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斯蒂文斯理工學院(Stevens Institute of Technology)斯蒂文斯理工學院:http://www.stevens.edu/sit/
目錄[隱藏] |
Stevens Institute of Technology creates new knowledge and educates and inspires students to acquire the competencies needed to lead in scientific discovery and in the creation, application and management of technology to solve complex problems and to build new enterprises.
The Institutional Vision
Stevens believes that solutions to many of the critical problems that face humanity can be found in improved use and understanding of technology, and that it is the duty of the Institute to produce engineers, scientists and business leaders prepared for this challenge. This vision is embodied in a concept referred to as "Technogenesis®," the process of education that begins with the inception of an idea and proceeds through the engineering and marketing phases of the development of a product or service which germinates from the idea. Inherent in this concept is the requirement that the educational structure and research effort be multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary. It provides researchers with the opportunity to collaborate in research efforts that cut across disciplinary boundaries and also provides the working professional with the broad educational experience that is essential in career enhancement. Stevens demonstrates its commitment through the development of several startup companies, increased patent activity, and the incorporation of Technogenesis philosophies, concepts and techniques in the classroom.
Going forward, Stevens is strongly committed to ensuring the necessary growth to advance our prestige worldwide. Our five year vision is as follows: Stevens is recognized as a premier technological university noted for its distinctive educational and research programs and the impact it has on issues of national and global significance.
斯蒂文斯理工學院成立於1870年,是一所四年制私立大學, 因為學生人數不算太多,大約約3,400名,因此在美國來講是屬於小型的大學,然而雖然學校小,但是在師資及排名上卻是不容忽視的。
史蒂文斯理工學院被公認最好的學科是工程、理科和專業管理,不過史蒂文斯理工學院Stevens Institute of Technology的學生則是認為電機及機械工程 是頂尖的,史蒂文斯理工學院Stevens Institute of Technology全校將近有70%的學生 是攻讀工程科系,11%攻讀計算器及電腦科學,10%攻讀自然科學。目前共450名學生參加“合作課程”,即廠校交替制,學生要五年才畢業,但五年期間,會到IBM以及General foods兩達機構實習三至五個學期不等。
熱門科系: 數學,電腦工程,信息科技,電機工程
史蒂文斯理工學院(Stevens Institute of Technology)創建於1870年,坐落於新澤西州的霍博肯市,與曼哈頓隔河相望,占地55公頃,在美國的教育和研究領域中,是一所位居前沿的理工類大學。該校教授和學者在科學工程及管理領域享有盛譽,培養出了諾貝爾獎獲得者費瑞得·瑞恩(Fred Raine)等傑出人才。
- 本科學費/年 75000 碩士學費 75000
- 本科總費用/年 18000 碩士總費用/年 18000
- 錄取比 54.08%
- GPA 3.80
- SAT Math 680
- SAT Verbal 620
- SAT總分 1300