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弗蘭克·哈恩(Frank Horace Hahn)是英國著名的一般均衡理論學家。劍橋大學經濟學教授,丘吉爾學院研究員。他擁有幾個其他大學的榮譽學位,是英國學院的研究員,美國國家科學院的成員。
Frank Horace Hahn (born 1925) is a British economist whose work has focussed on general equilibrium theory, monetary theory, Keynesian economics and monetarism. A famous problem of economic theory, whether it is possible for money to have a positive value in a general equilibrium, is called “Hahn's Problem” after him.
- ”The Share of Wages in the Trade Cycle”, Economic Journal, vol 60 (1950).
- “The Share of Wages in National Income”, Oxford Economic Papers vol. 3 #2 (1951).
- “The Rate of Interest in General Equilibrium Analysis”, Economic Journal (1955).
- “Gross Substitutes and the Dynamic Stability of General Equilibrium”, Econometrica vol 26 (1958) pp 169-70.
- “The Patinkin Controversy”, Review of Economic Studies vol. 19 (1960).
- “The Stability of Growth Equilibrium”, Quarterly Journal of Economics vol. 74, pp 206-26 (1960).
- “Money, Dynamic Stability and Growth”, Metroeconomica vol. 13 #11 (August 1961).
- “A Stable Adjustment Process for a Competitive Economy”, Review of Economic Studies vol 39 pp 62-5 (1962).
- “A Theorem on Non-Tatonnement Stability” with T.Negishi, Econometrica vol. 30 #3 (1962).
- “On the Stability of a Pure Exchange Equilibrium”, International Economic Review, vol. 3 (May, 1962), 206-13.
- “The Stability of the Cournot Oligopoly Solution”, Review of Economic Studies vol. 29 pp 329–33 (1962).
- “On the Disequilibrium Behavior of a Multi-Sectoral Growth Model”, Economic Journal (1963)
- “The Theory of Economic Growth: A survey”, with R.C.O.Matthews (1964), Economic Journal vol 74 pp 779-902 (1964).
- “On Some Problems of Proving the Existence of an Equilibrium in a Monetary Economy” in Theory of Interest Rates (1965), edited by Hahn and Brechling.
- “Equilibrium Dynamics with Heterogeneous Capital Goods” Quarterly Journal of Economics vol. 80 (1966) pp 633-46.
- “On Warranted Growth Paths”, Review of Economic Studies, vol. 35, pp 175-84 (1968).
- “On Money and Growth”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking vol. 1 #2 (1969).
- “Some Adjustment Problems”, Econometrica vol. 38 #1 (January 1970).
- General Competitive Analysis (1971), with K.J. Arrow.
- “Equilibrium with Transactions Costs”, Econometrica vol. 39 #3 (1971).
- “The Winter of Our Discontent”, Economica (1973).
- “On Some Equilibrium Growth Paths” in Models of Economic Growth (1973), edited by Mirrlees and Stern.
- “On Transactions Costs, Inessential Sequence Economics and Money”, Review of Economic Studies vol. 40 #4 (October 1973).
- On the Notion of Equilibrium in Economics (1974).
- “Revival of Political Economy: The wrong issues and the wrong arguments”, Economic Record vol. 51 pp 360-4 (1975).
- “Keynesian Economics and General Equilibrium Theory: Reflections on some current debates” in Microeconomic Foundations of Macroeconomics (1977), edited by Harcourt.
- “Monetarism and Economic Theory”, Economica Vol. 47 #185 (1980).
- “General Equilibrium Theory” in Crisis in Economic Theory (1981) edited by Bell and Kristol.
- Money and Inflation (1982).
- “Reflections on the Invisible Hand”, Lloyd's Bank Review, April 1982.
- “The Neo-Ricardians”, Cambridge Journal of Economics (1982).
- “Stability” in Handbook of Mathematical Econonomics (1982), edited by Arrow and Intriligator.
- Equilibrium and Macroeconomics (1984).
- Money, Growth and Stability (1985).
- “Liquidity” in Handbook of Monetary Economics (1988), edited by Friedman and Hahn.
- Critical Essay on Modern Macroeconomic Theory (1995) with R.M. Solow.
- “A Remark on Incomplete Market Equilibrium” in Markets, Information and Uncertainty (1999), edited by Chichilnisky.
- “Notes on Sequence Economies, Transaction Costs and Uncertainty”, with K.J. Arrow Journal of Economic Theory vol. 86 #2 (1999).