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動態能力(Dynamic Capabilities)是指“企業保持或改變其作為競爭優勢基礎能力的能力”,為適應不斷變化的外部環境,企業必須不斷取得、整合、再確認內外部的行政組織技術、資源和功能性能力。動力能力可以使企業在給定的路徑依賴和市場位勢條件下,不斷地獲得新競爭優勢;可以通過學習獲取和使用外部能力(市場中及其它企業的公共資源和部分戰略資源),更好地保持企業競爭優勢對市場環境的敏感性。提斯認為,讓企業的生產要素與專有資源有機地結合起來的組織與管理能力,是企業在長期生產經營過程中積累形成的一種無形資源。正是企業的這種能力大幅度地降低了交易費用,而且該能力是企業競爭優勢的主要來源。動態能力理論秉承了熊彼特“創造性毀滅”的思想,認為企業只有通過其動態能力的不斷創新,才能獲得持久的競爭優勢。針對當今高新科技產業的飛速發展和瞬息萬變的市場環境,該理論特別強調組織與管理能力和創新能力,開拓性創新以剋服能力中的慣性和剛性,是動態能力理論的靈魂和特征。企業必須具有創新能力,創新能力是企業發展最為關鍵的能力。
(1) 公共資源。它是企業購買的生產要素和獲得的知識;
(2) 專有資源。如商業秘密、專利技術這些無形資產,它們屬於戰略性資源;
(3) 組織與管理能力。它是指能讓企業的生產要素與專有資源有機地結合起來的組織與管理能力,這是企業在長期生產經營過程中積累形成的一種無形資源。
提斯認為, 正是企業的這種能力大幅度地降低了交易費用,而科斯交易成本理論中企業代替市場降低的交易費用只是很小的一部分。而且,這種資源是企業競爭優勢的主要來源;
(4) 創新能力。動力能力理論認為,針對當今高新科技產業的飛速發展和瞬息萬變的市場環境,企業必須具有創新能力,創新能力是企業發展最為關鍵的能力。
Professor David J. Teece is an authority on subjects including the theory of the firm and strategic management, the economics of technological change, knowledge management, technology transfer, and antitrust economics and innovation. He has a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Pennsylvania, has held teaching and research positions at Stanford University and Oxford University, and has also received three honorary doctorates. Dr. Teece has testified before Congress on regulatory policy and competition policy, is author of over 200 books and articles, and is the editor of "Industrial & Corporate Change" (Oxford University Press). According to Science Watch, he is the lead author on the most cited article in economics and business worldwide, 1995–2005. He is also one of the top 10 cited scholars in economics and business for the decade, and has been recognized by Accenture as one of the world's top 50 business intellectuals. David J. Teece教授是企業理論和戰略管理、技術變革經濟學、知識管理、技術轉讓、反壟斷經濟學和創新等學科的權威。他擁有賓夕法尼亞大學經濟學博士學位,曾在斯坦福大學和牛津大學擔任教學和研究職務,還獲得了3個榮譽博士學位。提斯博士曾就監管政策和競爭政策在國會作證,著有200多本書和文章,並擔任《工業與市場》(Industrial &《企業變革》(牛津大學出版社)。據《科學觀察》報道,他是1995年至2005年《全球經濟與商業》雜誌上被引用次數最多的文章的主要作者。他也是近十年來被引用的經濟學和商學十大學者之一,並被埃森哲評為全球50強商業知識分子之一。
- Honorary Doctorates
- 2000, Doctor Honoris Causa, St. Petersburg State University, Russia (Teece remarks)
- 2004, Honorary Doctorate, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark (remarks by Prof. Kreiner) (announcement pdf)
- 2004, Honorary Doctorate, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
- Professional and Academic Awards
- 1973-1974, Penfield Traveling Fellowship in Diplomacy, International Affairs, and Belles-Lettres
- 1978, Mellon Foundation Junior Faculty Fellowship
- 1982, Esmee Fairbairn Senior Research Fellow, University of Reading, England
- 1989, Enterprise Oil Fellowship in Energy Economics, St. Catherine's College, Oxford University
- 1992, Distinguished Visitor, Policy Studies Group, Tokyo
- 1995, Elected Fellow, International Academy of Management
- 1998, Clarendon Lectures in Management Studies, University of Oxford
- 1999, Andersen Consulting Award for Best Paper in California Management Review
- 2002, Top 50 Living Business Intellectuals (Accenture Institute for Strategic Change)
- 2003, Viipuri International Prize in Strategic Management and Business Economics, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland (Prof. Kyläheiko remarks)
- 2003, Strategic Management Journal Best Paper Award
- 2003, Listed in ISI Highly Cited Researchers, Economics/Business
- 2005, Science Watch Top 10 Author Worldwide in Economics and Business for the decade 1995-2005 based on citation counts (Thomson Scientific Essential Science Indicators)
- 2005, Most cited paper (Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management, 1997) in the Science Watch index of Scientific Research in Economics and Business, 1995-2005 (Thomson Scientific Essential Science Indicators)
- 2007, Thomson in-cites May 2007. Ranked No. 8 in Most-Cited Researchers in Economics and Business (from Essential Science Indicators, covering a ten-year plus two-month period. January 1997-February 28, 2007)
- 2007, Honorable Professor at Zhongnan University of Law and Economics, China