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麥肯錫獎(McKinsey Award),由麥肯錫管理研究基金會(McKinsey Foundation for Management Research)與《哈佛商業評論》(Harvard Business Review)雜誌合作從1959年設立。
得過該獎的作者包括一些大家非常熟悉的管理大師,如彼得·德魯克(Peter F. Drucker),邁克爾·波特(Michael E.Porter),查爾斯·漢迪(Charles Handy),C.K.普拉哈拉德(C.K.Prahalad)等著名教授學者。
目錄[隱藏] |
年份 | 作者 | 獲獎文章 | 發表月份 |
1959 | 瑞爾·丹尼(Reuel Denney) | "The Lelsure Soclety" | May-June |
唐納德·格蘭特(Donald R.Grant) | "Illusion in Lease Financing" | March-April | |
1960 | 艾布拉姆·科利爾(Abram T. Collier) | "Debate at Wickersham Mills" | May-June |
西奧多·萊維特(Theodore Levitt) | "Marketing Myopla" | July-August | |
1961 | 克拉克·克爾(Clark Kerr)、約翰·鄧祿普(John T. Dunlop)、弗雷德里克·哈比森(Frederick Harbison)、查爾斯·邁爾斯(Charles A. Myers) | "Industrialism and World Soclety" | January-February |
本傑明·塞萊克曼(Benjamin M. Selekman) | "Businessmen In Power" | September-October | |
1962 | 彼得·德魯克(Peter F. Drucker) | "Big Business and the National Purpose" | March-April |
Leiand Hazard | "Can We Afford Our National Goals?" | May-June | |
1963 | 彼得·德魯克(Peter F. Drucker) | "Managing for Business Effectiveness" | May-June |
詹姆斯·布賴恩·奎恩(James Brian Quinn),詹姆斯·米勒(James A. Mueller) | “Transferring Research Results to Operations” | January-February | |
1964 | 哈羅德·沃爾夫(Harold A. Woiff) | "The Great GM Mystery" | September-October |
查爾斯·馬立克(Charles H. Malik) | "Ideals for Export" | January-February | |
1965 | 邁爾斯·梅斯(Myles L. Mace) | "The President and Corporate Planning" | January-February |
伊戈爾·安索夫(H. Igor Ansoff) | "The Firm of the Future" | September-October | |
1966 | Jerrold G. Van Cise | "Regulation - By Business or Government?" | March-April |
西奧多·萊維特(Theodore Levitt) | "Innovative Imitation" | September-October | |
1967 | 愛德華·萊普(H. Edward Wrapp) | "Good Managers Don't Make Policy Decisions" | September-October |
詹姆斯·布賴恩·奎恩(James Brian Quinn) | "Technological Forecasting" | March-April | |
1968 | 西奧多·萊維特(Theodore Levitt) | "Why Business Always Loses" | March-April |
西奧多·珀塞爾(Theodore V. Purcell) | "Break Down Your Employment Barriers" | July-August | |
吉恩·布拉德利(Gene E. Bradley) | "What Businessmen Need to Know About the Student Left" | September-October | |
1969 | 梅爾文·安申(Melvin Anshen) | "The Management of Ideas" | July-August |
哈里·萊文森(Harry Levinson) | "On Being a Middle-Aged Manager" | July-August | |
1970 | 喬治·洛奇(George Cabot Lodge) | "Top Priority: Renovating Our Ideology" | September-October |
塞繆爾·卡爾伯特(Samuel A. Culbert)、詹姆斯·埃爾登(James M. Elden) | "An Anatomy of Activism for Executives" | November-December | |
1971 | 利文斯頓·斯特林(J. Sterling Livingston) | "Myth of the Well-Educated Manager" | January-February |
彼得·德魯克(Peter F. Drucker) | "What We Can Learn From Japanese Management" | March-April | |
1972 | 西奧多·萊維特(Theodore Levitt) | "Production-Line Approach to Service" | September-October |
邁爾斯·梅斯(Myles L. Mace) | "The President and the Board of Directors" | March-April | |
1973 | 小傑克遜·格雷森(C. Jackson Grayson, Jr.) | "Let's Get Back to the Competitive Market System" | November-December |
布魯斯·斯科特(Bruce R. Scott) | "The Industrial State: Old Myths and New Realities" | March-April | |
1974 | 喬治·洛奇(George Cabot Lodge) | "Business and the Changing Society" | March-April |
彼得·德魯克(Peter F. Drucker) | "New Templates for Today's Organizations" | January-February | |
1975 | 亨利·明茨伯格(Henry Mintzberg) | "The Manager's Job: Folklore and Fact" | July-August |
馬丁·費爾德斯坦(Martin S. Feldstein) | "Unemployment Insurance: Time for Reform" | March-April | |
1976 | 戴維·麥克利蘭(David C. McClelland) 、戴維·伯納姆(David H. Burnham) | "Power is the Great Motivator" | March-April |
羅伯特·安東尼(Robert N. Anthony) | "A Case for Historical Costs" | November-December | |
1977 | 亞伯拉罕·扎萊茲尼克(Abraham Zaleznik) | "Managers and Leaders: Are They Different?" | May-June |
托馬斯·弗林(Thomas D. Flynn) | "Why We Should Account for Inflation" | September-October | |
1978 | 阿爾弗雷德·尼爾(Alfred C. Neal) | "Immolation of Business Capital" | March-April |
理查德·坦納·帕斯卡爾(Richard Tanner Pascale) | "Zen and the Art of Management" | March-April | |
1979 | 邁克爾·波特(Michael Porter) | "How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy" | March-April |
羅莎貝斯·莫斯·坎特(Rosabeth Moss Kanter) | "Power Failure in Management Circuits" | July-August | |
1980 | 羅伯特·海斯(Robert H. Hayes)、 威廉·艾伯納西(William J. Abernathy) | "Managing Our Way to Economic Decline" | July-August |
安德烈·貝納德(Andre Benard) | "World Oil and Cold Reality" | November-December | |
約翰·加巴羅(John J. Gabarro)、約翰·科特(John P. Kotter) | "Managing Your Boss" | January-February | |
1981 | 威廉·艾伯納西(William J. Abernathy), 金·克拉克(Kim B. Clark), and Alan M. Kantrow | "The New Industrial Competition" | September-October |
彼得·德魯克(Peter F. Drucker) | "Behind Japan's Success" | January-February | |
1982 | 羅伯特·海斯(Robert H. Hayes)、 戴維·加文(David A. Garvin) | "Managing as if Tomorrow Mattered" | May-June |
布魯斯·斯科特(Bruce R. Scott) | "Can Industry Survive the Welfare State?" | September-October | |
1983 | 戴維·加文(David A. Garvin) | "Quality on the Line" | September-October |
羅伯特·傑克考爾(Robert Jackall) | "Moral Mazes: Bureaucracy and Managerial Work" | September-October | |
1984 | 理查德·伯耶爾(Richard J. Boyle) | "Wrestling with Jellyfish" | January-February |
羅伯特·卡普蘭(Robert S. Kaplan) | "Yesterday's Accounting Undermines Production" | July-August | |
1986 | 威克漢姆·斯金納(Wickham Skinner) | "The Productivity Paradox" | July-August |
William H. Peace | "I Thought I Knew What Good Management Was" | March-April | |
1987 | 邁克爾·波特(Michael Porter) | "From Competitive Advantage to Corporate Strategy" | May-June |
亨利·明茨伯格(Henry Mintzberg) | "Crafting Strategy" | July-August | |
1985 | 詹姆斯·布賴恩·奎恩(James Brian Quinn) | "Managing Innovation: Controlled Chaos" | May-June |
皮埃爾·瓦克(Pierre Wack) | "Scenarios: Uncharted Waters Ahead" | September-October | |
1988 | 小喬治·斯托克(George Stalk, Jr.) | "Time - The Next Source of Competitive Advantage" | July-August |
克裡斯托弗·哈特(Christopher W.L. Hart) | "The Power of Unconditional Service Guarantees" | July-August | |
1989 | 加里·哈默爾(Gary Hamel) and 普拉哈拉德(C.K.Prahalad) | "Strategic Intent" | May-June |
菲利斯·斯沃茲(Felice N. Schwartz) | "Management Women and the New Facts of Life" | January-February | |
邁克爾·詹森(Michael C. Jensen) | "Eclipse of the Public Corporation" | September-October | |
1990 | William Wiggenhorn | "Motorola U: When Training Becomes an Education" | July-August |
查爾斯·弗格森(Charles H. Ferguson) | "Computers and the Coming of the U.S. Keiretsu" | July-August | |
普拉哈拉德(C.K.Prahalad)、加里·哈默爾(Gary Hamel) | "The Core Competence of the Corporation" | May-June | |
1991 | 安德魯·拉帕波特(Andrew S. Rappaport)、斯繆爾·哈勒維(Shmuel Halevi) | "The Computerless Computer Company" | July-August |
約翰·希利·布朗(John Seely Brown) | "Research That Reinvents the Corporation" | January-February | |
1992 | 查爾斯·漢迪(Charles Handy) | "Balancing Corporate Power: A New Federalist Paper" | November-December |
查爾斯·奈特(Charles F. Knight) | "Emerson Electric: Consistent Profits, Consistently" | January-February | |
1993 | 詹姆斯·摩爾(James Moore) | "Predators and Prey: A New Ecology of Competition" | May-June |
戴維·加文(David A. Garvin) | "Building a Learning Organization" | July-August | |
1994 | 克裡斯·阿吉裡斯(Chris Argyris) | "Good Communication That Blocks Learning" | July-August |
彼得·德魯克(Peter F. Drucker) | "The Theory of the Business" | September-October | |
1995 | 約瑟夫·鮑爾(Joseph L. Bower)、克萊頓·克裡斯滕森(Clayton M. Christensen) | "Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave" | January-February |
查爾斯·漢迪(Charles Handy) | "Trust and the Virtual Organization" | May-June | |
1996 | 加里·哈默爾(Gary Hamel) | "Strategy as Revolution" | July-August |
邁克爾·波特(Michael Porter) | "What Is Strategy?" | November-December | |
1997 | 斯圖爾特·哈特(Stuart L. Hart) | "Beyond Greening: Strategies for a Sustainable World" | January-February |
阿裡·德赫斯(Arie de Geus) | "The Living Company" | March-April | |
菲利普·埃文斯(Philip B. Evans)、托馬斯·沃斯特(Thomas S. Wurster) | "Strategy and the New Economics of Information" | September-October | |
1998 | 瓊·瑪格麗塔(Joan Magretta) | "The Power of Virtual Integration: An Interview with Dell Computer's Michael Dell" | March-April |
提摩西·魯曼(Timothy A. Luehrman) | "Strategy as a Portfolio of Real Options" | September-October | |
普拉哈拉德(C.K.Prahalad)、李侃如(Kenneth Lieberthal) | "The End of Corporate Imperialism" | July-August | |
1999 | 約翰·哈格爾三世(John Hagel III)、馬克·辛格 (Marc Singer) | "Unbundling the Corporation" | March-April |
加里·哈默爾(Gary Hamel) | "Bringing Silicon Valley Inside" | September-October | |
2000 | 羅伯特·戈費(Robert Goffee)、加雷斯·瓊斯(Gareth Jones) | "Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?" | September-October |
邁克爾·麥考比(Michael Maccoby) | "Narcissistic Leaders: The Incredible Pros, the Inevitable Cons" | January-February | |
胡安·恩里克斯(Juan Enriquez)、雷·戈德伯格 (Ray A. Goldberg) | "Transforming Life, Transforming Business: The Life-Science Revolution" | March-April | |
2001 | 邁克爾·波特(Michael Porter) | "Strategy and the Internet" | March |
約翰·哈格爾(John Hagel)、約翰·希利·布朗(John Seely Brown) | "Your Next IT Strategy" | October | |
克萊頓·克裡斯滕森(Clayton Christensen)、邁克爾·雷納(Michael Raynor)、馬修·韋爾蘭登(Matthew C. Verlinden) | "Skate to Where the Money Will Be" | November | |
2002 | 理查德·法森(Richard Farson)、拉爾夫·凱伊斯(Ralph Keyes) | "The Failure Tolerant Leader" | August |
邁克爾·波特(Michael Porter)、馬克·克萊默(Mark R. Kramer) | "The Competitive Advantage of Corporate Philanthropy" | December | |
2003 | 悉尼·羅森(Sydney Rosen)、喬納森·西蒙(Jonathan Simon)、傑弗里·文森特(Jeffery R. Vincent)、 威廉·麥克勞德(William MacLeod)、馬修·福克斯(Matthew Fox)、 唐納德·西婭(Donald M. Thea) | "AIDS Is Your Business" | February |
羅德里克·克萊默(Roderick M. Kramer) | "The Harder They Fall" | October | |
2004 | 彼得·德魯克(Peter F. Drucker) | "What Makes an Effective Executive" | June |
羅伯特·莫里森(Robert Morison)、塔瑪拉·埃里克森(Tamara Erickson)、肯·迪赫特沃德(Ken Dychtwald) | "It's Time to Retire Retirement" | March | |
李效良(Hau L. Lee) | "The Triple-A Supply Chain" | October | |
2005 | 潘卡基·格瑪沃特(Pankaj Ghemawat) | "Regional Strategies for Global Leadership" | December |
斯蒂文·斯比爾(Steven J. Spear) | "Fixing Health Care from the Inside, Today" | September |