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普惠發動機公司(Pratt & Whitney)
目錄[隱藏] |
普惠發動機公司是一家著名的飛機發動機製造商,它的產品被廣泛用於軍用和民用。作為三大飛機發動機製造商之一,是通用電氣和勞斯萊斯公司的主要競爭對手和投資伙伴。普惠是聯合技術公司(United Technology Company)的旗下一員。
除飛機發動機之外,普惠公司的主要產品還包括用於發電的燃氣渦輪、潛艇渦輪、火車機車發動機以及火箭發動機。普惠公司成立於1860年,該公司由兩名合伙人的名字命名,總部位於康涅狄格州的哈特福特郡。該公司的主要產品包括用於波音777的AW4000發動機以及用於F-22猛禽戰鬥機的F119發動機。 對華合作去年12月,普惠公司與中國東方航空股份有限公司簽訂諒解備忘錄,將建立航空發動機大修合資企業。這是普惠公司首次在亞洲設立合資企業。根據這項備忘錄,未來的合資企業將以上海為基地,定位於具備深度修理能力的世界級CFM56發動機大型維修工廠,主要為中國及亞太地區航空公司客戶提供維修服務。今年2月,普惠公司與中國民航總局空管局簽訂協議,向在北京籌建的中國民航博物館捐贈一臺PW4098發動機。PW4098發動機是普惠公司目前最大的風扇發動機(112英寸),也是推力最大的發動機(9.8萬磅),原始價值1900萬美元,專門用於為B777-300飛機提供動力。
Pratt & Whitney, a United Technologies Corp. company (NYSE:UTX), is a world leader in the design, manufacture and service of aircraft engines, industrial gas turbines and space propulsion systems. Pratt & Whitney reported an operating pro?t of $2.12 billion in 2008 on revenues of $12.97 billion. The company’s 38,577 employees support more than 9,000 customers in 180 countries around the world.
Pratt & Whitney was founded in Hartford, Conn., in 1925 by Frederick Rentschler. Pratt & Whitney’s ?rst aircraft engine was the 410-horsepower, air-cooled Wasp, which delivered unprecedented performance and reliability for the time and transformed the aviation industry. Pratt & Whitney has been leading change ever since.
Pratt & Whitney builds engines for front line fighters, like the F-15 Eagle, F-16 Fighting Falcon, F-22 Raptor and F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, as well as the C-17 Globemaster III military transport.
Pratt & Whitney Canada has produced more than 60,000 engines which power corporate jets, regional aircraft and helicopters around the globe.
Pratt & Whitney’s large commercial engines power more than 30 percent of the world’s passenger aircraft ?eet. The company continues to develop new engines and work with its partners in International Aero Engines and the Engine Alliance to meet airline customers’ future needs.
Pratt & Whitney’s broad portfolio of businesses includes industrial gas turbines that light cities and power ships. Our PureCycle? power system converts heat from geothermal resources, oil and gas wells and other sources into clean electricity.
Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne has been the power behind over 1,600 launches and has been a key engine provider to the U. S. space program since its inception. That service continues today with the Space Shuttle Main Engines and the engines for the current Delta and Atlas launch vehicles. The U.S. return to the moon and innovative missile defense products will also be powered by Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne engines.
Pratt & Whitney is developing game changing technologies for the future, such as the PurePowerTM PW1000G engine, with patented Geared TurbofanTM technology, for next generation of passenger aircraft and hypersonic propulsion systems for aircraft that will travel more than six times the speed of sound. Through Global Service Partners, Pratt & Whitney is also developing innovative new services that will delight customers around the globe. Pratt & Whitney Global Material Solutions is the first OEM to re-engineer, certify and manufacture both gas-path and life-limited parts for the CFM56-3 engine.