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美国行政管理和预算局(United States Office of Management and Budget)
美國行政管理和預算局(United States Office of Management and Budget)




  美國行政管理和預算局(Office of Management and Budget),美國總統辦事機構之一,是美國總統維持對政府財政計劃控制的機構。原名預算局,1970年改為現名。是協助總統編製和審核國家預算的機構。主要職責是:彙總各部門的屬於聯邦開支的項目及方案,進行初步研究審核然後提交總統核准;負責協助總統檢查行政部門的組織機構和管理狀況並向總統提出改善管理工作的建議。行政管理和預算局在最近幾屆總統管理的機構中,權力有逐漸增大的趨勢。


Structure of OMB

The largest component of the Office of Management and Budget are the four Resource Management Offices which are organized along functional lines mirroring the U.S. federal government, each led by an OMB associate director. Approximately half of all OMB staff are assigned to these offices, the majority of whom are designated as program examiners. Program examiners can be assigned to monitor one or more federal agencies or may be assigned a topical area, such as monitoring issues relating to U.S. Navy warships. These staff have dual responsibility for both management and budgetary issues, as well as responsibility for giving expert advice on all aspects relating to their programs. Each year they review federal agency budget requests and help decide what resource requests will be sent to Congress as part of the president’s budget. They perform in-depth program evaluations using the Program Assessment Rating Tool,[1] review proposed regulations, agency testimony, analyze pending legislation, and oversee the aspects of the President's Management Agenda including agency management scorecards. They are often called upon to provide analysis information to any EOP staff member. They also provide important information to those assigned to the statutory offices within OMB, which are Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, the Office of Federal Procurement Policy, the Office of Federal Financial Management, and the Office of E-Government whose job it is to specialize in issues such as federal regulations or procurement policy and law.

Other offices are OMB-wide support offices which include the Office of General Counsel, the Office of Legislative Affairs, the Budget Review Division (BRD), and the Legislative Reference Division. BRD performs government-wide budget coordination and is largely responsibly for the technical aspects relating to the release of the president’s budget each February. With respect to the estimation of spending for the executive branch, BRD serves a purpose parallel to that of the Congressional Budget Office for the estimation of spending for Congress, the Department of the Treasury for the estimation of revenues for the executive branch, and the Joint Committee on Taxation for the estimation of revenues for Congress.

The Legislative Reference Division has the important role of being the central clearinghouse across the federal government for proposed legislation or testimony by federal officials. It distributes proposed legislation and testimony to all relevant federal reviewers and distills the comments into a consensus opinion of the Administration about the proposal. They are also responsible for writing an Enrolled Bill Memorandum to the president once a bill is presented by both bodies of Congress for the president’s signature. The Enrolled Bill Memorandum details the particulars of the bill, opinions on the bill from relevant federal departments, and an overall opinion about whether the bill should be signed into law or vetoed. They also issues Statements of Administration Policy that let Congress know the White House’s official position on proposed legislation.


The Bureau of the Budget, OMB's predecessor, was established as a part of the Department of the Treasury by the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921. The Bureau of the Budget was moved to the EOP in 1939, and reorganized into OMB in 1970 during the Nixon administration. The first OMB included Roy Ash (head), Paul O'Neill (assistant director), Fred Malek (deputy director) and Frank Zarb (associate director) and two dozen others. In the 1990s, OMB was reorganized to remove the distinction between management staff and budgetary staff by combining those dual roles into each given program examiner within the Resource Management Offices.[2]


  • 美國行政管理和預算局局長
  • 美國行政管理和預算局副局長
  • 負責行政管理的副局長
  • 行政襄理局長
  • 負責立法事物的襄理局長
  • 負責行政的襄理局長
  • 負責聯絡的襄理局長
  • 負責經濟政策的襄理局長
  • 負責預算的襄理局長
  • 負責國家安全和國際事務的襄理局長
  • 負責人力資源的襄理局長
  • 負責健康和個人的襄理局長
  • 負責一般政府事務的襄理局長
  • 負責立法參考的襄理局長
  • 負責自然資源的襄理局長
  • 負責預算分析和系統的襄理局長幫辦
  • 負責預算審查和概念的襄理局長幫辦
  • 負責國家安全處的襄理局長幫辦
  • 負責國際事務處的襄理局長幫辦
  • 負責人力資源的襄理局長幫辦
  • 負責健康的襄理局長幫辦
  • 負責退伍軍人和個人事務的襄理局長幫辦
  • 負責運輸、商業、司法和服務處的襄理局長幫辦
  • 負責住房、財政、金融處的襄理局長幫辦
  • 負責自然資源處的襄理局長幫辦
  • 負責能源和科學處的襄理局長幫辦


  • 協助總統協調政府活動,指定和管理預算計劃,研究該機政府管理工作,改進會計工作,就財務立法協調各部意見。
  • 協助總統編製聯邦年度預算並監督預算的執行。
  • 研究聯邦政府的組織結構和管理程式,提出提高政府行政效率的建議。
  • 制定協調政府各項工作的措施,擴大機構間的合作。
  • 對政府各項工作作出評價,協助總統估價政府計劃的執行情況和效率。
  • 提出改革政府部門規章制度的建議和減少文書工作的計劃。
  • 審核擬議中的行政命令和公告,併在必要時起草這些文件。


  • 《美國政府機構手冊》




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