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加雷思·琼斯(Gareth R.Jones)
加雷思·瓊斯(Gareth R.Jones)
加雷思·瓊斯(Gareth Jones)



  加雷思·瓊斯(Gareth Jones)得克薩斯農業和機械大學Tesas A&M University)勞里·梅斯學院和商學研究生院(Lowry Mays Collage and Graduate School of Business)的管理學教授,目前還是英國和美國若幹所大學的訪問學者和客座教授。瓊斯教授專門研究戰略管理組織理論,並以其在運用交易成本分析解釋各種形式的戰略組織行為方面的研究而聞名遐邇。目前,他專註於戰略過程、競爭優勢信息技術問題的研究。

  他在其研究領域的核心雜誌上發表了許多文章,他最近的研究成果發表在《管理學評論》、《國際商業研究》、《人際關係》等雜誌上。他的一篇文章曾獲得《管理學會會刊》最佳論文獎,他還是在《管理學會評論》上發表傷口最多的學者之一;他同時也是這兩份雜誌和《管理探索》上發表最多的學者之一;他同時也是這兩份雜誌和《管理探索》等的編委會成員。加雷思·瓊斯也運用他的學術知識精心撰寫了若幹本重要的管理學教科書,並因其內容上的創新性、時代性、,也由於其為學生清楚地描述了複雜的現實管理問題而受到了廣泛的好評。 除了他的學術成就,加雷思還是管理學科其他三本重要教科書(關於組織行為學、組織理論和戰略管理)的合著者。

Gareth Jones

  Visiting Professor at the Instituto de Empresa in Madrid, Visiting Professor at INSEAD and a Fellow of the Centre for Management Development at London Business School

  Gareth’s career has spanned both the academic and business worlds. He began as a University academic in Economic and Social Studies at the University of East Anglia before moving to the London Business School, where he joined the Organisational Behaviour Group.

  During this period he directed the School’s Accelerated Development Programme. At this point the attractions of a “real” job in business proved too great and he joined Polygram, then the worlds largest recorded music company. Appointed as Senior Vice President for Polygram’s global human resources, his responsibilities covered more than thirty countries. In 1996 he reverted to academia when he became the BT Professor of Organisational Development at Henley where he also served on the Board of Governors. His most recent job was as Director of Human Resources and Internal Communications at the BBC. He is currently Visiting Professor at the Instituto de Empresa in Madrid, Visiting Professor at INSEAD and a Fellow of the Centre for Management Development at London Business School.

  Gareth’s research interests are in organisational design, culture, leadership and change. He has published several books, including “The Character of a Corporation: How Your Culture Can Make or Break Your Business” co-authored with Rob Goffee and most recently, “Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?”, also with Rob Goffee, and published by Harvard Business School Press in February 2006 . This latest leadership title was based on an article of the same name which won the prestigious McKinsey Award for the best article in HBR in 2001. The theme of authenticity was developed in another HBR article, “Managing Authenticity” which appeared in the December 2005 issue. Their latest article, “Leading Clever People” appeared in the March issue of HBR and deals with the special challenges of leading in the knowledge economy. This was runner-up for the 2008 McKinsey Award. Other articles have appeared in the European Management Journal, in Human Relations and in the Harvard Business Review. Gareth serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of People Management Magazine.

  In addition, Gareth is a founding partner of Creative Management Associates (CMA) a consultancy focused on organisations where creativity is a source of competitive strength. He is also a Trustee of The Work Foundation.

  Gareth talks about the kinds of attributes that make a good leader and explains why good leadership is “what works” for you”.













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