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直播電視集團公司(DIRECTV Group, Inc.)
目錄[隱藏] |
直播電視集團公司(DIRECTV Group, Inc.,NASDAQ: DTV)是一家世界領先的數位多途徑電視娛樂、寬頻衛星網路和服務及全球性錄影和資料廣播提供商。
休斯電子公司(Hughes Electronics Corporation)2004年3月16日宣佈,公司已更名為“直播電視集團(The DIRECTV Group, Inc.)”,其在紐約證券交易所的股票代碼也由“HS”變更為“DTV”,並於3月17日起以新的公司名稱和股票代碼進行交易活動。
公司總裁兼首席執行官凱斯·凱利(Chase Carey)說,“公司將專註於直播電視業務,而直播電視將主導我們的未來戰略併為我們的股東帶來更大的價值。”“我們的新名稱更好地體現了我們致力於圍繞‘直播電視’——這個美國領先的數字多頻道電視服務提供商來發展各項業務的決心。擁有超過1,220萬用戶的直播電視,其名稱和品牌有助於我們更好地與用戶產生共鳴;同時,此次更名旨在進一步強調我們的未來將有賴於直播電視業務的發展。”
休斯公司的原子公司,包括直播電視公司(DIRECTV, Inc.)、休斯網路系統公司(Hughes Network Systems)、直播電視拉美公司(DIRECTV Latin America)以及泛美衛星公司(PanAmSat)將繼續作為直播電視集團的子公司。
Hughes Electronics was formed in 1985 when Hughes Aircraft was sold by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute to GM for $ 5.2 billion. General Motors merged Hughes Aircraft with its Delco Electronics unit to form Hughes Electronics.
The group then consisted of: Delco Electronics Corporation, Hughes Aircraft Company, and Hughes Space & Communications Company.
Hughes Electronics founded DirecTV.
Hughes Electronics and PanAmSat agreed to merge their fixed satellite services into a new publicly held company, also called PanAmSat with Hughes Electronics as majority shareholder.
GM transferred Delco Electronics to its Delphi Automotive Systems business.
The aerospace and defense operations of Hughes Electronics (Hughes Aircraft) were merged with Raytheon. The remaining companies remained under the Hughes Electronics name and within GM.
Hughes Electronics Corporation sold its Hughes Space & Communications Company manufacturing business to Boeing, now renamed Boeing Satellite Development Center.
In December 2003, GM's interests in the remainder of the company, DirecTV, DirecTV Latin America, PanAmSat and Hughes Network Systems were sold to Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, reorganizing itself into the DirecTV Group. News Corp. actually owned only 39% of DirecTV, however it was the largest single shareholder, and several DirecTV executives had strong links to News Corp, including Chase Carey.
PanAmSat was sold to Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. in August.
SkyTerra Communications, Inc. completed its purchase of 100% controlling interest in Hughes Network Systems from the DirecTV Group in January.
In November 2006, News Corporation agreed to transfer its interest in DirecTV Group to John Malone's Liberty Media. In return it bought back Liberty's shares in News Corp., giving the Murdoch family tighter control of the latter firm.
On February 2008, after receiving FCC approval, Liberty completed its acquisition of News Corporation's stake in DirecTV. In return it bought back its shares of News Corp. However, Liberty was required by the FCC to sell its shares in either DirecTV's Puerto Rican operations or Liberty Global's cable provider in Puerto Rico. DirecTV Puerto Rico was accordingly placed in a trust twelve months later.
On May 4, 2009, DirecTV Group Inc. said it would become a part of Liberty's entertainment unit, part of which would then be spun off as a separate company called DirecTV. Liberty would increase its share of DirecTV from 48 to 54 percent, with Malone and his family owning 24 percent.
The resulting company would own Game Show Networks, FUN Technologies and three regional sports networks that had been part of Liberty.