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捷培森咨詢(JF Pearson)目錄[隱藏] |
捷培森咨詢有限公司(JF Pearson)是一家提升企業商業績效的咨詢公司,組織舉辦高峰論壇和提供各類企業培訓,合作伙伴遍佈亞太地區及英美等歐洲國家。
作為世界級的商業信息提供方,每年JF Pearson組織超過100個以上的大型會議培訓活動,服務於來自全球領先企業的超過15,000位職業經理人,幫助追求卓越的企業或個人不斷持續競爭優勢。
- Dedicated to pursuing excellence in products, relationships and people
- Caring and respecting your colleague and the company
- Generating and maintaining enthusiasm for building a customer-centric organization
- Encouraging teamwork and collaboration
- Taking your job seriously and professionally and keeping personal life and job apart
- Achieving more with less
- Taking initiatives to create values for yourself and the company
- Being creative and innovative all the time to achieve systematic success and competitive advantages
- Possessing a strong belief in the products and value we deliver
- Making work fun
- Valuing accountability and do work to the highest standards
- Hardworking and refusing to give up
JFPS Group is comprised of a high-caliber professional team with a multi-lingual / multi-national background and extensive international market experiences.
Our production, sales, marketing executives and training consultants continually strive to ensure that every single event and solution we produce is of the highest quality and ideally suited to the selected target market.
JFPS Group's industry leadership is strengthened by an experienced and dynamic management team, which brings a unique combination of experience in market research, business consulting, event production and promotion, and professional training in the United States, UK and the Asia Pacific region including Mainland China,Chinese Hong Kong,Chinese Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia. The team's broad understanding of the global markets, in-depth insight into the current affairs and far-reaching strategic vision are the key elements to our business success.
Becoming a reliable & innovative business performance enhancement partner for our clients through the delivery of conferences, trainings, consulting & other value added services.
Assisting our clients to create sustainable competitive advantages by providing them with comprehensive & consistent services & solutions.
We are dedicated to achieving excellence in our products, relationships, and people.