批量與隊列 (Batch and Queue)
出自 MBA智库百科(https://wiki.mbalib.com/)
批量與隊列(Batch and Queue、Batch-and-Queue),也稱批量生產與排隊供應、成批排隊
批量與隊列(Batch and Queue)是一種生產方法,指不考慮實際的需求,而大批量的生產,導致半產品堆積在下一個生產工序,造成大量庫存(包括在製品與成品)。
Batch-and-Queue Also known as "batch-and-push"; a production process by which all the units in a given lot complete a particular stage of production before moving to the next stage. The Process creates a "batch" of units, which then must wait in a "queue" at each production stage as each unit is processed in turn。