了70%的波蘭市場。
Intending to retain its universal, Polish character, the Bank consistently strengthens its position of leadership in all of its core business segments. In working toward this overriding objective, it stays the course of sustainable development, focused on effective recognition and fulfilment of the needs of its customers, with whom it builds strong long-term relationships. Through improved operational efficiency it markedly and consistently improves quality of its customer service. At the same time it will retain stable profitability aligned with expectations of its shareholders while exercising a prudential approach to risk taking. In order to build its team out of the most valuable human capital available in the market, it aspires to become the best employer in the Polish financial sector.
The newest strategy of PKO Bank Polski for the years 2013-2015 reflects our motivation and commitment to continual improvement. Its main objectives include delivery of sustainable shareholder value growth, retention of high cost efficiency, growing of market shares and increase of customer service quality and efficiency. We also wish to actively pursue possibilities for development in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe through acquisitions or alliances.
The New Strategy for the years 2013-2015 defines six key lines of action:
customer satisfaction; excellence in distribution – relates to better and more efficient customer service and development of the remote channels; innovation and technology – stepping up innovation in delivery of new financial solutions, not just in the realm of products, but also distribution channels; organisational efficiency – relates to maintaining strong competitiveness through introduction of intelligent management information, risk optimization and liquidity management; development of competence – relates largely to staff competence and corporate culture development; acquisitions and alliances – funded with the significant capital surpluses available.
- PKO BP Bankowy Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne
- PKO Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych
- Bankowy Fundusz Leasingowy
- Bankowe Towarzystwo Kapitałowe
- 電子服務
- inteligo金融服務
- Qualia Development (formerly: PKO BP Inwestycje)
- Centrum Finansowe Puławska