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CIT集团(CIT Group Inc)

官方网站网址:http://www.cit.com 英文
http://zs.cit.com/ 中文



  CIT(NYSE:CIT)是一家银行控股公司,拥有600多亿美元金融租赁资产。 100多年以来,CIT提供贷款、咨询和租赁服务给小型和中型市场 企业,并使它们获得了无可比拟的业内专业知识。CIT的总部位于纽约市,是一家跻身财富500强公司

  CIT运营的CIT Bank(CIT银行)是一家位于犹他州的全方位服务银行,由犹他州的金融机构部门和FDIC管辖。




  公司理财是中小型贸易级贷款(低于15000万美元)前10名的领先策划公司,共拥有3000多个客户。业务包括商业与产业, 通讯、传媒和娱乐, 能源, 医疗保健, 投资银行服务,和小企业贷款.

  贸易金融是美国最主要的保理服务公司, 其客户来自美国、加拿大、欧洲和亚洲。CIT的保理服务向数千家小型制造商提供了资金,而这些制造商又将其产品销售给那些依赖CIT获得货物流的小型和大型零售商


  供应商融资 是美国名列第1的独立租赁公司,服务的商务终端客户包括小企业到财富500强公司,数量多达500,000多家。借多种优势及 技术和办公设备 公司来维护客户关系,这些公司可以提供值得信赖的企业设备租赁




  知识资本:我们知道帮助客户成长并获得成功所花费的不仅仅是金钱。 我们的知识和理念,以及关系资本和金融资本能确保客户成功。



  我们在CIT的使命是致力于成长为世界一流的金融服务公司,我们的使命是促进经济快速增长,为全世界的企业和客户创造更多的发展机会。 历经百年风云,我们以我们丰富的经验为每位客户提供极具创新性的金融解决方案,给客户带去的是丰富的知识、专家的建议和创新的意识。



  我们的专业团队不仅了解金融产业而且也了解您的产业 - 并且这将引领您的公司迈向成功。 我们在提供企业融资解决方案方面的丰富经验,使CIT具有为您的企业提供适当融资服务的实力。


  Whether you need help improving business cash flow, acquiring new business, refinancing debt or restructuring, CIT Corporate Finance will work with you to meet your immediate and long-term financing needs.


  CIT是保理业务的佼佼者,可以成功地帮助企业平衡资本支出和收入。 我们将与您一起努力提高现金流量,增加周转资金,满足业务的日常需求。


  CIT Transportation Finance works with manufacturers, dealers and brokers to provide you with the widest possible selection of transport vehicles and flexible financing options. 我们的专长涉及铁路和航空,在这个领域里我们管理着由300多架飞机组成的机队。


  CIT Vendor Finance(CIT供应商融资)针对全球范围不同产业的设备制造商、贩卖商、供应商经销商提供全面的融资服务、个性化项目、销售规划支持、投资组合购买、以及免税市政融资服务。

  CIT Bank(CIT银行)

  CIT Bank is chartered by the state of Utah and regulated by the Utah Department of Financial Institutions and the FDIC. CIT Bank has an independent Board of Directors that guides its activities. CIT Bank raises deposits to fund its lending activities, currently by issuing CDs through various investment channels.


  无论您是个人还是一家正在发展的中间市场型企业,CIT Global Insurance Services(CIT全球保险服务)都可以满足您所有的保险需求。我们的财政保障解决方案包括:针对消费者的债权保护、财产保险补充保险,以及针对公司的财产保险、伤亡保险和职工福利保险。






  Entrance to headquarters at 505 Fifth Avenue in New York

  On February 11, 1908, Henry Ittleson founded the Commercial Credit and Investment Company in St. Louis, Missouri.

  In 1915 it moved to New York City and renamed itself Commercial Investment Trust and went by the initials of C.I.T. It remains in New York City today. By that time, the company provided financing for wholesale suppliers and producers of consumer goods. The company added automobile financing to its product line in 1916, through an agreement with Studebaker, the first of its kind in the auto industry. During World War I, CIT financed the manufacture of 150 submarine chasers. It also added consumer financing of radios through an agreement with Thomas Edison, Inc. During the Roaring 20s following the war, consumer spending rose dramatically and CIT prospered in its consumer appliance, furniture, and automobile financing groups. In 1924, CIT incorporated in Delaware and listed itself on the New York Stock Exchange. CIT entered the field of factoring in 1928 and expanded operations into Europe in 1929.

  With international tensions rising prior to World War II, CIT closed its German operations in 1934. Arthur O. Dietz succeeded Ittleson as president of the company in 1939. During the war, CIT offered its 2000 employees a month's bonus, life insurance, and a guaranteed job on return if they served in the armed forces. From 1947 to 1950, the company's net income rose from $7.3 million to $30.8 million — $273 million in recent terms. Ittleson died at age 77 on October 27, 1948.

  The company moved into a new building at 650 Madison Avenue in Manhattan in 1957. In 1960, Walter Lundell succeeded Dietz as president of the company. Five years later, in 1959, the company passed $100 billion ($1 trillion in recent terms) in financing volume since its founding. The Vietnam War racial turmoil of the 1960s resulted in CIT making changes to its business. In 1969, CIT entered the personal and home equity loan and leasing business and left auto financing. In 1979, restrictive banking rules forced CIT to sell its bank, National Bank of North America. CIT was acquired by RCA Corporation in 1980. RCA promptly sold CIT's four manufacturing businesses: Picker, Gibson, All-Steel, and RACO. The Madison Avenue building was sold in 1982 as the company moved to a newly-constructued headquarters facility in Livingston, New Jersey in 1983. The address of the new headquarters was 650 CIT Drive, after the old 650 Madison Avenue address.

  In 1984, CIT was sold to Manufacturers Hanover Trust. In 1989, Manufacturers Hanover Trust sold sixty percent of CIT to Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank of Japan. As Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank ran into troubles within its core operations, it sold off non-core assets, including CIT, which in 1997 was carved out as a separate company and re-listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

  In 1999, CIT acquired Toronto-based Newcourt Credit Group Inc. for approximately US$4 billion to create one of the largest publicly-owned leasing companies. CIT over-paid for Newcourt, and merger integration troubles forced CIT to draw upon emergency credit facilities with several banks to avoid bankruptcy. As other funding sources dried up, CIT was forced to sell itself to Tyco International Ltd. in June 2001. CIT became the principal operating subsidiary of Tyco's Tyco Capital business. CIT's Livingston address was changed to 1 Tyco Drive.

  Tyco ran into its own operating troubles and sold or spun-off non-core opeerations, including CIT. On July 8, 2002 Tyco completed its divestment of its Tyco Capital business through an initial public offering IPO, via the sale of 100% of the common shares in CIT Group Inc. As an independent public company, CIT changed its Livingston address to 1 CIT Drive from 1 Tyco Drive.

  CIT moved its global headquarters back to New York City, opening a brand-new headquarters in 2006 across from the New York Public Library. Its headquarters were last in New York city in 1983. CIT retained its Livingston campus as its corporate headquarters.

  On July 1, 2008, CIT Group announced that it will be selling its home lending division to Lone Star Funds for $1.5 billion in cash in addition to the $4.4 billion in debt the company currently holds. CIT will concentrate on its commercial pursuits due to the decline in housing and mortgage markets of the past year. They also plan to sell their manufactured housing portfolio Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance Inc. for approximately $300 million, although it holds a value of $470 million.

  In 2008, CIT Group became a bank holding company in order to qualify for, and ultimately receive $2.3 billion in Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds.

  On July 13, 2009, Bloomberg TV reported that CIT was asking for FDIC loan guarantees.

  On July 15, the common stock of CIT was halted on the NYSE during trading hours with "News Pending". At 6:03 p.m. a press release was issued on the company's website[page needed] stating that talks of a government bailout was unlikely. The company had been advised that "no appreciable likelihood of additional government support being provided over the near term."[citation needed] CIT announced that it believed it was unlikely that it would receive further funding from the federal government, and CIT Group came very close to declaring bankruptcy. It was rescued in a US$3 billion deal on 19 July 2009, via an agreement with the bondholders group, which included Pacific Investment Management Company (PIMCO) and some other top CIT holders.

  On July 20, 2009, CIT Group escaped bankruptcy by securing a $3 billion loan from bondholders, and said it plans a comprehensive restructuring of its liabilities.

  On September 30, 2009, in its continuing struggle to avoid banktruptcy, CIT Group was reported to be in negotiations with Citigroup Inc., Barclays Capital, and its bondholders to secure rescue financing to comply with its filing to find a plan “acceptable” to the majority of a bondholder steering committee that provided it with the emergency cash by Oct. 1.

  On Sunday, 1 November 2009, CIT Group filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. It filed in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York along with CIT Group Funding Company of Delaware LLC.












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