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巴西Marcopolo公司(Marcopolo) 巴西乃至美洲最大的客车制造企业巴西Marcopolo公司网站:http://www.marcopolo.com.br/
目录[隐藏] |
成立于1949年的MarcoPolo客车公司目前全球共有9家客车工厂,客车产品出口到 60多个国家,1991年,Marcopolo客车开始出口欧洲,其中包括德国、法国、荷兰等客车工业发达的西欧国家,而供应西欧市场的客车主要由 Marcopolo位于葡萄牙的工厂制造。在2001年,Marco polo客车生产已经突破10000辆,销售额超过10亿R$。而MarcoPolo的2002年度报告显示,其2002年客车销量更是创记录的达到 19509辆,此外,销售额也达到了历史新高,达到14亿8千万R$。
Marcopolo客车产品贯穿客车各个领域,包括长途客车、城市客车、中型客车和微型客车。其中2002年Marcopolo生产城市客车12046 辆,占据巴西城市客车市场的44.5%,生产长途客车4651辆,占据巴西长途客车市场的71.7%。
Marcopolo长途客车主要有Paradiso系列、Mutigo系列、Viaggio系列和Aandare系列。其城市客车主要有 Torino系列、Viale系列和Boxer系列。
- 1949 - Nicola & Cia Ltda is founded in Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil.
- 1961 - First export operation of the company to Uruguay.
- 1971 - Company's name is changed to Marcopolo S.A. Carrocerias e ônibus.
- 1978 - Stocks are sold at BOVESPA for the first time.
- 1981 - Manufacturing plant is inaugurated in Ana Rech, Caxias do Sul, Brazil, by the President of Brazil, João Figueiredo.
- 1989 -MVC Componentes Plasticos opens in São Jose dos Pinhais, PR, Brazil.
- 1991 - Marcopolo Industria de Carrocerias is established in Coimbra, Portugal. First Marcopolo Professional School is inaugurated.
- 1998 - Marcopolo Latinoamerica is established in Rio Cuarto, Cordoba, Argentina. Minibus Volare is launched. Production of the bus: 100 thousand.
- 1999 - Marcopolo S.A celebrates its 50th Anniversary. Polomex S.A. de CV is established in Àguas Calientes, Mexico. CIFERAL in Duque de Caxias, RJ, Brazil is purchased.
- 2000 - Superpolo is established in Bogota, Colombia. Marcopolo South Africa is established in Petersburg, South Africa
- 2001 - Technology transference agreement is signed, transference to Chaugzson, China. CEMEC (Centro Marcopolo de Educação Corporativa) is established. Marcopolo South Africa facilities are moved to Johannesburg. - Polomex S.A. de CV facilities are moved to Monterrey.
- 2002 - Adhesion to Bovespa's Corporative Government Level 2.
- 2003 - CasaPratica MVC is launched. Brand name Ciferal is repositioned and Citmax is launched.
- 2004 - New assembly line is inaugurated at the Plant in Ana Rech, Caxias do Sul, RS (Brazil) by the Brazilian President, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. The company has been restructured into 4 Independent Business Units: Bus Business Unit, with brand names Marcopolo and Ciferal; LCV Business with the brand name Volare; Parts & Components Business, with brand names that are already renowned worldwide; and Plastic Products Business with brand name MVC.
Today - 57th Anniversary of the company, consolidating an organization that has 7 manufacturing plants in the segment of buses and coaches, 4 manufacturing plants of plastic products, over 10,000 employees and a commercial and after-sales network spread over the 5 continents.