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日本電產株式會社(Nidec Corporation)





  日本電產有限公司在大連註冊成立時間於1992年,註冊資本6808.2萬美元,總投資額1.52億美元,總占地面積90000平方米,廠房面積 59000平方米,現有員工9000多人。公司主要生產空調室內室外機用馬達,洗衣機、空氣凈化器等白色家電用馬達,環保熱水器馬達、洗碗機水泵馬達,辦公設備用精密馬達,電動工具、工業機械、風力發電用馬達,以及工業用水泵、油泵、化工用特種泵馬達。公司總生產能力為每月220萬台,其中空調室內室外機用馬達占公司總生產能力的90%。 公司致力於親環境產品的開發,生產的空調用直流無刷馬達占據全球市場首位。作為世界絕大多數主流空調廠商的最佳合作伙伴,與日本的松下夏普,大金,東芝日立三菱,南韓的LG三星,開利,中國的海爾海信美的格力長虹等大公司保持著長期的合作關係。併為美國的BLACK&DECKER(百得),瑞典的Electrolux(伊萊克斯),日本的東陶,電送,林奈,夏普,日本油泵等著名公司提供各種家電和產業用的馬達。

  日本電產(浙江)有限公司是由國際著名的跨國公司日本電產株式會社於2002年4月1日投資設立。公司所在地為浙江省嘉興平湖市經濟開發區公司註冊資本 3500萬美元,總投資額9750萬美元。




  •   1973—1982

  Birth of company & ground-breaking years

  The world-shaking jolt of the '70s oil shock posed a serious threat to the Japanese economy. Chances were miserably small for a company like Nidec—a newborn, minuscule-scale manufacturer with no impressive historical track record—even to secure minimum orders necessary to barely survive. In apparent desperate straits, what solved the problem was a decision to venture into the U.S. market. With this as a turning point, Nidec rapidly extended its global reach beyond the U.S. into Asia and Europe establishing a foothold in the world stage just three years after its founding.

  Nidec continuously expanded its product lineup from small precision AC motors to brushless DC motors and cooling fans. In 1979, it became the first company worldwide to put spindle motors into practical use in 8-inch-diameter hard disk drives. With the opening of a high-volume factory in Mineyama, Kyoto, Nidec had laid the groundwork for the growth to come.

  •   1983—1992

  Global expansion & product diversification

  In the early '80s, when the use of word processors and personal computers was getting increasingly popular throughout Japan, Nidec noted bright prospects in the industry for spindle motors to be used in PC-based HDDs, and stepped up their production.

  Nidec steadily increased order volume by responding promptly to various needs from major HDD makers both at home and abroad. While establishing new domestic factories in Shiga, Tottori, and Okayama prefectures to strengthen production, Nidec started overseas production in Thailand, China in step with accelerated customer moves toward overseas operation.

  In the meantime, Nidec purchased the axial-flow fan division of Torin Corp.—the first M&A; operation for Nidec—and launched fully into the fan business.

  Nidec's 1988 listings on the Osaka Stock Exchange (second section) and the Kyoto Stock Exchange, unprecedented coming just 15 years after the company's founding, attracted much public attention.

  The following year, 1989, Nidec purchased its then competitor, Shinano Tokki Co., Ltd., establishing itself as the indisputable leader in the market for HDD spindle motors.

  •   1993—1997

  Pursult of frontler technology & active M&A

  During the '90s, the pace of HDD-motor miniaturization accelerated as the trend toward computer downsizing gained momentum. Nidec steadily accumulated technical expertise through vigorous research & development activities aimed at obtaining higher precision technologies. Following the opening of the Central Laboratory in 1992, Nidec reorganized a domestic factory located in Shiga prefecture into a technical center. In 1994, Nidec became the world's first mass-producer of the next-generation HDD motor—the Fluid Dynamic Motor (FDB motor)—solidifying its technological basis for the coming growth.

  Meanwhile, scale expansions as a corporate group by means of M&A; went into full swing. In 1995, Nidec took a stake in Shimpo Industries Co., Ltd. and Kyoritsu Machinery Co., Ltd. Subsequently, in 1997, Nidec added three companies to its allies: Tosok Corp. (a former affiliate of Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.), Read Electronics Corp. (a former subsidiary of Nippon Steel Corporation), and Kyori Kogyo Co., Ltd. Through this rapid sequence of M&A; operations, Nidec gained widespread technical expertise associated with high-precision processing, testing & measuring, and press technology as its group assets.

  •   1998—2002

  A big leap onto the world stage

  Having exceeded the consolidated sales of 100 billion yen for FY1997, in 1998 Nidec listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and saw its listing on the second section of the Osaka Stock Exchange elevated to the rank of the first section.

  Hardly taking time to bask in the afterglow of these achievements, Nidec shifted its focus to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Three years later in 2001, Nidec successfully went public on the NYSE, embarking on a new chapter as a global enterprise.

  Over those years, Nidec included in its growing group Copal Co., Ltd., Copal Electronics Co., Ltd. and Shibaura Nidec Corp. (established as a joint venture with Shibaura Mechtronics Corp. and Toshiba Corp.) in 1998, Nemicon Corp in 1999, and Y-E Drive Corp. in 2000. The resulting expansion in business further encouraged the shift overseas of production facilities. Notably in China, a fast-growing economic power, Nidec established a huge production site at Pinghu City, Zhejiang.

  •   2003—

  As a world-class enterprise

  Nidec celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2003 and had its headquarter building renewed—the highest building in Kyoto by far—where the head office and central technical laboratory work in close coordination. Sankyo Seiki Mfg. Co., Ltd. joined as Nidec's group company.

  Toward the target sales of 1 trillion yen and employees of 100,000—and even more lying beyond those goals—Nidec's quest for the future goes on.

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