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单一指数模型(Single-index model)
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单一指数模型(single-index model (SIM))是简单资产定价模型,它通常用于金融行业对于一个股票的风险和回报的评估。
- 其中:
- rit is return to stock i in period t
- rfis the risk free rate (i.e. the interest rate on treasury bills)
- rmt < / sub > ''isthereturntothemarketportfolioinperiod''t'' * * < math > αi is the stock's alpha, or abnormal return
- βi is the stocks's beta, or responsiveness to the market return
- Note that rit − rf is called the excess return on the stock, rmt − rf the excess return on the market
- εit is the residual (random) return, which is assumed normally distributed with mean zero and standard deviation σi
These equations show that the stock return is influenced by the market (beta), has a firm specific expected value (alpha) and firm-specific unexpected component (residual). Each stock's performance is in relation to the performance of a market index (such as the All Ordinaries). Security analysts often use the SIM for such functions as computing stock betas, evaluating stock selection skills, and conducting event studies.
为了便于分析,单一指数模型假设只有一种宏观因素会引起股票收益风险,可以用一个市场指数的收益率来表示,例如标普指数500(S&P 500)。根据这个模型的假设,任何股票的收益都可以分解为个别股份剩余收益的期望(这里用一个公司特指的因子α表示)、影响市场的宏观事件的收益和不可预测的只影响公司的微观事件组成。
βi(rm − rf) 表示股票影响下的市场运动,ei表示公司因素影响下的债券风险。
- 大部分的股票有正的协方差因为他们对于宏观事件反应相似。
- 然而,一些公司对于这些因素的敏感程度大于别的公司,由系数β来控制这个敏感程度。
- 债券之间的协方差是由于对宏观事件的不同反应程度造成的。所以,每只股票的协方差(covariance)等于他们的β与市场方差(market variance)相乘。
- Cov(Ri, Rk) = βiβkσ2.