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總部位於德國慕尼黑的HypoVereinsbank AG (HVB)里提供服務的員工將毫無疑義地同意。總資產超過5,050億歐元(6230億美金)的HVB是歐洲排名前三位的銀行之一,也是歐洲大陸領先的房地產金融服務商。
Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank Aktiengesellschaft (commonly referred to as HypoVereinsbank or HVB) is the second-largest private German financial institution and is the second-largest German retail bank, with a strong presence in Bavaria. The company is based in Munich, and together with Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, Commerzbank and Deutsche Postbank, it belongs to the Cash Group. The spokesman for the executive board is Wolfgang Sprißler.
The other board members are: Willibald Cernko, Rolf Friedhofen, Heinz Laber, Ronald Seilheimer, Stefan Schmittmann, Matthias Sohler, Andrea Umberto Varese, and Andreas Wölfer.
On 24 November 2005, its takeover by UniCredit Group SpA was completed, after an offer of five new UniCredit shares for one Hypo- und Vereinsbank share was accepted by shareholders representing 93.93% of the company.
The banking group employs approximately 25,000 employees and operates approximately 750 subbranches and has more than 8.5 million clients. The bank's business focuses on Germany.