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迪克·庫克(Dick Cook)——前迪斯尼影片公司主席目錄[隱藏] |
2002年開始擔任迪士尼公司影視部門,即The Walt Disney Studios董事長,負責掌管迪士尼公司所有的影視製作、發行和營銷業務,並直接向迪士尼公司CEO羅伯特艾格彙報。由於為人實在和與公司合伙人建立了良好的人際關係,他在第二年被《商業周刊》譽為迪斯尼“最和善的人”。
Dick Cook 也被認為是接替艾格的第一人選,並且很有可能擔任迪士尼公司的總裁和COO。
Cook has served as a USC trustee and as president of the USC Alumni Association (1999-2000).He is a sponsor of the USC Scripter Circle. Cook is on the board of directors for the Will Rogers Institute and the Will Rogers Motion Picture Pioneers Foundation. He is a past president of The Chandler School Board of Trustees and past chairman of the Flintridge Preparatory School Board of Trustees.
In 1976, Cook was awarded the George Washington Medal of Freedom by the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge. This award is in recognition of individuals "who 'go above and beyond the call of duty' on local, regional or national level projects or efforts that continue at least one year."
In 2004, Cook was awarded the Motion Picture Showmanship Award by the International Cinematographers Guild to honor creative accomplishments in forming, developing, producing or presenting motion picture projects.
In 2005, Cook was awarded the Walt Disney Man of the Year Award, in recognition of "inspiring and positive role models for young people" from within the entertainment community, by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles & the Inland Empire.