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詹姆斯·马奇(James G. March,1916~):名副其实的多领域管理大师,组织决策研究领域最有贡献的学者之一
目录[隐藏] |
2003年两位管理学者罗伦斯·普赛克与托马斯·戴文波特制作了一张200位管理大师的排行榜在《哈佛商业评论》上,然后他们问上榜的大师们一个问题:谁是你心目中的大师?排在第一位的是20 世纪最伟大的管理思想家德鲁克,排在第三位的是诺贝尔经济学奖获得者赫伯特·西蒙,而排在德鲁克之后,西蒙之前的则是几乎没有公众知名度的詹姆斯·马奇。
James G. March is Professor Emeritus at Stanford University. He is best known for his research on organizations and organizational decision making. March is highly respected for his broad theoretical perspective which combined theories from Psychology and other behavioural sciences. He collaborated with the Cognitive psychologist Herbert Simon on several works on organization theory. March is also known for his seminal work on the behavioural perspective on Theory of the firm along with Richard Cyert (1963). In 1972 March worked together with Olsen and Cohen on the systemic-anarchic perspective of organizational decision making known as the Garbage Can Model.
James G March is the father of four children and the grandfather of nine. Since 1953, he has served on the faculties of the Carnegie Institute of Technology, the University of California, Irvine, and (since 1970) Stanford University. He has been elected to the National Academy of Science, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the National Academy of Education, and has been a member of the National Science Board.
- An introduction to the theory and measurement of influence (1955)
- Autonomy As a Factor in Group Organization (1980) ISBN 0-405-12980-7
- Ambiguity and Choice in Organizations (1980) ISBN 82-00-01960-8
- Decisions and Organizations (1988) ISBN 0-631-16856-7
- Rediscovering Institutions (1989) ISBN 0-02-920115-2
- A Primer on Decision Making (1994) ISBN 0-02-920035-0
- Democratic Governance (1995) ISBN 0-02-874054-8
- The Pursuit of Organizational Intelligence (1998) ISBN 0-631-21102-0
- On Leadership (2005) ISBN 1-4051-3247-7