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美国控件有限公司(Control Components Inc.,简称CCI)




  1981年CCI公司成为英国大财团IMI公司的全资子公司。在IMI 的资助下,CCI 公司发展迅猛,先后收购瑞士苏尔寿公司的阀门及控制分部,BTG瑞典特种阀门公司,意大利STI公司(生产气动执行机构)等多家公司。

  目前的CCI技术力量雄厚,产品丰富,针对电力行业主要产品有:汽机旁路、给水最小流量阀、给水三通阀、汽轮机主汽门,加热器疏水调节阀,给水调节阀,凝结水调节阀,锅炉吹灰蒸汽调节阀、减温减压器等。此外,CCI 还为核工业,石化天然气行业等工业领域的不同用户提供用于严峻工况下的调节阀。

  CCI公司设计生产能力雄厚,在美国,瑞士,瑞典,意大利,韩国均设有工厂,拥有员工1000多人,总生产能力每月17,000 工时,发货面积 2,000 平方英尺,办公面积是 25,000 平方英尺,机械加工车间的面积 48,000 平方英尺。

  苏尔寿公司和BTG公司的加盟,使 CCI公司成为目前中国乃至世界上最大的汽机旁路系统生产商,按照用户的要求,可以提供包括液动,气动和电动等不同型式执行机构的汽机旁路系统。在中国市场,CCI 已经为近百个电厂的不同类型的汽轮发电机组提供了旁路系统。占有70%以上的市场份额

  在服务方面,CCI 公司立足于售后服务本土化,在中国北京,上海,成都,大连,广州均设有办事处,且拥有一支由国内技术人员组成的经验丰富的现场服务队伍,以确保中国用户对安装,调试,维修,改造,备件采购的要求。

Company History

CCI Celebrates 40 Years of Providing Solutions in Severe Service

CCI, or Control Components Inc., was created in 1961 by Richard Self, who started the company when he saw a need for valves that could handle very high-pressure liquid hydrogen and oxygen. It was during his research that the right-angle tortuous flow path of the CCI DRAG? valve trim was conceived. The industry acknowledged this concept as a “great leap forward” in valve design, and in the 1980s, the Instrument Society of America recognized Self for his contribution to the advancement of flow control technology.

In 1971, Self sold CCI to the Babcock and Wilcox Company to finance the rapidly growing company. Later in 1981, British-based IMI, which also saw the growth potential of DRAG? in the industry, acquired CCI. Due to the company’s success in the 1980s and 1990s, CCI acquired the Sulzer Company’s Thermtec division in 1997 and BTG Valves in 2001.

As the world’s leading supplier of severe service controls, CCI strives to expand its outstanding portfolio of products and services. CCI Italy (formerly STI) designs and produces linear pneumatic actuators and accessories for severe service and develops accessories for actuators.

Furthermore, Fluid Kinetics, which CCI acquired in 2003, extends CCI’s leadership by adding more solutions to CCI’s resume. Fluid Kinetics is a premier supplier of customized industrial silencers to the power, oil and gas, and industrial gases markets. The combination of Fluid Kinetics’ in-depth silencer expertise and CCI’s severe service knowledge and experience positions CCI to provide superior noise solutions to meet customers’ unique needs.

Later in 2003, Herion-Werke KG GmbH Nuclear Process and Nuclear Process Control products were formally transferred from IMI Norgren to CCI. CCI manufactures the Herion solenoid-operated valves, which are used extensively in the nuclear power industry, at its CCI-AG facilities in Winterthur, Switzerland.

In 2005 CCI strengthened its presence in Asia with the acquisition of ABB KK in Japan, a leading provider of severe service control valves to the Japanese power industry.

Most recently in March 2006, IMI announced the acquisition of the Truflo group, specialists in valves and related flow control products. The Truflo Group serves a number of niche market sectors including oil and gas, nuclear, petrochemical and marine applications. Truflo has manufacturing plants and other facilities in the UK, Italy, France, Belgium, Germany and Canada. These synergies support CCI’s commitment to meet its customers’ needs by offering quality products backed by superior service.

CCI serves a world wide industrial community with manufacturing facilities in the United States, Mexico, China, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, the Czech Republic, South Korea and Japan. There are sales and services offices with direct CCI employees located in over 15 countries. The company is represented by local representative organizations in over 60 other countries. In many of these countries there are multiple locations to best serve the customers.





Dan,Angle Roh,Smileandblue,连晓雾,Tracy.







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