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  美國VF集團位列美國財富五百強,是全球最大的成衣上市公司之一。VF集團的目標是:成為世界上最貼近消費者需求的成衣公司。集團擁有一系列的國際品牌產品:牛仔休閑服飾、戶外運動服飾、工裝服飾、針織品、童裝、背包及泳裝等等.其中為世界知名品牌的有Lee,Wrangler,Hero, The North Face,Nautica,JanSport,Vans, Kipling,Reef......大部份品牌在全球150多個國家的銷售市場上處位於領先地位。



  恆德利服裝有限公司(H. D. Lee Apparel Limited )成立於1995年,是VF集團在國內設立的第一個全資附屬公司,並於廣州,深圳,上海,北京設有分支機構,現時主要負責Lee、Wrangler和 Hero牛仔品牌服飾在中國地區的產品開發,生產和銷售。為加速對市場需求的應答,公司於2006年成立恆德利服裝有限公司順德分廠,專門負責牛仔產品的洗水研發和樣板生產。

  威富服裝(深圳)有限公司成立於2007年,主要負責世界著名品牌The North Face戶外運動服飾在中國地區的經營業務。


Vision & Values

We will grow by building leading lifestyle brands that excite consumers around the world.

Ours is a perpetually driven culture, focused on constant innovation. Using deep research and insights, we combine the art and science of apparel to create products that excite consumers and brands that inspire loyalty.

We responsibly manage the industry's most efficient and complex supply chain, which spans multiple geographies, product categories and distribution channels.

Our goal is to continuously exceed the expectations of our consumers, customers, shareholders and business partners. We help our retail partners win with consistently solid execution and outstanding service. And we continually find ways to improve our performance and generate bottom line results.

Our people are the source of our success. VF associates share a deep commitment to diversity - in people and ideas. We conduct business with the highest levels of honesty and integrity and we foster a positive working environment based on creativity, collaboration and congeniality.

These are the things that make us great. These are the things that make us VF.

Today, VF is the world's largest apparel company. And we believe we're just getting started. Based on the results we've achieved over the past several years, we're confident that our strategy for growth - our Growth Plan - will continue to succeed.

Launched in 2004, our Growth Plan began the process of transforming VF into a global lifestyle apparel company. The Plan identified six Growth Drivers crucial to our success. These Drivers ensure a balanced approach to growth across multiple fronts, from acquisitions to international expansion to increased direct-to-consumer businesses.

The Plan also called for significantly increasing the share of revenues of our lifestyle businesses — Outdoor and Action Sports, Sportswear and Contemporary Brands — up to 60% of total revenues. A robust acquisition program, combined with strong organic growth, has enabled us to show steady progress against this goal. At the same time, our heritage businesses — Jeanswear and Imagewear — will continue to be important revenue and profit centers.

In January 2008, we updated our Growth Plan to reflect our confidence in our future. We established a new long-term revenue growth target of 8-10% fueled by both organic growth and acquisitions, an earnings per share growth target of 10-11% and a dividend payout of 40% of earnings. We also communicated our goal of achieving an operating margin of 15%. International growth and expansion in our direct-to-consumer businesses are key drivers of our Growth Plan. We expect that by 2012 international revenues will comprise a third of total revenues, while our direct-to-consumer business will account for 22% of total revenues and we aim to hit $11 billion in total revenues.

Even though the global recesssion had made our business challenging, we will remain focused on the biggest drivers of profitable growth combined with expert execution.

Our structure is one of the keys to our success. We refer to our lifestyle and heritage businesses as "coalitions." Each of our brands is managed from within our coalitions: Outdoor and Action Sports, Jeanswear, Sportswear, Contemporary Brands and Imagewear. This structure enables us to leverage our size, scale and global expertise across each coalition, while ensuring that each brand is expertly managed by leaders who are deeply connected to their brands. And our open, collaborative culture enables us to share best practices across coalitions, benefiting the company as a whole.

Taken together, these elements - Growth Drivers, coalitions, and an increasing emphasis on our lifestyle businesses - will be the keys to our growth and success in the future.












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