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目錄[隱藏] |
電揚廣告公司(DY&R)是由全美排名前五大廣告集團揚雅廣告公司(Young & Rubicam)(也譯為:揚·羅比凱廣告公司)與全球最大的廣告代理公司電通(Dentsu)合資成立,服務網路遍佈全球73個國家、155個分公司。
1988中國臺灣電通揚雅廣告公司正式成立,2002年結合揚雅集團(Y&R Inc.)中的負責直效行銷及顧客關係管理業務的偉門公司(Wunderman),為客戶提供有效的整合行銷傳播服務及品牌管理溝通方案。
Founded in 1981, Dentsu Young & Rubicam is a unique joint-venture of two leading global communications groups, Dentsu and Young & Rubicam. Working as partners, our cross-cultural pedigree of Japan and the West allows us to provide innovative solutions to our clients and brands both in Japan and globally.
We free ourselves from preconceived ideas in developing strategies. We produce work with “today’s realism”, in order to change emotions, attitudes and behavior toward brands.
We are “media neutral”, free from conventional frameworks in media. We develop integrated plans to truly connect people and brands, without being influenced by superficial fads and passing trends.
Furthermore, we utilize resources beyond the preconceived boundaries of “domestic” and “overseas”. With this perspective, we are not only able to support foreign clients aiming for success in the Japanese market, but also to support Japanese companies looking for new opportunities in overseas markets – a bigger challenge, but one that we enjoy.