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阿爾及利亞第納爾(Algerian Dinar 原符號:AD. 標準符號:DZD)
目錄[隱藏] |
阿爾及利亞第納爾為阿爾及利亞官方貨幣。阿爾及利亞實行有管制的浮動匯率制,中央銀行掌控著所有的外匯資源。實現貨幣—阿爾及利亞第納爾的完全可自由兌換是阿外匯政策的任務與目標。自上世紀90 年代外貿壟斷體制被廢除以來,阿外匯管理限制已有大幅減輕,資金流入流出較前已大為自由,阿企業家、商人以及阿民眾較以往能夠更為便利地獲取外匯並將其作為支付和消費手段。這不僅推動了對外貿易發展,而且也促進了外來投資的增長。
阿政府設立了外匯穩定基金,以減輕國際貨幣市場的波動給阿國民經濟及金融市場帶來的衝擊、保持經常項目下以及資本項目的國際收支平衡。此外,第納爾同美元、歐元等可自由兌換貨幣之間的匯率保持一定幅度的波動,以使其反映正常的貨幣市場供求關係。伴隨國際原油價格的不斷上揚,阿外匯儲備在2005 年5月底已達到460億美元,阿應對外匯市場變動以及國際金融危機的能力進一步加強。阿爾及利亞目前正進行經濟體制改革併在積極謀求加入世界貿易組織,阿外匯管理方面規定也在不斷地修改和完善。
鑄幣幣值: 1、2、5、10、20、50分及1、5、10第納爾
1DZ=100 centimes(分)
The history of the Algerian Dinar
During Ottoman times Algeria used the Asper, as its unit of account and as specie, although Spanish and Portuguese coins also circulated. No banknotes were issued prior to the annexation of Algeria by France. The French franc became legal tender in 1830 and Banque de l’Algerie was established in 1851 and held the monopoly on the issuance of banknotes in Algeria. The French and Algerian franc traded at par and both French and Algerian banknotes circulated in Algeria, though the majority of the coins in circulation were French with only but a few Algerian coins being locally minted.
Banque de l’Algerie became Banque de l’Algerie et de la Tunisie in 1949, issuing banknotes for both Algeria and Tunisia. When Tunisia formed its own central bank, the Banque de l’Algerie was reborn on November 3, 1958. In 1959 French and Algerian banknotes were made legal tender in both countries. In 1960 the nouveaux franc replaced the franc germinal at a rate of 100 franc germinal to one nouveaux franc. After a long war with France, Algeria gained its independence in 1962. In 1963, the Central Bank of Algeria was formed and it began to issue its own franc, but this was short lived and the franc was replaced with the Algerian dinar in 1964. The Algerian dinar is divided into 100 centimes and the dinar’s ISO 4217 code is DZD. The Central Bank of Algeria currently has held the monopoly on the issue of banknotes since 1963.
Currently coins in Algeria are issued in denominations of 5, 10, 20 and 50 dinars. Centime coins and 1 and 2 dinar coins are no longer used due to a period of inflation in the early 1990 which went along with a the transition to a more capitalistic economy. Banknotes currently come in denominations of 100, 200, 500 and 1000 dinars. One thing that is odd, despite the lack of use of the centime, prices are still quoted by locals in centimes, i.e. a price of 200 dinars will be quoted as 20,000 centimes.