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JC·弗勞爾斯(J.C.Flowers & Co. LLC)JC·弗勞爾斯官方網址:http://www.jcfco.com/
目錄 |
在過去的幾年間,JCF完成的投資項目包括新生銀行(其前身為破產的日本長期信用銀行。新生銀行目前是日本十大銀行之一,最近連續三年被評為消費者最滿意銀行)、德國第12大的北部銀行(HSH NordBank)、荷蘭第四大的NIBC銀行、英國霍頓有限公司(Fox-Pitt, Keton “FPK”曾經承銷中國人保財險、中國建設銀行和中國銀行等金融機構海外IPO)及美國Enstar集團、Symetra金融集團和Affirmative保險公司等多個保險相關公司。
JC Flowers & Company are a private-equity group, founded in 2001[1]. The firm is based in New York City, and run by billionaire[2] J. Christopher Flowers, a former Goldman Sachs partner.
JC Flowers & Co serves as advisor to two private equity funds, J.C. Flowers I L.P. and J.C. Flowers II L.P., which are both solely focused on the financial services sector. JC Flowers in Europe is led by the managing directors Renate Krümmer (CEO of the German Flowers office in Hamburg, responsible for German language area) and Ravi Sinha (CEO of the UK office in London, responsible for Rest of Europe) [3].
JC Flowers' investments include:
- Enstar Group
- Shinsei Bank
- NIBC Bank N.V.
- Hypo Real Estate Group (Germany) (24.9% offer)
- HSH Nordbank AG (Germany) (26.6%)