出自 MBA智库百科(https://wiki.mbalib.com/)
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FCO:FULL CORPORATE OFFER,是供货商向购货商提供的文件,中文意思应该是“责任供货函”,内容包括:供货数量;批量;质检单;价格;结算办法;运输方式。
FCO是卖方出具的负责的意向性合同,是非正式合同,一般要在合同中注明:" This is not to be circulated and is onlyfor the purpose of this transaction only"
CORPORATE OFFER LETTERHEAD 1. PRODUCT : 2. ORIGIN : 3. SPECIFICATIONS: 4. PACKING : 5. INSPECTION: (By S.G.S. at loading port,on Seller's account. - [only if mentioned in the offer]) 6. QUANTITY: 7. DELIVERY: Port of ______ - firstshipment shall be within 30 days after the receipt of L/C by your bank. 8. MODE: FOB/C&F 9. PRICE: US$ ____ / MT 10.PAYMENT: (Irrevocable, Transferable,Documentary Letter of Credit, opened or confirmed by a Western European bankacceptable 11. PERFORMANCE BOND:for the entire contract value of each shipment 12. DOCUMENTS: (Following documents arerequested to be presented for payment on shipment: a) Clean on board bill of lading marked"freight prepaid" and blank endorsed. b) Certificate of weight and quantityissued by S.G.S. or comparable c) Certificate of origin issued by orendorsed by Chamber of Commerce of the country of origin. d) Signed commercial invoice. e) Master's receipt of all documents exceptcommercial invoice. f) Weight/packing list). 13. PROCEDURES: a) Buyer issues LOI b) Seller issues proforma c) Buyer signs and returns proforma d) Seller and buyer sign contract e) Buyer instructs his bank to KTT toSeller’s bank re proof of funds; f) Seller shall instruct his bank to KTT toBuyer’s bank re proof of product and % PB to be operable upon receipt of LC; g) Buyer’s bank opens LC; h) First shipment commences within 30 days. 14. BANKING COORDINATES: Documentary letterof credit to be opened by: Name & Address of Bank________________________ Officer:_____________ Tel No.________ Fax No.________ Telex No________ Swift Code_________ Buyer’s Account No___________ Name and address of confirming prime bank We look forward to receiving buy’s proforma offer. Yours sincerely |
我们______________,确认根据伪证处罚具有充分的法律和企业责任,我们准备,愿意并且能够根据下列条款及条件购买________吨的: 1.产品名称: 2.产地: 3.产品规格: 4.包装:散装 5.检查:(通过SGS在装货卖方的帐户上的端口,如果在要约中提到) 6.数量: 7.交付:港口______. - 先发货后应在30天内收到您的银行的L/C的。 8.方式:FOB / C&F 9.价格:美元____ /吨 10.PAYMENT:(不可撤销,可转让,纪录片信用证,开或由西欧银行向卖方接受确认,并支付100%即期对整个合同价值出示发货单证。 11.履约保证金:合同每批货物价值的百分比) 12.文件:要求支付上装运提交下列文件: A)清洁上标有“运费预付”提单和空白背书的法案。 b)证书由SGS签发的重量和数量或类似。 C)发出或由认可的原产地商会的原产地证书。 D)签署的商业发票。 E)主收到的所有文件,除商业发票。 F)重量/装箱单。 13.程序: A)买方问题意向书 B)卖方的问题备考 C)买方签署和返回表格 E)买方指示他的银行KTT卖方的银行资金证明重新 D)卖方与买方签订合同 F)卖方应当责令他的银行KTT买方的银行产品和%的铅是可操作性收到信用证后重新证明 G)买方银行打开LC H)第一批货在30天之内开始 14.银行坐标:要打开的信用单信用证: 银行的名称及地址________________________ 主任:_____________ 电报No________迅速代码_________ 买方的帐户No___________ 确认一流(大)银行的名称及地址。 |