


出自 MBA智库百科(https://wiki.mbalib.com/)

  麥肯錫獎(McKinsey Award),由麥肯錫管理研究基金會(McKinsey Foundation for Management Research)與《哈佛商業評論》(Harvard Business Review)雜誌合作從1959年設立。


  得過該獎的作者包括一些大家非常熟悉的管理大師,如彼得·德魯克(Peter F. Drucker),邁克爾·波特(Michael E.Porter),查爾斯·漢迪(Charles Handy),C.K.普拉哈拉德(C.K.Prahalad)等著名教授學者。



年份 作者獲獎文章發表月份
1959 瑞爾·丹尼(Reuel Denney) "The Lelsure Soclety" May-June
唐納德·格蘭特(Donald R.Grant) "Illusion in Lease Financing" March-April
1960 艾布拉姆·科利爾(Abram T. Collier) "Debate at Wickersham Mills" May-June
西奧多·萊維特Theodore Levitt"Marketing Myopla" July-August
1961 克拉克·克爾(Clark Kerr)、約翰·鄧祿普(John T. Dunlop)、弗雷德里克·哈比森(Frederick Harbison)、查爾斯·邁爾斯(Charles A. Myers) "Industrialism and World Soclety" January-February
本傑明·塞萊克曼(Benjamin M. Selekman) "Businessmen In Power" September-October
1962 彼得·德魯克(Peter F. Drucker) "Big Business and the National Purpose" March-April
Leiand Hazard "Can We Afford Our National Goals?" May-June
1963 彼得·德魯克(Peter F. Drucker) "Managing for Business Effectiveness" May-June
詹姆斯·布賴恩·奎恩James Brian Quinn),詹姆斯·米勒James A. Mueller“Transferring Research Results to Operations” January-February
1964 哈羅德·沃爾夫(Harold A. Woiff) "The Great GM Mystery" September-October
查爾斯·馬立克(Charles H. Malik) "Ideals for Export" January-February
1965 邁爾斯·梅斯(Myles L. Mace) "The President and Corporate Planning" January-February
伊戈爾·安索夫(H. Igor Ansoff) "The Firm of the Future" September-October
1966 Jerrold G. Van Cise "Regulation - By Business or Government?" March-April
西奧多·萊維特Theodore Levitt"Innovative Imitation" September-October
1967 愛德華·萊普(H. Edward Wrapp) "Good Managers Don't Make Policy Decisions" September-October
詹姆斯·布賴恩·奎恩James Brian Quinn"Technological Forecasting" March-April
1968 西奧多·萊維特(Theodore Levitt) "Why Business Always Loses" March-April
西奧多·珀塞爾(Theodore V. Purcell) "Break Down Your Employment Barriers" July-August
吉恩·布拉德利(Gene E. Bradley) "What Businessmen Need to Know About the Student Left" September-October
1969 梅爾文·安申(Melvin Anshen) "The Management of Ideas" July-August
哈里·萊文森(Harry Levinson) "On Being a Middle-Aged Manager" July-August
1970 喬治·洛奇(George Cabot Lodge) "Top Priority: Renovating Our Ideology" September-October
塞繆爾·卡爾伯特(Samuel A. Culbert)、詹姆斯·埃爾登(James M. Elden) "An Anatomy of Activism for Executives" November-December
1971 利文斯頓·斯特林(J. Sterling Livingston) "Myth of the Well-Educated Manager" January-February
彼得·德魯克(Peter F. Drucker) "What We Can Learn From Japanese Management" March-April
1972 西奧多·萊維特(Theodore Levitt) "Production-Line Approach to Service" September-October
邁爾斯·梅斯(Myles L. Mace) "The President and the Board of Directors" March-April
1973 小傑克遜·格雷森(C. Jackson Grayson, Jr.) "Let's Get Back to the Competitive Market System" November-December
布魯斯·斯科特(Bruce R. Scott) "The Industrial State: Old Myths and New Realities" March-April
1974 喬治·洛奇(George Cabot Lodge) "Business and the Changing Society" March-April
彼得·德魯克(Peter F. Drucker) "New Templates for Today's Organizations" January-February
1975 亨利·明茨伯格(Henry Mintzberg) "The Manager's Job: Folklore and Fact" July-August
馬丁·費爾德斯坦(Martin S. Feldstein) "Unemployment Insurance: Time for Reform" March-April
1976 戴維·麥克利蘭David C. McClelland) 、戴維·伯納姆(David H. Burnham) "Power is the Great Motivator" March-April
羅伯特·安東尼(Robert N. Anthony) "A Case for Historical Costs" November-December
1977 亞伯拉罕·扎萊茲尼克(Abraham Zaleznik) "Managers and Leaders: Are They Different?" May-June
托馬斯·弗林(Thomas D. Flynn) "Why We Should Account for Inflation" September-October
1978 阿爾弗雷德·尼爾(Alfred C. Neal) "Immolation of Business Capital" March-April
理查德·坦納·帕斯卡爾Richard Tanner Pascale"Zen and the Art of Management" March-April
1979 邁克爾·波特(Michael Porter) "How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy" March-April
羅莎貝斯·莫斯·坎特Rosabeth Moss Kanter"Power Failure in Management Circuits" July-August
1980 羅伯特·海斯(Robert H. Hayes)、 威廉·艾伯納西(William J. Abernathy) "Managing Our Way to Economic Decline" July-August
安德烈·貝納德(Andre Benard) "World Oil and Cold Reality" November-December
約翰·加巴羅(John J. Gabarro)、約翰·科特(John P. Kotter) "Managing Your Boss" January-February
1981 威廉·艾伯納西(William J. Abernathy), 金·克拉克(Kim B. Clark), and Alan M. Kantrow "The New Industrial Competition" September-October
彼得·德魯克(Peter F. Drucker) "Behind Japan's Success" January-February
1982 羅伯特·海斯(Robert H. Hayes)、 戴維·加文(David A. Garvin) "Managing as if Tomorrow Mattered" May-June
布魯斯·斯科特(Bruce R. Scott) "Can Industry Survive the Welfare State?" September-October
1983 戴維·加文(David A. Garvin) "Quality on the Line" September-October
羅伯特·傑克考爾(Robert Jackall) "Moral Mazes: Bureaucracy and Managerial Work" September-October
1984 理查德·伯耶爾(Richard J. Boyle) "Wrestling with Jellyfish" January-February
羅伯特·卡普蘭(Robert S. Kaplan) "Yesterday's Accounting Undermines Production" July-August
1986 威克漢姆·斯金納(Wickham Skinner) "The Productivity Paradox" July-August
William H. Peace "I Thought I Knew What Good Management Was" March-April
1987 邁克爾·波特(Michael Porter) "From Competitive Advantage to Corporate Strategy" May-June
亨利·明茨伯格(Henry Mintzberg) "Crafting Strategy" July-August
1985 詹姆斯·布賴恩·奎恩James Brian Quinn"Managing Innovation: Controlled Chaos" May-June
皮埃爾·瓦克(Pierre Wack) "Scenarios: Uncharted Waters Ahead" September-October
1988 小喬治·斯托克(George Stalk, Jr.) "Time - The Next Source of Competitive Advantage" July-August
克裡斯托弗·哈特(Christopher W.L. Hart) "The Power of Unconditional Service Guarantees" July-August
1989 加里·哈默爾(Gary Hamel) and 普拉哈拉德(C.K.Prahalad) "Strategic Intent" May-June
菲利斯·斯沃茲(Felice N. Schwartz) "Management Women and the New Facts of Life" January-February
邁克爾·詹森(Michael C. Jensen) "Eclipse of the Public Corporation" September-October
1990 William Wiggenhorn "Motorola U: When Training Becomes an Education" July-August
查爾斯·弗格森(Charles H. Ferguson) "Computers and the Coming of the U.S. Keiretsu" July-August
普拉哈拉德(C.K.Prahalad)、加里·哈默爾(Gary Hamel) "The Core Competence of the Corporation" May-June
1991 安德魯·拉帕波特(Andrew S. Rappaport)、斯繆爾·哈勒維(Shmuel Halevi) "The Computerless Computer Company" July-August
約翰·希利·布朗(John Seely Brown) "Research That Reinvents the Corporation" January-February
1992 查爾斯·漢迪(Charles Handy) "Balancing Corporate Power: A New Federalist Paper" November-December
查爾斯·奈特(Charles F. Knight) "Emerson Electric: Consistent Profits, Consistently" January-February
1993 詹姆斯·摩爾(James Moore) "Predators and Prey: A New Ecology of Competition" May-June
戴維·加文(David A. Garvin) "Building a Learning Organization" July-August
1994 克裡斯·阿吉裡斯(Chris Argyris) "Good Communication That Blocks Learning" July-August
彼得·德魯克(Peter F. Drucker) "The Theory of the Business" September-October
1995 約瑟夫·鮑爾(Joseph L. Bower)、克萊頓·克裡斯滕森(Clayton M. Christensen) "Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave" January-February
查爾斯·漢迪(Charles Handy) "Trust and the Virtual Organization" May-June
1996 加里·哈默爾(Gary Hamel) "Strategy as Revolution" July-August
邁克爾·波特(Michael Porter) "What Is Strategy?" November-December
1997 斯圖爾特·哈特(Stuart L. Hart) "Beyond Greening: Strategies for a Sustainable World" January-February
阿裡·德赫斯(Arie de Geus) "The Living Company" March-April
菲利普·埃文斯(Philip B. Evans)、托馬斯·沃斯特(Thomas S. Wurster) "Strategy and the New Economics of Information" September-October
1998 瓊·瑪格麗塔(Joan Magretta) "The Power of Virtual Integration: An Interview with Dell Computer's Michael Dell" March-April
提摩西·魯曼(Timothy A. Luehrman) "Strategy as a Portfolio of Real Options" September-October
普拉哈拉德(C.K.Prahalad)、李侃如(Kenneth Lieberthal) "The End of Corporate Imperialism" July-August
1999 約翰·哈格爾三世(John Hagel III)、馬克·辛格 (Marc Singer) "Unbundling the Corporation" March-April
加里·哈默爾(Gary Hamel) "Bringing Silicon Valley Inside" September-October
2000 羅伯特·戈費(Robert Goffee)、加雷斯·瓊斯(Gareth Jones) "Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?" September-October
邁克爾·麥考比(Michael Maccoby) "Narcissistic Leaders: The Incredible Pros, the Inevitable Cons" January-February
胡安·恩里克斯(Juan Enriquez)、雷·戈德伯格 (Ray A. Goldberg) "Transforming Life, Transforming Business: The Life-Science Revolution" March-April
2001 邁克爾·波特(Michael Porter) "Strategy and the Internet" March
約翰·哈格爾(John Hagel)、約翰·希利·布朗(John Seely Brown) "Your Next IT Strategy" October
克萊頓·克裡斯滕森(Clayton Christensen)、邁克爾·雷納(Michael Raynor)、馬修·韋爾蘭登(Matthew C. Verlinden) "Skate to Where the Money Will Be" November
2002 理查德·法森(Richard Farson)、拉爾夫·凱伊斯(Ralph Keyes) "The Failure Tolerant Leader" August
邁克爾·波特(Michael Porter)、馬克·克萊默(Mark R. Kramer) "The Competitive Advantage of Corporate Philanthropy" December
2003 悉尼·羅森(Sydney Rosen)、喬納森·西蒙(Jonathan Simon)、傑弗里·文森特(Jeffery R. Vincent)、 威廉·麥克勞德(William MacLeod)、馬修·福克斯(Matthew Fox)、 唐納德·西婭(Donald M. Thea) "AIDS Is Your Business" February
羅德里克·克萊默(Roderick M. Kramer) "The Harder They Fall" October
2004 彼得·德魯克(Peter F. Drucker) "What Makes an Effective Executive" June
羅伯特·莫里森(Robert Morison)、塔瑪拉·埃里克森(Tamara Erickson)、肯·迪赫特沃德(Ken Dychtwald) "It's Time to Retire Retirement" March
李效良(Hau L. Lee) "The Triple-A Supply Chain" October
2005 潘卡基·格瑪沃特(Pankaj Ghemawat) "Regional Strategies for Global Leadership" December
斯蒂文·斯比爾(Steven J. Spear) "Fixing Health Care from the Inside, Today" September






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