2016年《福布斯》全球億萬富豪排行榜 (1121-1198)
出自 MBA智库百科(https://wiki.mbalib.com/)
榜單首頁 | 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-298 | 309-392 | 403-495 | 527-595 | 612-688 | 722-810 | 810-906 |
(906-1011) | 1011-1121 | 1121-1198 | 1198-1367 | 1367-1476 |1476-1577 | 1577-1694 | 1694-1694
1121 | Carlos Ardila Lulle | $1.6 B | 85 | soft drinks, diversified | Colombia |
1121 | O. Francis Biondi | $1.6 B | 51 | hedge fund | United States |
1121 | Thor Bjorgolfsson | $1.6 B | 48 | investments | Iceland |
1121 | Alberto Bombassei | $1.6 B | 75 | automotive brakes | Italy |
1121 | Julio Bozano | $1.6 B | 80 | banking | Brazil |
1121 | Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone | $1.6 B | 72 | cement, diversified | Italy |
1121 | Chen Jianhua | $1.6 B | 45 | chemicals | China |
1121 | Chen Jinxia | $1.6 B | 47 | investments | China |
1121 | Lucio and Susan Co | $1.6 B | 61 | Retailing | Philippines |
1121 | Robert Coyiuto, Jr. | $1.6 B | 63 | power | Philippines |
1121 | Belmiro de Azevedo | $1.6 B | 77 | retail | Portugal |
1121 | Benjamin de Rothschild | $1.6 B | 52 | banking | Switzerland |
1121 | Diego Della Valle | $1.6 B | 62 | shoes | Italy |
1121 | Ding Shijia | $1.6 B | 52 | sportswear | China |
1121 | Ding Shizhong | $1.6 B | 45 | sports apparel | China |
1121 | Andre Esteves | $1.6 B | 47 | banking | Brazil |
1121 | Fu Guangming | $1.6 B | 62 | poultry | China |
1121 | Victor Fung | $1.6 B | 70 | trading company | United States |
1121 | William Fung | $1.6 B | 67 | sourcing | Hong Kong |
1121 | Peter Gilgan | $1.6 B | 65 | homebuilding | Canada |
1121 | Sam Goi | $1.6 B | 67 | frozen foods | Singapore |
1121 | Mitchell Goldhar | $1.6 B | 54 | real estate | Canada |
1121 | Senapathy Gopalakrishnan | $1.6 B | 60 | software services | India |
1121 | Allan Gray | $1.6 B | 78 | money management | South Africa |
1121 | Alexandre Grendene Bartelle | $1.6 B | 66 | shoes | Brazil |
1121 | David Harding | $1.6 B | 54 | finance | United Kingdom |
1121 | Bill Haslam | $1.6 B | 57 | truck stops | United States |
1121 | Brian Higgins | $1.6 B | 51 | Hedge fund | United States |
1121 | Hu Kaijun | $1.6 B | 54 | pharmaceuticals | China |
1121 | Huo Qinghua | $1.6 B | 54 | coal | China |
1121 | Ravi Jaipuria | $1.6 B | 61 | soft drinks | India |
1121 | Jim Justice, II. | $1.6 B | 64 | coal | United States |
1121 | Alexander Karp | $1.6 B | 48 | software firm | United States |
1121 | Ke Xiping | $1.6 B | 55 | investments | China |
1121 | Suleiman Kerimov | $1.6 B | 49 | investments | Russia |
1121 | Karel Komarek | $1.6 B | 46 | oil and gas/lottery | Czech Republic |
1121 | Miguel Krigsner | $1.6 B | 66 | cosmetics | Brazil |
1121 | Willibert Krueger | $1.6 B | 75 | food processing | Germany |
1121 | Lau Cho Kun | $1.6 B | 80 | palm oil/real estate | Malaysia |
1121 | Lei Jufang | $1.6 B | 63 | pharmaceuticals | China |
1121 | Li Sze Lim | $1.6 B | 58 | real estate | Hong Kong |
1121 | Lim Oon Kuin | $1.6 B | 72 | oil trading | Singapore |
1121 | Lin Li | $1.6 B | 52 | investments | China |
1121 | Tianfu Lin | $1.6 B | 53 | footwear, apparel | Hong Kong |
1121 | Kenneth Lo | $1.6 B | 77 | Textiles | United Kingdom |
1121 | Lo Siu Yu | $1.6 B | 46 | conglomerate | Hong Kong |
1121 | Yusaku Maezawa | $1.6 B | 40 | online retail | Japan |
1121 | Satish Mehta | $1.6 B | 65 | Pharma | India |
1121 | Gary Michelson | $1.6 B | 67 | medical patents | United States |
1121 | Martin Moller Nielsen | $1.6 B | 51 | Nordic Aviation Capital | Denmark |
1121 | Martin Naughton | $1.6 B | 76 | heating equipment | Ireland |
1121 | Nandan Nilekani | $1.6 B | 60 | software services | India |
1121 | Or Wai Sheun | $1.6 B | 64 | real estate | Hong Kong |
1121 | Karsanbhai Patel | $1.6 B | 72 | consumer goods | India |
1121 | Stanley Perron | $1.6 B | 93 | property, retail | Australia |
1121 | Peter Peterson | $1.6 B | 89 | investments | United States |
1121 | Carlos Rodriguez-Pastor | $1.6 B | 56 | finance | Peru |
1121 | Kjell Inge Rokke | $1.6 B | 57 | shipping, seafood | Norway |
1121 | Eddy Kusnadi Sariaatmadja | $1.6 B | 62 | media, tech | Indonesia |
1121 | Thaksin Shinawatra | $1.6 B | 66 | investments | Thailand |
1121 | Mikail Shishkhanov | $1.6 B | 43 | oil, banking, real estate | Russia |
1121 | Ben Silbermann | $1.6 B | 33 | United States | |
1121 | Charles Simonyi | $1.6 B | 68 | Microsoft | United States |
1121 | Thomas Steyer | $1.6 B | 58 | hedge funds | United States |
1121 | Henry Swieca | $1.6 B | 58 | hedge funds | United States |
1121 | Katsumi Tada | $1.6 B | 70 | real estate | Japan |
1121 | Tian Ming | $1.6 B | 62 | measuring instruments | China |
1121 | Robert Toennies | $1.6 B | 37 | meat processing | Germany |
1121 | Tsai Hong-tu | $1.6 B | 63 | finance | Taiwan |
1121 | Wang Zhenghua | $1.6 B | 71 | budget airline | China |
1121 | Charlotte Colket Weber | $1.6 B | 73 | Campbell Soup | United States |
1121 | Ian Wood | $1.6 B | 73 | energy services | United Kingdom |
1121 | Jon Yarbrough | $1.6 B | 58 | video games | United States |
1121 | Zan Shengda | $1.6 B | 52 | diversified | China |
1121 | Zhu Baoguo | $1.6 B | 53 | pharmaceuticals | China |
1121 | Zhu Xingliang | $1.6 B | 56 | construction | China |
1198 | Syed Mokhtar AlBukhary | $1.5 B | 64 | diversified | Malaysia |
榜單首頁 | 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-298 | 309-392 | 403-495 | 527-595 | 612-688 | 722-810 | 810-906 |
(906-1011) | 1011-1121 | 1121-1198 | 1198-1367 | 1367-1476 |1476-1577 | 1577-1694 | 1694-1694