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(重定向自Hirofumi Uzawa)
宇泽宏文(Hirofumi Uzawa)
宇泽宏文(Hirofumi Uzawa)
  宇泽宏文(Hirofumi Uzawa,1928-), 日本同志社大学社会共有资本研究中心主任。日本学士院会员。东京大学名誉教授。





  • "On Preferences and Axioms of Choice", 1956, Annals of Statistical Mathematics.
  • "On the Rational Selection of Decision Functions", 1957, Econometrica.
  • "On the Menger-Wieser Theory of Imputation", 1958, ZfN.
  • Studies in Linear and Non-Linear Programming with K.J.Arrow and Leonid Hurwicz, 1958.
  • "Prices of Factors of Production in International Trade", 1959, Econometrica.
  • "Locally Most Powerful Rank Tests for Two-Sample Problems", 1960, Annals of Mathematical Statistics.
  • "Preference and Rational Choice in the Theory of Consumption", 1960, in Arrow, Karlin and Suppes, editors, Mathematical Models in Social Science.
  • "Walras' Tatonnement in the Theory of Exchange", 1960, RES.
  • "Market Mechanisms and Mathematical Programming", 1960, Econometrica.
  • "Stability and Non-Negativity in a Walrasian Adjustment Process" with H. Nikaido, 1960.
  • "Constraint Qualifications in Non-Linear Programming", with K.J. Arrow and L. Hurwicz, 1961, Naval Research Logistics Quarterly
  • "On a Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth, I", 1961, RES.
  • "Natural Inventions and the Stability of Growth Equilibrium", 1961, RES.
  • "The Stability of Dynamic Processes", 1961, Econometrica
  • "On the Stability of Edgeworth's Barter Process", 1962, IER.
  • "Walras's Existence Theorem and Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem", 1962, Economic Studies Quarterly.
  • "Aggregative Convexity and the Existence of Competitive Equilibrium", 1962, Economic Studies Quarterly.
  • "Production Functions with Constant Elasticities of Substitution", 1962, RES.
  • "On a Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth, II", 1963, RES.
  • "On Separability in Demand Analysis", with S.M. Goldman, 1964, Econometrica.
  • "On Professor Solow's Model of Technical Progress", 1964, Economic Studies Quarterly.
  • "Optimal Growth in a Two-Sector Model of Capital Accumulation", 1964, RES.
  • "Duality Principles in the Theory of Cost and Production", 1964, IER.
  • "On an Akerman-Wicksellian Model of Capital Accumulation", with T. Yasui, 1964 Economic Studies Quarterly.
  • "Optimum Technical Change in an Aggregative Model of Economic Growth", 1965, IER.
  • "Patterns of Trade and Investment in a Dynamic Model of International Trade", with H. Oniki, 1965, RES.
  • "On a Neoclassical Model of Economic Growth", 1966, Economic Studies Quarterly.
  • "Market Allocation and Optimum Growth", Australian EP.
  • "The Penrose Effect and Economic Growth", 1968, Economic Studies Quarterly.
  • "Time Preference, the Consumption Function and Optimum Asset Holdings", 1968, in Wolfe, editor, Value, Capital and Growth.
  • "Time Preference and the Penrose Effect in a Two-Class Model of Economic Growth", 1969, JPE.
  • "Optimum Fiscal Policy in an Aggregative Model of Economic Growth", 1969, in Adelman and Thorbecke, editors, Theory and Design of Economic Development.
  • "On the Integrability of Demand Functions", with L. Hurwicz, 1971, in Preferences, Utility and Demand.
  • "Diffusion of Inflationary Processes in a Dynamic Model of International Trade", 1971, Economic Studies Quarterly.
  • "Towards a Keynesian Model of Monetary Growth", 1973, in Mirrlees and Stern, editors, Models of Economic Growth.
  • "Optimum Investment in Social Overhead Capital", 1974, in Economic Analysis of Environmental Problems.
  • "La theorie economique du capital collectif social", 1974, Cahier d'econometrie et economique.
  • "On the Dynamic Stability of Economic Growth", 1974, in Trade, Stability and Growth.
  • "Disequilibrium Analysis and Keynes's General Theory", 1976.
  • Preference, Production and Capital: Selected papers of Hirofumi Uzawa., 1988.
  • Optimality, Equilibrium and Growth: Selected papers of Hirofumi Uzawa, 1988.
  • An Endogenous Rate of Time Preference, the Penrose effect, and dynamic optimality of environmental quality, 1996, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.











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