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密蘇里大學羅拉分校(University of Missouri Rolla,Missouri University of Science and Technology)密蘇里大學羅拉分校網站網址:http://www.mst.edu/
目錄[隱藏] |
密蘇里大學羅拉分校(University of Missouri Rolla),也叫密蘇里理工大學(Missouri University of Science and Technology)。成立於1870年,原名密蘇里礦業學院,是密蘇里州首位工業性大學,是一所以工程科學為特長的國際一流大學,其能源、土木、材料等學科處於全美前列,採礦工程學科排名全美第二,辦學歷史悠久,科研實力雄厚。
作為全美著名的工程、科學、電腦、和技術大學,密蘇里大學羅拉分校University of Missouri Rolla也提供信息科學、商業、和人文。96%畢業生找到工作;申請醫學院、法學院、及其它研究院的學生90%成功。密蘇里大學羅拉分校提供非常優秀的本科生教育,同時也為你節省金錢。
密蘇里大學羅拉分校University of Missouri Rolla只有4000本科生,是一個小學校。華人非常非常少。她是一所美國傳統觀念的理工大學。學生功課有一定的壓力。
學校設施:圖書館 ,館藏210萬冊藏書,期刊種類繁多,視聽中心、電腦中心等
- 本科學費/年 $17398
- 碩士學費 $14643
- 本科總費用/年 $26187
- 碩士總費用/年 $23432
- SAT Math: 647
- SAT Verbal: 612
- SAT總分: 1259
- ACT: 28
Missouri S&T is one of the top technological research universities in the nation. Surrounded by Ozarks scenery (Rolla is about 100 miles west of St. Louis), the campus is accessible, safe and friendly. Known for its engineering programs, Missouri S&T also offers degrees in the sciences, liberal arts, humanities and business. About 6,000 students are currently enrolled in classes, making Missouri S&T big enough to accommodate a diverse population but small enough for individuals to stand out.
Missouri S&T students are expected to actively participate in the processes of getting an education, whether that means joining a student design team, participating in intercollegiate athletics, conducting research with faculty members, helping to assure safe drinking water in a Central American community, or planning activities for the campus’s next St. Pat’s celebration. Upon graduation, these experienced students are in extremely high demand by companies across the nation and around the world.
Without exceptional faculty members and involved alumni, it wouldn’t be possible to give these students a world-class education. The campus currently employs astronauts, bridge builders, chemists, filmmakers, historians, pyrotechnicians, rocket scientists, solar energy experts and video bloggers. Missouri S&T graduates, many of whom give time and money back to the university, work on the International Space Station, play professional poker, run NASCAR teams, search for cancer cures, win Academy Awards and lead Fortune 500 companies.
Missouri S&T is a campus in motion. Students can be seen pedaling human-powered vehicles in the shadow of Toomey Hall, the new mechanical and aerospace engineering complex. Mining engineers are growing oil-producing algae underground while materials scientists are learning how to mend broken bones with glass in their laboratories. Founded in 1870, the University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy was the first technological institution west of the Mississippi River. One of four campuses in the University of Missouri System, the name was changed to the University of Missouri-Rolla in 1964. Today, the campus is poised to meet the challenges of the 21st century as Missouri University of Science and Technology.