出自 MBA智库百科(https://wiki.mbalib.com/)
FCB方格(FCB Grid)
目錄[隱藏] |
FCB方格是1980年Foote Cone & Belding(博達大橋廣告公司)公司的Richard Vaughn開發的的一個廣泛用來描述消費者購買決策行為特征的工具。
Think | Feel | |
High Involvement | Learn | Feel |
Feel | Learn | |
Do | Do | |
Low Involvement | Do | Do |
Learn | Feel | |
Feel | Learn |
方格4:消費者類型是反應者(Reactor)。特征是低介入、感性。購買產品主要是滿足個人的特殊嗜好,如雪茄、電影等。決策模式為:行動(Do)— 感覺(Feel)— 學習(Learn)。廣告應重視消費者的體驗和自我感覺。
- ↑ Roshani Gyawali.Influence of chemist channel in consumer buying behaviour of Fast Moving Consumer Goods in Nepal[J].Turku University of Applied Sciences,2014
I believe there is a mistake with the 2nd pattern since .. Affective Strategy: it should be Feel - do -learn
sorry ;( now I made the mistake .. .
what I mean is that the 2nd should be Feel -learn -do , rather than Feel -do -learn according to P496 , " Marketing communications interactivity,communications,and content " writen by Chris Fill . You could definitely Google for the FCB Gird image ,anyway.
sorry ;( now I made the mistake .. .
what I mean is that the 2nd should be Feel -learn -do , rather than Feel -do -learn according to P496 , " Marketing communications interactivity,communications,and content " writen by Chris Fill . You could definitely Google for the FCB Gird image ,anyway.
樓上這位大哥也是樸茨茅斯畢業的吧。。。。Chris Fill的忠實fans
I believe there is a mistake with the 2nd pattern since .. Affective Strategy: it should be Feel - do -learn
同意。確實錯了。buti think it should be feel-learn-do,as i learned
我個人理解為 1.需求needs 2.欲求wants 兩個軸 比較通俗易懂
I believe there is a mistake with the 2nd pattern since .. Affective Strategy: it should be Feel - do -learn