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亞歷克斯·奧斯本(Alex Faickney Osborn,1888.5.24 - 1966.5.4):創造學和創造工程之父,頭腦風暴法之父,BBDO廣告公司創始人
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亞歷克斯·奧斯本:創造學和創造工程之父、頭腦風暴法的發明人,美國BBDO廣告公司(Batten, Bcroton, Durstine and Osborn)創始人,前BBDO公司副經理。是美國著名的創意思維大師,創設了美國創造教育基金會,開創了每年一度的創造性解決問題講習會,並任第一任主席,他的許多創意思維模式已成為家喻戶曉的常有方式。所著《創造性想象》的銷量曾一度超過聖經的銷量。20世紀40年代,亞歷克斯•奧斯本在其公司發起創新研討。1953年和帕內斯教授在在紐約州立大學布法羅學院創辦了世界上第一個創造學系,開始招收創造學專業的本科生和碩士研究生。1954年,奧斯本作為布法羅州立大學的董事會成員,促成該校建立“創新教育基金會”。
Alex F. Osborn helped found Batten, Barton, Durstine and Osborn in 1919 and served as its executive vice president and general manager from 1938 to 1945 when he became vice chairman of the board. But this success and prestige at the pinnacle of the advertising industry did not satisfy his ambition completely.
He spent much of his life pioneering in the broader realms of idea development - teaching how to think creatively. He began with a manual he compiled on how to solve merchandising problems. This grew into the book How to Think Up and was followed by Your Creative Power, Make Up Your Mind and The Gold Mine Between Your Ears - each of which was translated into numerous foreign languages and sold widely.
He devoted the last decade of his life to promoting the Creative Education Foundation, which he financed by assigning to it the royalties from his books. The University of Buffalo and other universities established courses in creativity and by 1965 there existed campus courses applying his techniques in fields as far apart as architecture, animal husbandry, novel writing and police training. The Post Office Department issued a manual on the subject and the Air Force put 50,000 reserve officers through training in creative thinking on 300 campuses.
He is generally credited with creating such phrases as "brainstorming" and "creative imagination." The diversity of his interests, including avid participation in the University of Buffalo, fine arts, painting, hospital and other charitable causes, displayed the breadth of a citizen who made his mark by initiating and practicing the principles of creative living.
- 1921 A Short Course in Advertising, C. Scribner’s sons.
- 1942 How to "Think Up", McGraw-Hill.
- 1948 Your Creative Power, C. Scribner’s sons.
- 1952 Wake Up Your Mind, C. Scribner’s sons.
Osborn, Alex (1953). Applied Imagination: Principles and Procedures of Creative Problem Solving. New York, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. ISBN 978-0023895203.
- 1955 The Goldmine Between Your Ears, C. Scribner’s sons.
Osborn also contributed frequently to trade publications such as Printer’s Ink.
- 想象力是人類能力的試金石,人類正是依靠想象力征服世界。