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美國應用材料公司(Applied Materials)




  應用材料公司在2002年被評選為100家最受推崇的美國公司之一;最佳接受少數族裔的公司之一等其他獎項。作為全球化的公司,應用材料公司早在1984 年就在中國開始業務並且成為第一個在中國的外資半導體生產設備供應商。應用材料公司的腳步也隨著中國半導體工業和集成電路產業的發展向前邁進。應用材料公司於1997年正式在中國註冊獨資公司。中國公司總部也已落戶上海浦東張江高科技園區,在北京、天津、蘇州和無錫設有辦事處和零配件倉庫,並把上海作為全球技術培訓中心之一。隨著中國經濟的迅猛發展和穩定增長,應用材料公司對中國半導體工業和集成電路產業的發展和市場遠景滿懷希望和信心並做出長期的承諾。


  應用材料公司不僅和業界保持著良好的伙伴關係還同中國政府保持著長期的友好往來。應用材料公司的董事長詹姆斯·摩根先生早在1984年就與時任中國電子工業部副部長的江澤民主席有過友好往來,江主席也曾在訪美期間欣然應邀參觀應用材料公司。除此之外,摩根先生還分別參加了1999年和2001年的財富論壇以及2001年在上海舉行的APEC工商領導人峰會並主持高科技分會的研討。鑒於摩根先生對中國半導體及集成電路事業的關心和貢獻,上海市政府曾經於 1999年向他授予了“白玉蘭榮譽獎”。



A growing number of people are embracing the technology that Applied Materials enables. Whether using more powerful and affordable chips for a widening array of applications, viewing media on energy-saving flat panel displays or employing solar technology to provide cost-effective, environmentally-friendly energy, billions of people around the world benefit from these advances. The opportunity to improve the way people live is the powerful motivator that drives the innovative thinking and technical solutions made possible by Applied Materials.


The Founding Years

In 1967, it would still be decades before the term “Information Age” entered the general vocabulary. The microprocessor had not been invented and the first personal computer was years away. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were in junior high school. The cell phone was only a concept. And work on ARPANET, the forerunner of today’s Internet, had just begun. Few people at the time could have predicted that the technology industry would grow so rapidly or become as large as it is today. And, without Applied Materials it would not have been possible.

Right Business, Right Time, Right Capabilities

Applied Materials was at a crossroads when Jim Morgan became president. The company was in default of its bank loans and engaged in more businesses than it could handle. The challenge Morgan faced was to make sure Applied Materials had the right capabilities to take advantage of every opportunity. That meant making substantive changes and taking risks in nearly every part of the company. If done well, Applied Materials stood a chance of one day becoming a great global competitor.

Innovation, Commercialization, Quality

Scientific discovery is essential for staying at the cutting edge of technology, but innovations have to be turned into commercial products that customers want to buy before they can be considered a success. Finding ways to combine the best of both worlds, innovation and commercialization, is what continues to inspire the technologists of Applied Materials.

Great Global Competitor

There is arguably no industry or technology more global than semiconductors. The capital, brainpower and equipment that fuel the semiconductor industry flow almost effortlessly around the globe to wherever they are most needed. To compete in an industry of this kind requires a company that is equally global and flexible—one that works across boundaries and can embrace the cultures of its customers and its employees whereever they may reside. That is a good description of the kind of company Applied Materials has evolved into over the years.

Total Solutions

No longer was Applied Materials a small, relatively unknown company selling obscure machinery. Now it was a multibillion-dollar corporation with thousands of global employees, providing an array of sophisticated equipment that makes virtually every new semiconductor chip and liquid crystal flat panel display in the world. By any measure, the company was the industry leader. But as strong as Applied Materials was, there was an opportunity to be even better—a chance to use its unique capabilities to offer customers new solutions and services.

Bright Future

As predictable and inevitable as technological innovation appears to be, the future must still be created. Across the company, we are working to develop products that not only serve customers' needs, but conserve the Earth's natural resources, and make alternative energy and environmental solutions both accessible and affordable. At Applied Materials, the objective is clear—to continuously reduce our environmental footprint while creating innovative technologies that enable a cleaner, smarter and better planet.

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