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洪永淼,1964年出生,1985年获厦门大学理学学士学位,1986~1988年先后就读于中国人民大学“经济学培训中心”和厦门大学经济学系,获经济学硕士学位,1988~1993年就读于美国加州大学(圣地亚哥)经济学系,师从2003年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者克莱夫.格兰杰(Clive Granger)爵士和赫柏特.怀特(Halbert White)教授,获经济学哲学博士学位,现为美国康奈尔大学经济学系和统计学系终身教授,厦门大学王亚南经济研究院院长、“长江学者”讲座教授,国家自然科学基金海外杰出青年科学基金获得者。
1981-1985 厦门大学物理系,获物理学学士学位。
1986-1987 中国人民大学培训中心,获结业证书。
1987-1988 厦门大学经济学系,获经济学硕士学位。硕士论文题目:《西方经济学非均衡理论和科尔奈“短缺经济学”的比较》。指导教师:黄志贤教授。
1988-1993 美国加州大学圣地亚哥校区经济学系,获经济学博士学位。博士论文题目:《计量经济学模型设定检验》。指导教师:Clive Granger 爵士和Halbert White 教授 (Chair)。
2003.5至今,康奈尔大学应用数学中心Field Member(博士生导师)。
- 《商业统计》
- 《高级计量经济学》
- 《时间序列计量经济学》
- 《非线性时间序列分析》
- 《金融计量经济学》
- 《中国金融市场实证分析》
- 《经济学研究方法论》
1998.2至今,Journal of Business and Economic Statistics编委。
2004.1至今,Journal of Econometrics编委。
2005.1至今,Econometric Theory编委。
2000.1至今,Annals of Economics and Finance联合主编。
"Serial Correlation and Serial Dependence",forthcoming in The New Palgrave Dictionary in Economics, 2nd Edition.
"Asymmetries in Stock Returns: Statistical Tests and Economic Evaluation", with J. Tu and G. Zhuo, Review of Financial Studies 20 (2007), 1547-1581.
"Can the Random Walk Model be Beaten in Out-of-Sample Density Forecasts: Evidence from Intraday Foreign Exchange Rates", with H. Li and F. Zhao, Journal of Econometrics 141 (2007), 736-776.
"Model-Free Evaluation of Directional Predictability in Foreign Exchange Markets", with J. Chung, Journal of Applied Econometrics 22 (2007), 855-889.
"An improved generalized spectral test for time series models with conditional heteroskedasticity of unknown form", with Y. Lee, Econometric Theory 23 (2007), 106-154.
"Validating Forecasts of the Joint Probability Density of Bond Yields: Can Affine Models Beat Random Walk?", with A. Egorov and H. Li, Journal of Econometrics 135 (2006), 255-284.
"Asymptotic theory for entropy-based measure of serial dependence", with H.White, Econometrica 73 (2005), 837-901.
"Generalized spectral testing for conditional mean models in time series with conditional heteroskedasticity of unknown form", with Y. Lee, Review of Economic Studies 72 (2005), 499-541.
"Nonparametric specification testing for continuous-time models with applications to interest rate term structure", with H. Li, Review of Financial Studies 18 (2005), 37-84.
"Wavelet-based consistent testing for serial correlation in panel models", with C. Kao, Econometrica 72 (2004), 1519-1563.
"Out-of-sample performance of discrete-time short-term interest models", with H. Li and F. Zhao, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 22 (2004), 457-473.
"Inference on predictability of foreign exchange rates via generalized spectrum and nonlinear time series models", with T. H. Lee, Review of Economics and Statistics, 85 (2003), 1048-1062.
"Diagnostic checking for the adequacy of nonlinear time series models", with T. H. Lee, Econometric Theory 19 (2003), 1065-1121.
"A test for volatility spillover with application to foreign exchange rates", Journal of Econometrics 103 (2001), 183-224.
"Generalized spectral tests for serial dependence", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B(Statistical Methodology), 62 (2000), 557-574.
"Hypothesis testing in time series via the empirical characteristic function: a generalized spectral density approach", Journal of the American Statistical Association 94 (1999), 1201-1220.
"Testing for independence between two covariance stationary time series", Biometrika 83 (1996), 615-625.
"Consistent testing for serial correlation of unknown form", Econometrica 64 (1996) 873-864.
"Consistent specification testing via nonparametric series regressions", with H. White, Econometrica 63 (1995), 1133-1159.
"China’s evolving managerial labor market", with T. Groves, J. McMillan and B. Naughton, Journal of Political Economy 103 (1995), 873-892.
"Autonomy and incentives in Chinese state enterprises",with T. Groves, J. McMillan and B. Naughton, Quarterly Journal of Economics CIX (1994), 183-209.
“计量经济学的地位、作用和局限”,洪永淼,经济研究,2007年5期, 277-301
2004.3-2005.2, 华盛顿国际食品政策研究所科研资助,研究项目:发展中国家经济增长非线形建模。合作者:国际食品政策研究所高级研究员张晓波博士。
2001.7-2004.6, 美国国家自然科学基金会经济学科研资助,研究项目:(1)小波分析,广义谱和非参数分析及其在经济学的应用。
2001.7-2004.6, 香港特区政府研究资助局科研资助,研究项目:广义谱分析在金融计量学中的应用。合作者:香港浸会大学经济学系沈刍尧教授。
2003.5-2004.5, 康乃尔大学东亚研究中心L.T.LAM旅行和研究资助。
1994.12-1995.1, 美国经济学教学和研究交流委员会旅行和研究资助。
1989-1993, 加州大学圣地亚哥校区经济学系学生“优秀学术奖”。