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紐約廣告獎(The New York Festivals)
紐約廣告獎官方網站:http://www.newyorkfestivals.com/ 英文
目錄[隱藏] |
每年的六月廣告節開幕並舉行頒獎盛會,全球的廣告精英們在此青梅煮酒論英雄。賽事的每大項目均設有國際傳媒大獎的金獎座,分門別類地決出金、銀、銅獎,入闈者頒給獲獎證書。初審於4月舉行,5月寄出決賽通知書,各分類獎項將於5月選出,最大獎項將在 6月的第一周最終揭曉。獲獎者的作品將刊載在《廣告時代》等權威雜誌上,併在互聯網上和全球的創意愛好者分享這些佳作。所有決賽作品將被製為當年廣告年鑒出版發行(故參賽作品均要附上35毫米菲林片)。
1990年紐約廣告節專門為聯合國公共信息部門設立了聯合國大獎,授予那些把聯合國的宗旨及種種社想,詮釋得最為出色的公益廣告作品。在紐約廣告節廣告大賽中和得決賽資格的公益作品自然成為這個榮譽的和得者。聯合國關註的全球焦點和利益包括:和平和安全、婦女優先權、社會進步、健康問題(包括HIV和愛滋病)、人權、犯罪與暴力、民主、持續發展和擺脫貧困。公益項目的印刷,廣播和電視廣告作品的決賽將由聯合國的"藍帶"評審團來親自評選,從中選出金、銀、銅獎獲得者。報名費用:單項作品約125美金 系列作品約175美金
Learn about each of the award types below. Different duplicate awards have different costs and are not all available for every level of award.
The NYF Grand Award is a silver-plated Revere bowl 12" x 6" and rests on a 2-1/2" high walnut base. "Grand Award" and "The New York Festivals" are hand engraved on the bowl and a plate mounted on the walnut base is engraved with 5 lines of credits with no more than 60 characters per line.
World Medals are available for Gold, Silver or Bronze winners. The NYF World Medal is die struck with the Western Hemisphere on one side and the Eastern Hemisphere on the other (you can choose on which side you want the name plate). The World Medal is embedded in a Lucite block mounted on a solid black base and is 6-7/8" x 4-3/8 x 1-3/8". A plate mounted on the base is engraved with 5 lines of credits with no more than 50 characters per line.
Certificates are available for Grand Awards; Gold, Silver and Bronze World Medals and Finalists, and can accommodate up to 7 lines of credits with no more than 60 characters per line. The first 3 lines are reserved for Name of Company or Person Entering, Brand Name and Title of Entry.
Walnut Wall Plaques are available for Grand Awards, Gold, Silver and Bronze World Medals and Finalists. Plaques are mounted inside a 13" x 11" shadow box frame, containing a 10" x 7" brass plate engraved with 7 lines of credits with no more that 60 characters per line. The first 3 lines are reserved for Name of Company of Person Entering, Brand Name and Title of Entry.
Custom Framed World Medals are available for Gold, Silver or Bronze winners. The NYF World Medal is suspended by a decorative ribbon and encased in an 11" x 14" Rosewood shadow box frame. The shadow box face is then covered in clear Plexiglas. A plate inside the box is engraved with 5 lines of credits with no more than 50 characters per line.